Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1477: monitor

When Jiang Cheng said that sentence, he knew that there would be such a result and knew Xu Ying's reaction, but he still said, because he really does not love Xu Ying, Xu Ying and Liu Yu are a match made in heaven and earth. It.

So even if Xu Ying was heartbroken, he still said this sentence because he didn't want to see that Xu Ying wasted time on her body like this, which would be unfair to Xu Ying, because it would have no result at all.

This is the person in charge of Xu Ying, at least there is no feeling of deceiving Xu Ying, now many people, the red flag at home is not falling, and the colorful flags outside are half-hearted, chaos and chaos. But Jiang Cheng hates those red-hot lives. He only hopes that his love is single-minded, one spoonful of water from a lake, and loyalty.

Only cuteness in his heart, cuteness can make his heart beat faster, blood boil, worry about his stomach, and take care of everything.

Jiang Cheng picked up the wine bottle and filled it up. Don't let Zhang Kong face the moon. He must be happy in life. He is in love with each other, but he doesn't know how Mengmeng is doing now.

Thinking of Mengmeng, Jiang Cheng's heart hurts. It was a bitter pain, and it was an unforgettable pain. There were also many people in Jiang Cheng's life track, but none of them disoriented herself like Mengmeng.

Willing to give up and follow it, the princes of the show only smiled for amusement, the tears in the corners of his eyes slowly wet his eyes, saying that the man has tears and does not flick, but they are not sad.

When Xu Ying ran out, Xu always saw it in his eyes and was anxious, but he found that Jiang Cheng was indifferent, and he still sat there, drinking and eating.

This made Mr. Xu very angry, but Mr. Xu didn't show off because Jiang Cheng knew the boss, and the boss had an explanation to Mr. Xu, so Mr. Xu didn't get angry.

But the hopeful daughter is eager. The parent is not infatuated with her daughter, and she pays silently. Even the hairdresser like Xu Lao is not listed. He is afraid that her daughter will go out like this and it is not safe.

So he stood up, took the wine glass and came to Jiang Cheng's side. When Jiang Cheng saw Mr. Xu coming, he stood up quickly. That's how big people are. Even if they want to do things, they can't be so obvious. They just said in secret. from.

Just like the current Mr. Xu, his attitude towards Jiang Cheng is very atmospheric, but he didn't show a smile on his face: "Jiang Cheng is here for the two of us to have a drink," and then the two glasses touched together.

Both of them drank it, and then Old Old Xu said, "Jiang Cheng, Xu Ying, this girl, you also know your feelings for you. As an old man, I shouldn't have interfered with the love and hatred of your younger generations, but she Run, I'm worried, you should go out and have a look.

"It's okay, what can happen, such a big person, and I have good skills, and Liu chased out just now, I can't use it." Jiang Cheng directly rejected Xu Lao.

Like an old man, he turned around and walked away, and then he brought the guy next to him back: "You go and see Xu Yingbao went inside. You must ensure the safety of the ground. After you find it, you can move him back directly. When you come back, you will follow me tired to protect his safety. I will ask you if he has something.

Mr. Xu was very serious and attached his guarantor. Mr. Bao turned around and went out. He also knew the seriousness of the matter. Mr. Xu sat on the table ruthlessly, and his daughter suddenly left, which disturbed Mr. Xu's mood. At this time, the boss Picking up a glass of wine, he said to Mr. Xu: “Old Mr. Xu came to us for a drink. Let the children deal with the children’s affairs by themselves. You can’t help me, so why are you so sad and low.”

It made the boss laugh. I didn't expect them to come here. Old Xu was a little embarrassed, so he said with a smile.

The two of them touched their wine glasses heavily, then drank them all, and then both sat down and started talking and eating.

Everyone started to lively again. I really think that the scene just now didn't happen, but in reality, people are all selfish, and it's nothing to do.

Who would remember other people's things, here may only be Xu Lao where he was hanging around, worrying, and the other people's things are just an episode, which has long been laughed off.

Mr. Xu looked at the door while he was eating and drinking. How he hoped that his daughter would just push the door and walk in like this. The usual little princess who rushed around and was self-willed, rushed over, harassed himself, and gave himself a trap. He was all happy, but now he is gone, and he is so busy, so uneasy.

Just as Xu Lao was waiting anxiously, suddenly a few people came in at the door, which made the originally hanging heart even higher, because only the bodyguards and Liu Yu had no daughter.

Worried about what came, the bodyguard came to Xu Lao, bowed his head and said, "Xu Lao is all around us, but there is no shadow of Xu Ying. I don’t know where she went. We are worried that we will miss the best opportunity to find and come back. You report.

Old Xu was anxious and frustrated: "No one has been found. What do you do when you come back? You usually feed you and provide you with drinks. But when it is critical, you will always fall down and it will not work. So don't hurry up and find what to do here.

The bodyguard didn't dare to say much, lowered his head, the scolded dog had his head and his face was red, and then he turned and ran out to find Xu Ying again.

Liu Yu also said to Xu Lao: "I'm sorry Xu Lao, I just chased out, but still a step slower, did not see Xu Ying's figure, Xu Lao did not speak, now it is this time. What else did he say, he Turning his head to see that Jiang Cheng was still eating and drinking there, indifferent, very angry, the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he came directly to Jiang Cheng's side.

"Jiang Cheng, you are too shameless!" Old Xu's tone was heavy. "Why don't I feel good, but ask Mr. Xu." Jiang Cheng directly stunned, because Jiang Cheng felt that he had done nothing wrong. He did this entirely for the good of Xu Ying, so as not to let Xu Ying be on his own. I wasted my good youth.

"The grass and trees are affectionate. Don’t you have blood flowing in your body? Normally Xu Ying and I are too good for you. At this time, Xu Ying can’t find it, but you are sitting here, eating and drinking, you ask yourself, you are like this Are you worthy of your own conscience? How worthy of Xu Ying's usual goodness to you? Just a few days ago, he was so repetitive for you, but you responded like this.

This is what Xu Lao said in a very loud voice, making Jiang Cheng very shameless, but Jiang Cheng also understands Xu Lao. It is understandable that his daughter suddenly disappeared in front of his own eyes, and his mood lost control.

Jiang Cheng did not speak or resist. He stood up and walked to the surveillance room. He wanted to find out the answer from the surveillance video.

This is the special feature of Jiang Cheng. Once he entered here, he had checked everything here clearly. There was a bathroom, there was a safe passage, and there was a monitoring room.

This is what Jiang Cheng needs. Such a good habit can help Jiang Cheng to get out of many crises. He knows that this kind of need can't be practiced by ordinary people, and he can't learn it, but Jiang Cheng will. .

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