Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1488: underground tunnel

Go back and ask for reinforcements? Hum" Mole said, just humming softly. It seems that the time to go back and ask for reinforcements is ridiculous. Jiang Cheng looked at the mole and didn't know what it meant to beat the rat.

Then I heard Mole continue to say: "Do you think I will be able to come out alive after I go back? The organization will not want a person who fails a mission. I think I am a person who fails in a mission. After I go back, I can only die. With one end, now I have failed the mission, I can only choose to run, and now not only I am in danger, but also you. "The Mole stared at Jiang Cheng coldly.

Jiang Cheng looked at what the Mole said did not look like a lie, but Jiang Cheng still couldn't believe what the Mole said. After all, he was still assassinating himself before, and now he is convinced by just a few words. It is absolutely impossible.

I'm in danger, what should I say? Could it be that someone assassinated me Jiang Cheng asked.

I don’t know about assassinating you, but it’s true that someone ambushes you. Now the two of us are basically grasshoppers tied to a piece of grass. I am familiar with the terrain and you have the strength. Let’s go quickly and never go. If it is, it is too late. "The Mole said, his expression just started to get excited.

Jiang Cheng looked at the excited expression of the Mole, and said in his heart: ""What the mouse said, you can't help but believe it, but you can't believe it all. If you run away, it's a very simple thing, but after you go away White is here. I'm here to save Mu Yu.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the Mole’s arm. The Mole was in a state of excitement, and he didn’t expect Jiang Cheng to say that he would do it. He was too late to react and was overpowered by Jiang Cheng .

After Jiang Cheng subdued the mouse, he pressed the mouse with one hand, and reached out to the mole's shoes with the other hand, and pulled out his shoelaces. After pulling out the shoelaces, he tied the beating hand behind him.

After tying the rat up, Jiang Cheng just said: "You want me to take you away, yes, but you have to tell me where Mu Yu is now.

After being subdued by Jiang Cheng, Mole did not resist. Bi Jing himself had assassinated Jiang Cheng’s people before. Jiang Cheng was not wrong to be careful, but what Mole didn’t expect was that Jiang Cheng was still there at this time. Thinking of saving people, Mole really didn't know what to say about this person.

Mole looked at Jiang Cheng and was still thinking about teaching people at this time, just to persuade his eldest brother. At this time, you still have the heart to save people. Can we talk about ourselves first? Just like the two of us. Even if you can top two people alone, we will be two and a half people. I am in an injured state and there is no way to fight.

Abandon your partner and run by yourself. Although this kind of thing often appears on TV, it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Cheng himself to appear, and there is still this Mole, a person inside the other party, which makes Jiang Cheng has confidence.

Jiang Cheng said: ". "Don't worry about how I want to imitate you. You just need to know now that if you are not worthy of me, you don't need your organization to hunt you down. I can now solve you for your organization. "As Jiang Cheng said, he suddenly took out his pistol and put it on the mole's head. After Jiang Cheng's pistol was put on the mouse's head, he opened the insurance.

When he first started to talk, Jiang Cheng was still amiable. Finally, he was full of murderous face, and the feeling of lake heat in the car disappeared. In turn, (Wang Wang Zhao) was a chill, making people feel Can't help the shivering chill.

Seeing Jiang Cheng’s murderous intent, Mole trembled and said, "I know where Mu Yu is, can we put down the gun first, I will take you to find your partner, and then you will rescue it, but You have to promise me that after your partner is rescued, you must take me with you and run away from here, otherwise, you will kill me now.

Jiang Cheng heard what Mole said, nodded, agreed to Mole's request, and said: "Okay, I promise you, but you must be sure that you can get me out of Muyu, otherwise I don't mind. Be a killer once and see if your assassination skills are good or mine.

OK, but I feel that if I want to assassinate someone, relying on the capabilities of your organization, there is no one who can stop me, do you think so?

Brother, you still put me as a fart, okay? How do I feel that there is a dead person on my left and right, eldest brother, do you think this is okay? Let’s leave temporarily and wait for us to make a perfect plan Later, we will come to save people, and...

The Mole hasn’t finished talking yet, and Jiang Cheng’s pistol hits Mole’s head here. Jiang Cheng said, “Now you have only two choices. One is to be shot by me now, and the other is to fight with me. Let's save Mu Yu together. After Mu Yu is rescued, you can leave with us, and after leaving, we will ask you to solve the problems of the team members. How do you choose?

Jiang Cheng said that finally, he opened the insurance of the robbery and just stared at the Mole. Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Mole knew that he really had only one choice today. He could only follow Jiang Cheng to save Mu Yu, or else it would be In the next moment, when Jiang Cheng was shot down, Mole wouldn't doubt what Jiang Cheng said. After all, there was no benefit in lying to oneself.

Mole nodded and said, "I can follow you to rescue Mu Yu, but you have to make sure that after you rescue Mu Yu, you can promise to take me out.

Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "I'm sure, it seems that you have made the wisest choice in 913. Are you going to Qianzheng Shi now?"

The Mole nodded and said, "Yes, but can you tie me up first? Would you let me be **** to save people?

Jiang Cheng nodded, and then he said, "Now you can tell me how you plan to save people?" Jiang Cheng said while tying the mole loose. After the mole was loosened by Jiang Cheng, he moved a bit. Some numb hands.

Jiang Cheng watched the Mole's movements, and did not put away the grabbing in his hand, and there was no insurance to turn off the gun. The Mole looked at Jiang Cheng but still did not put away the gun in his hand, and there was nothing he could do. Assassinated Jiang Cheng before, and it is normal for Jiang Cheng to be prepared for himself.

After the rat moved for a while, he said to Jiang Cheng: "Now I will take you to the underground passage of the mountain, but after reaching the underground passage, you must listen to me, otherwise, we won’t come out when Mu Yu Little things, it is estimated that we will still be there.

Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "I hope you can do things well. Otherwise, the bullet from the gun will enter your head within a second, so you no longer worry about your life.

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