Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1481: grade

You were missing, Mr. Xu was very worried. I went out to look for it, but I didn’t find it. Then the boss told me to get you out.

, But the boss told me that your position is conditional, that is, I want to participate in a mission. "Jiang Cheng gave Xu Ying a brief introduction.

The next day the sun was shining and the breeze was just right, and Jiang Cheng was sitting in the airport waiting room with Xu Ying next to him. Xu Ying looked at Jiang Cheng affectionately. You must protect yourself when Jiang Cheng is going this time. I'm waiting for you to come back. Oh, yes, this necklace was worn since I was a child. I gave you it to bring you good luck. "

Xu Ying handed the necklace she was wearing on her neck to Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng held it in his hand, and the time was almost up, Jiang Cheng and Xu Ying said goodbye to line up to enter.

But before long, Jiang Cheng suddenly realized that the necklace Xu Ying had given him just now had fallen on the stool, so he returned to get it, but before it arrived, he saw Xu Ying and the boss talking.

But Jiang Cheng took a closer look and found a clue. The two were not chatting but quarreling. Jiang Cheng wondered how the two of them quarreled. Jiang Cheng didn't want to get into such a conflict without knowing it. He suddenly remembered the headset the system gave him last time, and quickly took it out and put it on his ear. Didn't you mean me? Let me go with Liu Yu? The result? What's the matter with you holding me to threaten Jiang Cheng?" Jiang Cheng's brain buzzed as he listened to the sound of the headphones.

Jiang Cheng is not well now, he has always hated the feeling of being persecuted.

Looking at the man in front of him, Jiang Cheng's sweat ran down his forehead, ticking to the ground.

Jiang Cheng couldn't find the consequences of rejection, but he didn't want to be restrained. Boss, I refused to go. "" Jiang Cheng said angrily. Seeing the boss's expression getting darker and darker, he still looked at the boss firmly.

The boss looked at Jiang Cheng's eyes, and there was a trace of impatience in his eyes. He is also a stubborn person himself, for the first time to be so generous to others.

The boss stroked the business card in his hand, angrily retorted with a smile: "Jiang Cheng, if you don't perform this task, how about letting Xu Ying pass? What do you think? You can think about it.

The boss sat on a chair at the airport, staring at Jiang Cheng with a smile on his face. "Zero Four Zero", but the meaning of this laugh, everyone knows.

Jiang Cheng didn't hesitate to raise his head and smiled at Master Shen. The sun is just right, it is a good day to tease girls. Jiang Cheng looked out the window and sighed, then turned his head and looked at her dumb husband, shut his mouth.

Jiang Cheng lowered his head and looked at the boss in front of him, but quietly found that the business card in the boss's hand was turned into scraps. As the wind rose, the crimes and crimes in the air had a certain mood. But the head on the business card was also shattered.

The boss seemed to have seen Jiang Cheng paying attention to the business card in his hand and waved his hand: "How? Are you going or Xu Ying?

Jiang Cheng stared at the boss fiercely, tangled in his heart. I don't want to go, can I let Xu Ying take risks?

The boss looked at Jiang Cheng's contradiction and smiled involuntarily. In fact, he didn't want to force Jiang Cheng.

After all, it is very likely that the last two people will feel that each other is not pleasing to the eye more and more. Jiang Cheng may be malicious to himself, and he does not want Jiang Cheng to be an opponent.

Only then wanted Xu Ying to threaten him, hoping that he could change his mind. Having said this, Jiang Cheng would definitely not let Xu Ying go because of guilt. He didn't know he would hurt his daughter.

"Jiang Cheng, I have been very busy in Yemen over the years. I am just such a daughter." Hearing what the boss said, Xu Lao immediately became nervous. He would never allow his daughter to suffer any danger.

And Jiang Cheng, although he was reluctant, still had to let him go. Xu Ying also looked at Jiang Cheng expectantly. She wanted to know whether the person she was thinking of was caring about her.

Okay, let me go. "Jiang Chengfeng looked at the boss lightly and said. In a light tone, he seemed to be talking about porridge tonight.

But the boss immediately became happy when he heard this, patted Jiang Cheng on the shoulder and said, "Good boy! Go back and prepare! Waiting for the assembly!

Jiang Cheng looked at the boss who was going away, but he felt relieved. Maybe he should thank the boss. After all, it is also because of this opportunity that I can let go of my guilt.

His guilt towards Xu Ying accumulated more and more, and finally released Jiang Cheng's mouth with a smug smile at this moment. Can't hide the smug smile.

He looked at Xu Ying who was sobbing across from him. Jiang Cheng was silent. He was already sorry for Xu Ying. But when I left, I just hope that I won't cause trouble again.

From the very beginning when Xu Lao introduced the relationship between the two, Jiang Cheng looked at Xu Ying who was sobbing, and there was a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

Jiang Cheng, thank you. "Lao Xu finally let go of his heart when Jiang Cheng nodded. It's just Jiang Cheng's attitude towards Xu Ying, maybe

Thinking of it, Old Xu was worried again. Jiang Cheng seemed to have noticed Mr. Xu's concern, and instead smiled calmly at Mr. Xu.

Old Xu looked at Jiang Cheng in surprise. After reacting, he was truly shocked. He didn't expect Jiang Cheng to see through his thoughts.

It's okay, this is what I should do, by the way, give this back to you! I don't need it, and you will take care of yourself in the future. "After that, I took out the key that Xu Ying gave him before from his pocket and handed it to Xu Ying.

Jiang Cheng!" Old Xu cried out to Jiang Cheng. I really appreciate Jiang Cheng. I also know what this necklace means to my daughter.

But Jiang Cheng's repeated rejections really made Old Xu a little angry.

If I go, won’t you give it back to me? "Jiang Cheng looked at Jiang Cheng in tears, trying to hold back the tears in his eyes, but was helpless. Beautiful women will naturally attract the attention of others

What's more, it is this kind of peerless beauty with teary eyes that attracts the attention of everyone.

Silly boy, what are you talking about?" Jiang Cheng looked at the tears, and couldn't help touching Xu Ying's head.

Good, wait for me to come back. "Jiang Cheng looked at Xu Ying complicatedly, turned and left with the suitcase.

Xu Ying looked at Jiang Cheng's strong arms, thinking about everything about him, but he never looked back.

The children will pass and will pass. As long as you are safe, you are safe. Look, Jiang Cheng doesn't hate you either.

Old Xu touched Xu Ying's head distressedly, and said with pity. He knew what the boss was thinking. He looked at Jiang Cheng's drifting back and worried for Xu Ying. At least he knew that he couldn't force the two to be together.

But Jiang Cheng's attitude just now seemed to have room for recovery. Old Xu sighed helplessly and touched Xu Ying's head.

Xu Ying felt completely cold when she heard that sigh. He threw himself into Xu Lao's arms and cried. Shrugging shocked passers-by.

The necklace beside it was randomly discarded on the board. Without the owner, it was just a waste.

Go, go back to your own nest! Where does it belong to you. "Jiang Cheng looked at the embracing two through the mirror from a distance, comforting himself. So he closed his eyes and got ready to register.

However, everything in Xu Ying's mind is indeed lingering. Her smile, her good, everything.

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