Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1492: Lianjiazi

When Mu Yu heard that another person was arranged, he was very curious, why another person was arranged from above, but since it was already arranged, and the person is already here, but now he is interrogating Mole, this matter Let Jiang Cheng go. It is estimated that Jiang Cheng is not knowing what he is doing there, but he can guess it with his feet. Jiang Cheng is definitely not doing business.

Thinking of this, Mu Yu walked towards the room where Jiang Cheng was staying. After entering the door, Jiang Cheng was playing minesweeper in front of the computer. Seeing Jiang Cheng's leisurely appearance, he secretly said in his heart that he was not doing it as expected. On business, Mu Yu said to Jiang Cheng: "Another person has been arranged to come over. You can pick him up at the airport now.

Hearing what Mu Yu said, Jiang Cheng looked up at Mu Yu, and then asked, "Male or female?" After speaking, Jiang Cheng started playing his minesweeper again.

Mu Yu looked at Jiang 67 and said, "Don't you know when you arrive? Go and get it. He is probably at the airport now, but don't let him wait any longer. After all, he will work with us in the future. .

When Jiang Cheng looked at Mu Yu, he could only pat his butt, stood up and looked at the weather outside, and found that it was still raining outside, shook his head and said, "Don't go.

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he sat down again. Looking at Jiang Cheng's appearance, Mu Yu threatened directly: "If you say that, I have to reconsider how I should deal with moles, but he seems to have agreed before. Joined your company, if I was detained in the team like this, I think you can’t get him out?

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows when he heard Mu Yu's threat. Although it was easy to pull the mole out, Jiang Cheng didn't want to do that. But thinking that Mu Yu shouldn't do it, he said, "No. go with.

Mu Yu looked at Jiang Cheng, who was hard and soft? She shook her head? He walked outside and said, "Since you are not going, I will go by myself? But I heard that this person is a big beauty? If some people really don't go, this kind of opportunity will never go.

Oops? She will come! Isn't she just a doorman! I don't want to go!" Jiang Cheng refused to give the new doorman Mu Yu a face.

Mu Yu heard Jiang Cheng's words of direct rejection without hesitation? Frown slightly? Asked: "Jiang Cheng, what do you want to do? What emotions are you making?

Hey, Jiang Cheng usually doesn't want to be a big name. What emotions did he have with himself today? He doesn't even know who the newcomer is? He shouldn't have any holidays with others? It's strange!

Jiang Cheng turned his head and glanced out of the window. It was still raining heavily, and it would be a charm to hit the car window and then drip.

It’s so heavy rain outside, it’s strange that I don’t get drenched when I go out now! I, Jiang Cheng, don’t do such silly things! "" Jiang Cheng stretched out his finger and pointed at the house, looking at the rain? said impatiently. .

Mu Yu looked at Jiang Cheng, who was impatient, and shook his head. While pulling up Jiang Cheng who was sitting in the chair, Mu Yu said: "We'll drive and we won't get you! Go!

Jiang Cheng was dragged to the co-pilot very reluctantly? Looking at the rain on the car window, he felt reluctant.

Half an hour later, Jiang Cheng was still tied to the airport by Mu Yu? Waiting for the arrival of his new colleague.

People coming and going in the airport? Jiang Cheng folded his shoulders and looked at the rain outside the window with an agitated face. Mu Yu looked at her phone and outside the window from time to time? But she still didn't see that person.

Huh? Is the plane late? We have been waiting here for so long, why haven't we seen the person the team said?" Mu Yu and Jiang Cheng stood in the airport lobby, she grumbled with her forehead.

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, "You have to hold me to wait?! You have to finish the decision you made by yourself, come on!

Wow, I'm not very irritable anymore, I'm just a little worried, I don't know if something happened?!" Mu Yu said anxiously and stomped her feet on the ground.

It was said that the new doorman who came this time was a girl, a girl who was pretty, and if something happened during a business trip, it would be really worrying! I really made myself anxious.

Jiang Cheng lightly patted Mu Yu's shoulder like an ankle, and said, "Oh, don't you worry about eating Luotodan, okay?! Nothing will happen, trust me!

After speaking, Jiang Cheng walked towards the other side, and did not say hello to Mu Yu.

Jiang Cheng knew very well in his heart that the assistant that a superior could assign to him, whether it is a boy or a girl, must not be a weak person, and he will naturally have some of his own strengths. If that goalkeeper is really that weak, then I won't let him join my team!

"Jiang Cheng, where are you going again? Don't run around?!" Mu Yu shouted at Jiang Cheng a little annoyed.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng didn't look back at Mu Yu, but he still replied: "I'm going to buy a drink, it's so boring! I'll bring you a drink later!

Jiang Cheng is now lined up at the Starbucks window, planning to buy two cups of Frappuccino to take home, one for Mu Yu, and one for the new doorman who has never met before.

Although he hates new colleagues, but at least treat others fairly.

Ah, who robbed my bag?! Come here, catch the thief! "Jiang Cheng heard a little panic shouting from a big sister not far away.

The thieves nowadays are really courageous. There are so many surveillances in the airport who dare to steal things! I really don't take the team members seriously!

Jiang Cheng looked in the direction of the eldest sister, a beautiful girl was running forward frantically, naturally thinking that the girl was a thief, he shouted: "I'm going now, girls are starting to be thief? ?!

After speaking, Jiang Cheng ran towards the girl. After all, he had a pair of gorgeous long legs, and in a few seconds he threw himself in front of the girl like a leopard.

"What are you doing? Don't stand in front of me! You have delayed me from doing business, can you bear the responsibility?" The girl had been chasing the bag thief in front, but was suddenly blocked by Jiang Cheng, and said a little angrily

Jiang Cheng frowned, and said earnestly, "Can you be a girl with a three-pointed attitude! These things are normal in the eyes of you young people? Do you know? How irresponsible is this?

The young people nowadays are so amazing that they can’t stop talking, and it’s amazing to be able to say that stealing is a business in front of them.

Who said I'm a thief, you're afraid I'm sick!" The woman is also a violent temper. She couldn't help seeing the thief who had already run away without a shadow, and hit Jiang Cheng's face with an uppercut. go with.

Jiang Cheng was startled, and tilted his head, stretched out his left hand to grab the woman's hand, but she avoided it.

Oops, the person who can dodge his fist seems to be a practitioner!

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