Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1482: Warm heart

When the radio broadcast the flight, Jiang Cheng took his luggage and slowly prepared for security to board the plane, but there was a strange smell. This smell is very sensitive. "Reminder, Tobacco!" When passing the security check, Jiang Cheng was startled when he heard a warning, but found that it was a system reminder.

Jiang Cheng looked at several people in Zhou District and found that their expressions were not right. So he secretly watched several people and found that there seemed to be tobacco in their bags.

Seeing the appearance of these people, it seemed that he wanted to escape, Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the tobacco in front of him.

However, it was discovered that the few people in front of him had also passed the security check. I don't know if any measures were taken. But the expression of instant relaxation on his face caught Jiang Cheng's attention.

Is there anything in there? Moreover, I still had something that I didn't change smell. "Jiang Cheng grabbed a person, and asked without sensuality.

Jiang Cheng deliberately said to a suspicious person in front of him. The sound is very small, after all, at the airport now. There are too many people. He is afraid of angering this person and hurting others.

He wants these people to retreat when they are in trouble, and when they get to the empty place, he will find a way to cure them.

Hearing this, the person in front of him seemed to understand something immediately. He took out a switchblade from his pocket and pointed it at Jiang Cheng's waist.

Boy, be honest! Otherwise there will be good fruit for you. "The man touched Jiang Cheng's knife-cut muscles and deliberately lowered his voice.

But Jiang Cheng was indeed disgusted.

Yes yes yes, brother! I won't say it!" Jiang Cheng glanced at his kidnapper and said immediately.

The man seemed to notice Jiang Cheng's glimpse, and said: "I'll goug your eyes again.

Then, the man ran away like a taboo. After they ran out, Jiang Cheng hurriedly said to the surrounding security officers: "Those 12 are Mo dealers! Get him!

After that, he rushed out to chase those people without looking back.

He is unwilling to let these criminals go, and he has to pay a price after he hurts the world.

"Fuck, grandson tortoise, dog nose! We know everything we bring, hurry up, brothers, we can't go down in this place, hurry up, or we will be miserable if we are discovered by others in a while.

Underground, the few people who just ran out were beside a car, preparing to escape.

As they ran, they scolded Jiang Cheng a lot. It seems that only in this way can they relieve their anger.

"Want to run away? Did you think too much and committed a crime? Master, I tell you, you have to pay the price, wait! Soon, the team members will come, don't think about running away, now take the initiative to plead guilty , You will alleviate a little sin.

Jiang Cheng came out from the corner, and then said to a few people in a whisper. He knew that he was going to move his muscles and bones today. He couldn't ignore such things.

Tortoise son, don’t worry about your **** things, don’t you want to live anymore! Since you don’t want to live, our brothers will do you well, and dare to delay our major events, now we will forget the old and the new hatred

Those people attacked Jiang Cheng viciously, and after they finished speaking, they attacked Jiang Cheng. Every one of them wanted Jiang Cheng to die.

It seems that today, my little master, I have to take good care of my muscles and bones. Obviously I want to go home. That's great. Let me solve you first. It's not too late for me to go home.

After that, Jiang Cheng walked up without fear. He wanted to see what these people could do with him.

He is Jiang Cheng, so he won't let these people threaten him! To him, they are just a few young men. There is no need to put them in his eyes.

It seems that you have two brushes. Very good, brothers. Give me a blow to death. Look at this turtle son.

A group of people scuffled together, but after a few times, Jiang Cheng had the upper hand, but Jiang Cheng was still a little strenuous by himself, he didn’t want to use his strength.

Now, he can only delay time and wait for the team members to arrive. I think your kid will be upset again, brothers, give it to me, I want this turtle son to go to heaven. ""Bang, bang", before finishing speaking, the door players came and took these people to the Tuan Tuan district.

"Party, don't move, you all raise your hands for me.

After seeing the players, those people raised their hands one after another, and Jiang Cheng heaved a sigh of relief after seeing them. I finally waited until the team members came. Can be regarded as accomplished and retired.

This comrade, today, it is really thanks to you. Look, there are some reporter friends over there who want to interview you. See if it is convenient for you.

The reporters at the airport happened to have news. After hearing about this incident, all of them rushed to ask and interview Jiang Cheng.

No, I’m in a hurry. I think anyone will do this if they encounter this situation. I’m sorry, my boarding time is up, I’m leaving.

Jiang Cheng turned his head and left without thinking about it. He doesn't want to trouble himself anymore.

He is now better than less. Soon, Jiang Cheng arrived home.

Finally arrived, Zhang's nest is not as good as his own dog's nest. It's still comfortable at home! Lift it up, and after a comfortable sleep, everything is over and everything will be up.

After speaking by myself, I started to collect my own things. He has been away for so many days, and there are always people in the house to clean up, but no one is living, now there is a lot of dust on the table and cabinet. After Jiang Cheng personally cleaned it, it was already very late.

Jiang Cheng looked at his masterpiece with joy. Soon, he fell tired and fell asleep.

At night, Jiang Cheng slept soundly. But the door was opened inadvertently.

"Jiang Cheng, it was you who broke our business and put so many of our brothers in jail. Today, I will avenge them. Go and die!

In the dark, a man was holding a knife, and after he finished talking with Jiang Cheng, he stabbed Jiang Cheng.


There was a cry from inside the room, but it was not Jiang Cheng's. As early as at the door, Jiang Cheng discovered something was wrong.

So he got up hurriedly, kicked the man onto the bed with his feet while the man was stabbed, and then suppressed the man very much.

"Dare to steal my things and don't send you to jail. You think I'm a bully little master! Leave me."

After speaking, he sent that person to the team. At first, he thought that this person was a thief.

But after the team interrogated, オ knew that this person was the accomplice left by the ink dealer. Because his companion was sent to prison by Jiang Cheng.

So, along the way, he followed Jiang Cheng, waiting for an opportunity to kill Jiang Cheng, but Jiang Cheng was easily subdued.

Looking at the so-called thief, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but sigh. Fortunately, he was very vigilant, otherwise he might be more ill-fortuned tonight. I really have to pay attention.

Otherwise, if something like this happens again, it will be yourself who will suffer. He has no capital to be careless.

Jiang Cheng stared at the members of the team in a daze, knowing that the player in front of him waved his hand, and reluctantly agreed.

Jiang Cheng looked at the players in front of him, and a warm smile made Jiang Cheng happy.

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