Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1478: offend

The boss looked at Jiang Cheng's back as he walked towards the monitoring room, his eyes suddenly gleamed. Na Ying Guang, like seeing his own past, this is Xu's vision, and it is also his vision.

It's true that Jiang Cheng's first appearance was deeply reflected in the boss's heart. How he hoped that Jiang Cheng was his own soldier.

He hopes that there will be such a sharp knife in the team, and his team also needs such people, such excellent people to drive the power of the entire team.

_But this invitation from a boss to Jiang Cheng was rejected by Jiang Cheng, boss. I don't understand how Jiang Cheng would refuse.

Jiang Cheng couldn't be more suitable for his team. His physical condition, his profound martial arts, and his potential consciousness are the best conditions for his team.

Only the melting pot of the team, オ is the best platform for Jiang Cheng to use himself to the extreme, and here, can he truly reflect Jiang Cheng's value.

And Jiang Cheng actually rejected the invitation of the boss, without any hesitation, and categorically, but if you think that the boss just gave up on wooing Jiang Cheng, then you are completely wrong, he will not give up, he Never gave up.

It's like a position. You can't give up. Giving up means failure and surrender. He is a person who has experienced bullets and bullets. He has defended countless positions.

Jiang Cheng came to the monitoring room, where the entire wall is a large display screen. The display screen is composed of many small displays.

A monitoring watcher, sitting on a chair, is working on 37 big screens, and on the table is a notebook that records some emergencies, as well as a controller.

This controller can control the rotation of the camera, and can also view the recording of the camera, where the video is recorded.

Jiang Cheng directly sat on the chair, then picked up the controller, and said to the person: "What is the password?"

The man turned his head to see that the people who came in with Jiang Cheng were all big shots. He didn't neglect to tell the password. Jiang Cheng checked it quickly, but finally found that he disappeared after going out of the door, and there was no more shadow of Xu Ying.

Xu Lao's expression was full of distress, and Jiang Cheng's expression was almost overwhelming. Jiang Cheng also stood up helplessly: the monitoring couldn't find it out.

Jiang Cheng, I have all the monitoring of the entire city. You can find the video screens of any place in the city. So it is easy to find Xu Ying, but you promised me one condition, that is to come to our team. "The boss once again extended an invitation to Jiang Cheng.

Of course, this sentence was said by the boss pulling Jiang Cheng to the side, and others could not hear it, but Jiang Cheng refused the invitation of the boss again.

I'm sorry I won't accept your request, so don't work hard. I have made a decision and it will not change. "Jiang Cheng said directly.

Although the boss was very angry at Jiang Cheng's decision, he did not show it. The boss is a big man, but people who have experienced life and death, after all, have the aura of Taishan collapse and not change their appearance.

The boss took out a business card directly from his pocket, handed it to Jiang Cheng, and then said, "This is my business card. You figured it out and call me. After putting down the business card, the boss turned around and walked firmly. Standing very straight, Jiang Cheng looked at him with admiration

Jiang Cheng thought that he would not join the army, so he didn't need this business card, so he stood up and left, but was stopped by Mr. Xu.

Jiang Cheng, you take your business card, I will not make that call, never will. "Jiang Cheng feels that he has never been threatened by others, nor will he be bent over anything. You still take it, since he gave you the business card , It’s definitely useful, it’s not that simple. "Xu Lao’s eyes projected Rong Zhi’s light. This is his wealth for many years. I feel that this business card is very important. Jiang Cheng will definitely use it in the future. The question of whether Jiang Cheng wanted to use it was a compelling one.

Jiang Cheng also discovered the connotation in Xu Lao's gaze. He suddenly felt that this business card would not be that simple, so he picked up the business card and put it in his pocket.

"Where are you going?" Old Xu asked as he watched Jiang Cheng walk outside, his voice full of majesty, majesty that could not be resisted.

I went outside to find out if I could find Xu Ying. ""Speaking of Jiang Cheng going out directly, she began to recall every bit of Xu Ying's relationship with Xu Ying, recalling Xu Ying's hobbies. He wants to derive from these memories, where Xu Ying is going.

The memory is locked by the river, where there is a park, where the environment is elegant and quiet, and the air is full of freshness. Xu Ying told Jiang Cheng that she likes clean air, like fish, and prefers to listen to the gurgling sound of the river.

Jiang Cheng beckoned a taxi and stopped in front of Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng got in the car and drove directly to the park. There were not many cars on the road, so the car reached the park very quickly.

There were very few people in the park today. Jiang Cheng immediately took a quick step forward and started looking frantically in the park. Finally, he had searched every corner of the park, but there was no shadow of Xu Ying.

Jiang Cheng slipped on his ass, on the stool, feeling that it would never be that simple, there was definitely a conspiracy, but he just didn't find a clue, Jiang Cheng sat on the stool, looked at the flowing river, and then fell into contemplation.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng's phone rang. He picked up the phone and saw that Linda was calling. Jiang Cheng frowned. Lindai would not call Jiang Cheng if he had nothing important.

Hello! There is a problem with Jiang’s head office, and Linda’s anxious voice came from the opposite side.

"Okay, I know, I'll come to the company right away." Jiang Cheng hung up the phone, and his brain was in pain.

Jiang Cheng had all the videos of all bosses in charge and above. After Jiang Cheng asked all the reasons, he realized that it was the engineering team who was making things difficult for him.

Jiang Cheng looked at the business card in his pocket and felt uneasy. He directly took out the phone and found the phone number of the boss of the engineering team, and then broadcasted it and the phone rang several times before answering it.

"Hello! Hello, old man, I am Jiang Cheng!" Jiang Cheng said enthusiastically to the phone.

"Oh, Mr. Jiang! I haven't seen you for a long time" the boss said on the phone unhurriedly. The tone should be in a good mood. Jiang Cheng felt happy. If you call when you are in a good mood, things will be much easier. .

"Boss, our company is blocked, what is going on?" Jiang Cheng directly mentioned the subject. It is better to solve this kind of thing early, and it is good for everyone.

"Oh this, this is the meaning of the above, I am also very helpless, please be smart about this matter, I really can't do it." The boss is also very embarrassed, looking at the phone and regretting answering at first, he doesn't want to offend either. It seems that both sides can't afford to offend themselves.

Okay, then you are busy! "Jiang Cheng plucked his swollen temples, thinking of Jiang Cheng's words in his mind. The instructions above

It stands to reason that there is usually no one against Xu Lao Zai, is it that person? "Jiang Cheng couldn't help but recalled which business card he had in his pocket.

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