Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1487: alert

Then the figure flickered, and he entered the room from this hole. Then he went straight up the stairs from the first floor to the second floor and up to the fifth floor. Then he secretly watched at the entrance of the stairs. There was no one, and then he came directly. The door of Jiang Cheng's house.

He put his hand on the handle and turned it slightly. The door was locked and could not be turned. Then he took out an instrument from his pocket and put it on the lock at the door. This instrument was connected to his mobile phone, and he kept on it. The operation finally heard a ticking sound. The sound was very small, but it was very ear-piercing in the dark night.

This person hurriedly put his ear to the door and listened for a while and there was no response in the room. This person had an evil smile on his face. By the way, only he knew the smile, and others couldn't see it because he was covered in his face. Only two eyes were revealed.

The man slowly turned the handle and the door opened slowly. He stepped on the cat and stepped forward. Then he looked to the bed. There was no one on the bed. Then he turned his head and found that the bathroom light was on and there was the sound of running water. Take a bath.

He kicked the door open, facing the bath with a few rounds of bullets, then turned and left, because he knew that after his shots, he would definitely die, and the Moyi people came and went quickly.

On the other hand, Jiang Cheng, lying on the ceiling of the bathroom, wanted to chase Moyiren, but found that he was beautiful and had no clothes, so he didn't chase him.

It turned out that Jiang Cheng was taking a bath just now, but suddenly he felt a cold shock, and his whole body trembled. This was an instinctive reaction of his body before the danger came.

He listened attentively and noticed an abnormal movement at the door, so he looked up and found that the bathroom ceiling was made of wood.

Jiang Cheng opened the roof with both hands, then rushed directly up, and then slowly restored the plank to its original shape. Just after everything was done, someone rushed in and shot the bath.

Jiang Cheng was lucky. His own premonition and his sixth sense counted his life again. Jiang Cheng got off the ceiling and then jumped into the bathroom. There was no water in the bathroom, and the water in it all flowed down the gunhole.

Jiang Cheng seemed to have no chance to take a bath this time, so he put on his pajamas and went to the door to check the lock and everything was normal. Jiang Cheng took a glass from the table, filled it with water, and put it on the doorknob. Gang Cheng didn’t do that. If he did, the masked man in Gang would not Come in, because the sound of the cup falling and breaking will scare away the masked man.

After Jiang Cheng put everything in order, he came to the bed he arranged, then lay down, and the sleep passed. It is strange to say that this night is safe, Jiang Cheng got up early, and then looked out the window. It was a sunny day after the rain.

Jiang Cheng came out of the hotel and found a restaurant. Breakfast here is quite rich, with rice porridge, steamed buns, tofu nao, fried dough sticks, and this kind of side dishes.

Jiang Cheng asked for a cup of soy milk and four fried dough sticks. He started to eat. Jiang Cheng knew that this was going to be dangerous and dangerous, so he had to eat well so that he could have the strength to fight. He knew that sometimes it might be a few days. I can’t even eat, so I have to eat well when I eat.

After eating and drinking, Jiang Cheng went to the basement and took a small flashlight to check the car carefully, especially the engine, and the tablets. When everything was checked, he got on the car.

By the way, Jiang Cheng's inspection of the four corners is stricter, because he is afraid that someone will plant bombs and hack into the car, because he knows where he lives and his car must know.

But in the end there was nothing, which made Jiang Cheng smile, because he knew that they were too confident and felt that only a few shots had solved them, so they didn't do anything to the car.

Jiang Cheng started the car, and the car drove out of the basement. The car drove very smoothly, and then went directly onto the expressway. Jiang Cheng raised the speed of the car to a high speed just like yesterday.

Jiang Cheng was anxious in his heart, worried that Mu Yu's body would not be able to bear it. He was kidnapped just after the operation, and those enemies didn't care whether Mu Yu's body could bear it.

Jiang Cheng got off the expressway after walking for a while, because the expressway could not reach that place, so he had to take the district road. This is a hillside road. This road is no longer a district road, and the road conditions are very poor.

He walked slowly on the bumpy road, and suddenly found a person lying on the road in front of the car, and Jiang Cheng stopped the car.

He didn't get out of the car immediately, but sat in the car, lit a cigarette, and then smoked, watching the reaction of the person lying on the ground. The person lying there did not move, and there was no reaction around him.

As soon as a cigarette was smoking, the man lying on the ground got up and walked towards Jiang Cheng's car. Jiang Cheng suddenly found a pair of eyes, the same person who shot in the room yesterday. Jiang Cheng pretended not to know him and watched the reaction of others.

After the man got in the car, he looked at Jiang Cheng in the car. From the previous assassinations, he knew that the person in front of him was definitely not an easy person, and he had already felt his existence or that he was going to assassinate him before he did it.

Although I am not one of the world’s top killers, I am not an ordinary person. I still maintain this extremely keen vigilance when he is extremely relaxed in the bath. I have to say that the person in front of me It is already very close to the world's top skill.

I am the one who assassinated you tonight. "The quiet atmosphere was suddenly broken, the man said. He thought in his heart that according to this person's observer ability and vigilance, he had already met him tonight, even though he said he was covering his face.

But for a person with very keen observer power and vigilance, he must have been recognized. Jiang Cheng did not expect that this person turned out to be the one who proactively reported his identity. Originally, Jiang Cheng thought this would come. Those who assassinated themselves will hide.

Are you not afraid that I will kill you directly? You must know that you threatened my life just now, and I will not allow a bomb to follow me. "As Jiang Cheng said, he was always ready. As long as the man in front of him made a move, Jiang Cheng would definitely subdue him directly.

The man who assassinated Jiang Cheng looked at Jiang Cheng and said, "I know you won't believe me easily, but I hope you will listen to my explanation.

Jiang Cheng nodded and motioned to the man to continue. Seeing that Jiang Cheng had asked himself to explain, the man immediately said: "My code name is Mole, this time I am here to assassinate you is the order given to me, but now my mission has failed, so I must now Gotta run.

Run? Why are you running? Shouldn't you go back to Qing reinforcements and come over to assassinate me? "Jiang Cheng was a little puzzled when he heard what Mole said, and became more wary of the man calling himself Mole in front of him.

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