Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1493: monitor

"Have you practiced?!" Jiang Cheng was talking to the woman while he was defending against the woman's attack, with more approval in his eyes. After all, such a young woman with such a good skill, I am afraid there are not many in the world.

The woman obviously didn't want to be long-winded with Jiang Cheng, and shouted, ""Uncle, are you sick? Have I ever practiced? Just better than you."

I haven't tried my best yet, but you seem to have begun to prevail now!" Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and said to the woman.

The woman knows she is at a loss, and her skill is indeed inferior to the man who fought with herself. She shouted: "I tell you, you are hitting me now. It is called obstructing the law enforcement of the team members. You will be punished by the law! Is it?

Are you a team member?! Are you not a thief? "Jiang Cheng also began to feel that something was wrong, and asked with some confusion.

The woman sighed and slowly retracted the close attack on Jiang Cheng, saying, "So you always think I am a thief?

"Yeah. Don't you? Then who is the elder sister who just yelled for the prestige?! "Jiang Cheng also felt that he did have some impulses just now, and he asked Jun hesitantly.

The woman rolled Jiang Cheng's eyes with disdain, and said, "Do you have ink? Let me show you, my team member's work card, and (Li Wang's) has proof of an increase!"

The woman was still looking for her ID card and other documents in her backpack. Because Mu Yu hadn't waited for the new doorman, Jiang Cheng was gone. He hurried to look for it. When he saw Jiang Cheng, he ran over and said: "Hey Jiangcheng, efficiency doesn't matter! Do you already know each other?

Mu Yu, what do you mean? We already know each other?! Should this woman who can beat me and I know each other? Jiang Cheng couldn't help but twitched his eyes.

Mu Yu seemed to be aware of the awkward environment between Jiang Cheng and the woman, and said to the woman, "You are Zhang Lin? I remember that the person in the photo is you.

Yes, I am Zhang Lin. Are you?" Zhang Lin could only reply to Mu Yu's question for a while, and completely put Jiang Cheng aside.

Mu Yu smiled and replied: My name is Mu Yu, and the man you met just now is Jiang Cheng. From now on we will be partners at work.

Partners?!?" Jiang Cheng and Zhang Lin asked in unison, both of them seemed a little surprised.

Mu Yu looked at the two people and nodded at the same time, and said, "That's right, Jiang Cheng, this is the two of us who are coming to pick you up!

um, I. I get it!" Jiang Cheng nodded, squeezing a smile on his face awkwardly.

Jiang Cheng still quickly replied calmly and smiled? He stretched out his hand to Zhang Lin? Said: "Your name is Zhang Lin, right? Then we will meet again now! My name is Jiang Cheng, your new colleague in the future!

Huh? Hello, Jiang Cheng! My name is Zhang Lin? I’m glad to meet you, and I hope to show you more! "Zhang Lin also feels that the scene has become very embarrassing? Fortunately, she stretched out her hand and shook Jiang Cheng back. Slowly politely.

Rong Yu looked at Jiang Cheng and Zhang Lin, whose relationship had eased to normal? Then, let's go to the parking lot together! Go back quickly? Zhang Lin had to report to the team. This is the rule.

No!!!" Jiang Cheng and Zhang Lin yelled again in unison. Mu Yu looked at the two people who "have a tacit understanding" and couldn't help laughing, and asked, "What's the matter?

Someone just stole a big sister's bag? We as law enforcement officers? We must find someone else's bag first!" Jiang Cheng looked at Mu Yu and slowly explained.

Before Mu Yu made a decision, I heard Zhang Lin's voice among the three people, "Well, I think so too! It's just... but now that people are no longer running, the airport is crowded with people? That's not it. Too easy to find, things are a bit tricky.

Don't worry about this? As long as Jiang Cheng is there, nothing is a problem!" Mu Yu said to Zhang Lin? While giving Jiang Cheng a look of admiration.

Zhang Lin paused slightly and asked: "Jiang Cheng? Is he really that good?

I don't think I'm too powerful? But it has always been more reliable, right?" Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and explained to Zhang Lin.

Hehe, others can question me about anything, but I can't question my own strength!

, Jiang Cheng! Don’t you know how to be a low-key person? Do you know what is called mature wheat with your head down?! Huh?

Zhang Lin looked at Jiang Cheng with some doubts, her face filled with hints.

Before Jiang Cheng could reply, Mu Yu gently patted Zhang Lin on the shoulder and said, "Well... if you see Jiang Cheng's glorious and glorious history, I can guarantee that he will not praise him for being low-key!

Really? Then I'm on the team in a while, you must take it out and show it to me!" Zhang Lin said to Zhang Lin with some doubt.

Jiang Cheng didn't want to reply to such a nutritious conversation between Zhang Lin and Mu Yu, saying: "Stop talking, let's start now!

Um, then you will assign our actions!" Mu Yu replied when she heard Jiang Cheng's business talk and put away a sprinkle of foreign wine.

Chang Lin frowned and asked to Jiang Cheng and Mu Yu: "Should we...Should we act alone like this? Don't call or send a report to the organization first?! Ask them to allow us to move this time." "Puff! Then when you ran to chase the thief by yourself, did you report to the organization? Also, do the task with me, Jiang Cheng, just listen to me, organize or whatever, leave it alone! "Jiang Cheng is right Zhang Lin slowly explained.

After speaking, Jiang Cheng solemnly ordered the two people: "Mu Yu, you and Zhang Lin will go together and ask the eldest sister whose bag was stolen first, what is in her bag. What credentials are there? Estimate the total amount of all economic assets, then Mu Yu, you come to register, Zhang Lin, you go to the window to report the loss of all the ID cards and bank cards to the eldest sister, and use the rabbit thief to do something illegal with the bank card and identity information. Thing!

Received! "After all, Mu Yu and Zhang Lin had received professional and systematic training. Hearing Jiang Cheng's instructions, they turned around and started.

Jiang Cheng didn't leave the place in a hurry. Instead, he pulled out his mobile phone from his bag, dialed the phone of Assistant Lindal, and said, "Linda, it's me, Jiang Zai.

Big boss Jiang?! I haven't called me for a long time, I believe something must happen. Come on, what else is going to be done by my little assistant?" Linda was helpless, and replied to Jiang Cheng on the other end of the phone extremely seriously.

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, "Linda, you can't Pio! Now it's business, you still have to go to the door and I will adjust the monitoring. The first two hours, about 2:30 to 3:30 in the afternoon, the airport Yes, and the surveillance on the road at the south gate of the airport!

His memory should not be bad, as if vaguely remembering that Xiao Lun ran over from the south, he must have done a guilty conscience and definitely ran out of the airport nearby. So, probably that Wei went out from the south gate of the airport!

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