Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1480: Don't stay long

Mr. Xu hung up the phone, and he didn’t ask much. He has been in his position for many years. He knows what discipline is, what should not be asked, and what should be asked. So since the boss said that Xu Ying is safe, this shows that everything is safe. It's under the boss's control, so I can't ask any more.

And Jiang Cheng suddenly received a call from the boss. Jiang Cheng took the call and thanked the boss for allowing my company to reopen. "Jiang Cheng really wants to thank this public servant for serving him wholeheartedly.

Jiang Cheng can walk with me to the park, right? You won't refuse.

Of course, I will pick you up or go directly to the park. I'm already in the park, come here"

Jiang Cheng hung up the phone, put on his coat, picked up the car key, pushed the door directly, got in the car, and drove directly to the park.

Jiang Cheng, you know my purpose of calling you and my determination will not change. I still hope that you can join the team. Your ability and awareness are very important. I need my team to learn your skills. This is also for The region is long and stable. "The boss carried his hands behind his back, finished speaking seriously, and stared at him with handsome eyes.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, and then said: "I really admire you for your perseverance, but I really have no interest in your army.

"Let's do it like this, you will participate in a mission, and then I will show you Xu Ying's video screen, I hope you can agree.

Jiang Cheng looked at the boss's frowning brows and Ju Mo's face. After years of rushing, he left a lot of marks on his face, and finally nodded and said, "Okay!

The boss was very happy, and he held out a USB flash drive and gave it to Jiang Cheng: "Zhang Zhu, there is Xu Ying's video on it, so I don't need to say more if you see it for yourself.

Jiang Cheng held the USB flash drive: "Yes, if I rescue Xu Ying, I will honor my sincerity, please don't worry." Jiang Cheng went directly into the car and pointed to the USB flash drive. Jiang Cheng found that as soon as Xu Ying ran out of the store, Liu Yu was in the ink behind him. The two entangled for a while. Xu Yingxian and Liu Yu got into the car, and the two entered a house, which was an abandoned cement factory. "Xu Ying was in there." Jiang Cheng scolded casually, because the person chased out that day was Liu Yu. He actually did this kind of thing, which made Jiang Cheng disgusted. Jiang Cheng started the car and drove towards the water mixing plant. Go, the water mixing plant in the district of Zaicheng Prefecture, twenty kilometers away from the prefecture, Jiang Cheng drove directly to the destination at a speed of one hundred and two cars.

At a place five kilometers away from the car, Jiang Cheng parked the car on the side of the road, and then packed his clothes. There are sportswear in the trunk. He changed into his body and flew directly to the water mixing plant. The reason he was walking was because he was afraid. Raise the grass and startle the snake.

Jiang Cheng ran very fast, the cement factory was already in front of the limit, and Jiang Cheng had already remembered the cloth team inside through the USB flash drive and the house in Xu Yingwai was clear, unless there was a change. , It's all adaptable.

Jiang Cheng quickly touched the back wall. Since this wall is relatively high, there is no camera installed. There are cameras in other places. They will not find them if they enter from here.

Jiang Cheng knows that the entire cement plant and office buildings are within the surveillance range of the camera, and there is a surveillance room that is guarded by Anmu’s security guards.

Jiang Cheng paused, and then ran directly to the wall. The room had already entered the wall and landed on the ground steadily. Then he looked around to make sure he was safe.

He has determined the positions of all the cameras from the screen just now. He has decided on a route, which is a blind spot of the camera. Jiang Cheng cat rushed forward directly, even so, but his feet still exerted very little force, so there was no sound.

Jiang Cheng walked in the same direction, turning left and right, alternately advancing, not long before he came to the door, he knew that there were two bodyguards at the door, he had to fight the enemy with one move, otherwise he would alarm the bodyguards upstairs. Then Xu Ying's life would be in danger.

He leaned against the wall and exhaled slowly, calming the already exhaled. The exercise was a bit intense just now, this time he was panting, and he had to take a deep breath to calm himself.

Then Jiang Cheng took out a rope from his stick pocket and slowly wiped the wall towards the door. It turned out that the closer he got, he could feel the breathing of the two bodyguards at the door.

The two bodyguards at the door didn't know that death was slowly trying to get closer to them. They were holding their mobile phones and looking at things with colors, saliva dripping from the corners of their mouths.

Suddenly Jiang Cheng jumped, slapped both hands, and slashed directly into the necks of the two of them. The two of them fell into a coma and fell down, and Jiang Cheng hugged them and put them on the ground slowly, not letting them speak. The voice finally closed the door with the rope, because Jiang Cheng knew that this coma was only five minutes.

Jiang Cheng then walked to the second floor again. There was no one in the corridor. He continued to go upstairs. He knew that Xu Ying was in the middle house on the third floor.

When he rushed to the entrance of the third floor, he heard footsteps coming here, Jiang Cheng squatted down quickly, put his mobile phone on the ground and slowly stepped out, and he could see a bodyguard who was a burly body.

Jiang Cheng put away the phone, and then leaned against the wall, waiting for the arrival of the bodyguard, footsteps getting closer and closer, Jiang Cheng tightly pressed against the wall motionless.

Just when the bodyguard first appeared in the corner, Jiang Cheng moved, like a black tongue, Jiang Cheng covered the bodyguard’s mouth with one hand, and cut to the neck with the other. The bodyguard also fell down without a sound. On the ground.

Jiang Cheng knew that he had to rush in quickly, so there was no door, the bodyguard, and quickly ran to the middle room and came to the door. It was quiet and there was no sound at all.

He knew that there must be two bodyguards inside, so he stood up, approached the garden, stood up slowly, and saw that both bodyguards were behind the door, both standing and playing with mobile phones.

There was a wicked smile at the corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth. He could only scold these two Xinhuo, and they would not stand. As long as he opened the door with a single kick, both of them would be hit by the door.

Jiang Cheng took a deep breath again, then kicked the door open, and rolled in. The two of them were indeed overwhelmed by the door and fell to the ground. Jiang Cheng's big thoughts this time must have disturbed the bodyguards in the monitoring room, so he must teach quickly. Xu Ying.

He rolled on the spot and stopped by Xu Ying's side. Xu Ying was tied to a chair. The moment Jiang Cheng got up, he had an extra knife in his hand and broke the rope: "How about Xu Ying, can you? go.

Xu Ying was very excited when she saw her teaching herself recently: "I can." She stood up as she said. With triumphant colors in his eyes, Jiang Cheng looked at Xu Ying strangely, then opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Then let's go quickly. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time." After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he took Xu Ying and rushed out of the door, and then went straight downstairs, [豆豆Come.

The two ran for a long time and arrived at the car. Xu Ying got in the car, and Jiang Cheng started the car and quickly left and drove to the district.

Thank you for saving me," Xu Ying said excitedly. The moment he saw Jiang Cheng, his whole heart was shaking. Even if someone else rescued her, she might not be happy. Only he knows that he has been waiting. The man in front of me.

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