Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1476: Unclear

Jiang Cheng looked at Mr. Xu's appearance, and suddenly understood everything. The existence of Xu Lao is to give to the boss after all.

Sure enough, as the boss said, entering the army is a little bit tiring. But the status that came out was something no one could move. Jiang Cheng thought of this, and the corner of his mouth conjured up a helpless arc.

Looking at Mr. Xu's curious baby-like appearance, he still bowed his head. Mr. Xu sighed after seeing Jiang Cheng taking control of his head. Fortunately, it didn't matter.

He didn't want to have anything to do with the boss. Because he knows well that he can't afford to be the boss.

Today I wanted to bring Jiang Cheng to get to know people from all walks of life, and by the way, I took the opportunity to disclose the relationship between Jiang Cheng and Yinger. Who knew this happened.

In fact, as long as you open the relationship. Ying'er, Jiang Cheng had to stand up if not. Thinking of this, the corners of Xu Lao's mouth curled up, as if he had already done so.

Jiang Cheng looked at Xu Lao's wretched smile, and a bad feeling rose from the bottom of his heart. It's just that he himself couldn't tell what was wrong.

Old Xu gave Jiang Cheng a meaningful look behind him. Jiang Cheng followed Xu Lao's eyes and turned to look, only to see Liu Yu staring at him tightly behind him.

Jiang Cheng indifferently turned his head and shrugged. He had never bothered to compete with such a person. On the contrary, Mr. Xu in front of Jiang Cheng gave Liu Yu a sly look.

What's the matter with you and Liu Yu?" Xu Lao stared at Liu Yu displeasedly, then turned his eyes and asked. Liu Yu glanced at it with disdain, Liu Yu shrugged and said: [笔趣阁 ] "Maybe because of Xu Ying!

Old Xu nodded clearly, but did not speak.

A burst of applause erupted from the crowd, and Old Xu turned his head. Jiang Cheng hurriedly took the opportunity to find a corner with a small number of people and drilled over, but there were still people next to him.

There is also a corner with few people, next to Liu Yu. What happened outside just now, although people didn't say anything, they were all human beings. They avoided Liu Yu.

Standing in place, Liu Yu looked around awkwardly, then threw a bitter look at Jiang Cheng. In fact, there are many people watching beauties like Xu Ying. It's just that not all are as brainless as Liu Yu.

Ahem, I'm very glad to receive the invitation of the host of the banquet to come to speak. I won't say much, everyone. Have fun. "A familiar voice reached Jiang Cheng's ears, and Jiang Cheng raised his head, and it turned out that the boss was standing in the middle of the hall.

The boss obviously saw Jiang Cheng's attention, and raised his eyebrows in the direction where Jiang Cheng was. Jiang Cheng chuckled and lowered his eyebrows. The boss also retracted his eyes.

It's just that this silent interaction has been seen by many interested people, and Jiang's identity has made people more and more curious. Naturally, Mr. Xu is also in his eyes.

The wine glass in the boss panicked, the spirits in the glass obviously couldn't attract the boss's eye. Old Xu was standing in front of the boss like a child helpless, with a little nervousness in his eyes.

What's wrong? What's the matter? "The boss looked at Old Xu with interest, and then drank the spirits in his hand.

Are you related to that boy Jiang Cheng?" Old Xu looked at the boss's face expectantly, even though that face was expressionless.

The boss stared at Xu Lao for a few seconds when he heard this, and then burst into laughter, staring at Jiang Cheng who was playing on the phone in the distance and said: "You mean that kid.

The playfulness in the words made Old Xu even more puzzled, and he felt a little flustered. If Jiang Cheng has something to do with this person in front of him, I am afraid that he will imitate Yinger's heart.

No!" The boss said, and Mr. Xu gave a sigh. At least Ying'er still has hope. If there is something to do with the person in front of him, all his little calculations should be collected.

However, you have to be optimistic about this person. He is a genius!" The boss put the cup in his hand aside, Chong Jiang Cheng smiled and turned and left, leaving Old Xu with a bewildered look.

Old Xu looked over, Jiang Cheng sat on the table, picked up the wine glass and sipped it gently, then ate the food.

This dish tastes really good, and it is accompanied by fine wine. This is really fine wine and delicacy. Life is short and happy in time. Why not eat and drink smoothly.

Just when Jiang Cheng was completely intoxicated by the wine and delicacies, suddenly a shadow of ink next to him blocked the light. Jiang Cheng turned his head to see that it was not someone else but Liu Yu.

Liu Yu stood there straight with his wine glass: "We had a bit of misunderstanding before Jiang Cheng. I came to offer you a glass. They are all masculine husbands. They are not trivial. I also hope that your adults will not feel guilty for all the past. Jiang Cheng is still preoccupied, and if he doesn't let her go, it will be a little bit of a petty, too unsatisfactory, not to mention that Jiang Cheng did not suffer from the contradiction, it was an advantage.

Jiang Cheng picked up the dispenser, filled his own glass with wine, then stood up, the two glasses slammed together, Jiang Cheng said, "Relieve the past," then Pintou drank the glass directly.

Liu Yu is also a cool person, and he drank the same thing without slugging, let alone leaving a drop of wine in the glass.

Jiang Cheng, I wish you and Xu Ying, happiness and sweetness, and the old together. "Liu Yu sincerely wishes Jiang Cheng, and the expression in his eyes is sincere.

Jiang Cheng suddenly didn't understand why Liu Yu had a 180-degree change in his next son. He guessed that maybe he wanted Liu Yu to be happy. If he can't get it, then bless him. This is the choice of most men. Unlike a woman, who becomes a rival in love, whispering, cursing, crying, crying, noisy, reluctant, and reluctant to make people feel a headache. First of all, I thank you for your blessing, but your blessing is inaccurate, because Xu Ying and I don’t have a special relationship. "Jiang Cheng said this calmly, feeling that Xu Ying is really in Jiang Cheng’s heart, nothing , As strange as a passerby, since strangers can only say

So peaceful. Just like the Dead Sea.

What! "Liu Yu was also a little surprised, so the question mark asked louder, and everyone who did it turned their heads and looked here.

It was not just Liu Yu and Xu Ying who were surprised, because Xu Ying was sitting next to Jiang Cheng. When she heard Liu Yu's blessing, she was as happy as she fell into honey.

The whole person is a little unnatural, red, his face is a little hot, and he unnaturally draws the hair in front of his eyes behind his ears with his fingers.

Then when Jiang Cheng said that she had nothing to do with him, Xu Ying's whole body trembled slightly, and Yiying's hot red heart was pierced with a lot of holes in it by a merciless knife, and Xu Ying's heart was instantly touched. It hurts.

The person who was still in honey just now fell into the Arctic ice storehouse in an instant. It was so cold that her mind was suddenly blurred, and her heart felt sad that she was about to vomit a mouthful of blood.

Xu Ying stood up, ran out, and ran very fast, the thin figure, in Liu Yu's eyes, left a tingling, bone pain.

You wait, wait for me to come back and take you." Liu Yu left this sentence to Jiang Cheng and chased it out. He was really worried about Xu Ying's comfort.

The relationship is so complicated. The person you love doesn't love you, and the person who loves you doesn't love.

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