Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1494: Bluetooth

Big boss, can you keep your eyes high, why do you ask me to adjust the monitoring every time you call me?! Also, for the monitoring of the airport, you can just go to the airport directly. Why do you even call to find out? I want it? Didn’t I go around a circle and wasted time for nothing?!" Linda asked impatiently, she was obviously a little assistant, busy dealing with documents or something. But, since I have been with Jiang Cheng. Great God, check the monitoring in three days, and run the team in five days, dare to ask that little assistant can stand it!

Hearing the words, Jiang Cheng pursed his lips and replied to Linda, "Okay, can I give you processing funds? I asked you to adjust the monitoring because it is more convenient for you to use the company's system to call the monitoring. If I want to go If you find the airport management staff to call for monitoring, you must also ask your superiors, find the boss and the responsible personnel for signatures, and walk down one by one. It will take a long time!

Humph, big boss Jiang Cheng, if it wasn't for your handsome appearance, I wouldn't be able to do these coolies!" Linda replied with some playfulness.

Jiang Cheng smiled over the phone and said, "It's alright, the year-end bonus will be doubled, and your salary will triple from this month. Okay!

Hehe, rich money, right?! Okay, I won't talk to you local tyrant, I'm going to the door "Jiang Papi" to work!" Assistant Lindai said to Jiang Cheng teasingly.

Jiang Cheng naturally heard Linda? Give himself the nickname "Jiang Papi", hung up the phone disapprovingly, planning to see if there were any clues on Zhang Lin and Mu Yu.

Mu Yu, what's the situation on your side now? "Jiang Cheng walked to Mu Yu and Zhang Lin in three steps and two steps, and saw the two women walking around asking for the identity information of the eldest sister who was stolen. Asked.

Yu stood up slowly, and replied to Jiang Cheng: "Report, we have completed the inquiry. The stolen person's handbag contained a wallet containing 95 yuan in cash, two chapters from China Merchants Bank and Eastern Bank. Credit cards and deposit cards, as well as a .iphonese2 mobile phone, the stolen passport and a visa that is still within the validity period. Oh, by the way, there is also a ticket to outside the area at 7:30 in the evening!

, It seems that the eldest sister I asked is a local tyrant? Tsk tsk spray? What do you say if you are really rich?" Jiang Cheng seemed to have grasped some information and suddenly asked. Mu Yu raised his eyebrows? He said to Jiang Cheng, "How about Are you also scared by the degree of this elder sister's local tyrant?!

"What's the matter with what? Do you think there is a lot of work in the current Zhang? Use an iPhonese2 mobile phone as a tyrant?! Is my focus on money?

Are you stupid? "Jiang Cheng stretched out his right index finger and nodded Mu Yu's head with some speechlessness.

Mu Yu withdrew her mouth? Said: "Then what's wrong with you? Where is your focus?!"

Cell phone! "Jiang Cheng thought for a while, sorted out his thoughts? He replied to Mu Yu.

Mu Yu smiled disdainfully? Said, "Then you haven't focused on other people's iphonese2 phones? Envy, envy?

Mu Yu! Don't forget, I'm not just a team member?" Jiang Cheng reluctantly squeezed Mu Yu's Mu Yu, looking at Mu Yu as if the mud couldn't support the wall.

Mu Yu grimly replied to Jiang Cheng: "Uh...eyes...sorry? Is the boss stupid? To someone whose wealth can be on the Forbes rankings? Saying that there is an iphonese2 mobile phone is rich... Well, I might have lost my brain watts!

Okay, it's business. You said that eldest sister's cell phone is still in her bag, right?" Jiang Cheng paused and asked Mu Yu.

Mu Yu nodded, and replied to Jiang Cheng, "Huh? That's right. iphonese: 2!

Silly Muyu, what else can you see besides [interesting novel] iphonese2?

Jiang Cheng helplessly dropped his mouth? Asked back.

Mu Yu pouted, and said, "There's nothing left! Meet... right? Just say it straight, iphonese2, is it a mobile phone? What's important about a mobile phone?

Now you come with me to ask the phone number and identity information of the stolen person? I use the satellite positioning of my Xunteng company to locate her mobile phone's current real-time location! Understand? "Jiang Cheng" sighed He said helplessly.

Chang Lin also walked over at this time and said, "What are you talking about? You are not here for so long, Mu Yu, you are also true. Run over to find Jiang Cheng, but you tell me, I can't see it when I turn my head You are a human, and thought what happened to you!

Bao Muyu said with some embarrassment.

Jiang Cheng frowned and said, "Time is waiting for no one. Let's ask the phone number and ID information of the stolen first!

"What did you say, the phone number? I just asked, and I already know that the eldest sister whose bag was stolen is very cooperative with our team's law enforcement." Zhang Lin reported to Jiang Chenghui.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Lin and his eyes were full of approval, and said: "Okay, then you can show me the list of the phone number!"

Just now Zhang Lin handed Jiang Cheng the information record sheet, Jiang Cheng’s cell phone rang "dididididi", Jiang Cheng saw the call from assistant Linda, and immediately pressed the answer button, and said:" Linda, come on, did the surveillance video call it out?

Well, yes, I called them all out and saw them. What you are looking for is the thief who steals a big sister's handbag. I just saw you chasing him. "Linda replied solemnly to Jiang Cheng on the other end of the phone.

Jiang Cheng pursed his lips and said, "Yes, that's the man in the pure ink suit. Where is he now?

Um... I have been taking surveillance video in the direction of his escape. I just saw him walk in from an apartment on Bluetooth Road, but that was

Old-fashioned apartment, I'm not sure which house he is in!" Linda whispered in a quick report.

Jiang Cheng nodded at this end of the phone and said, "It's pretty good, then I will show you a list of phone numbers. You can use the most accurate set of satellite positioning query system in the company to immediately find out the phone number used by the card. The precise location of the phone.

It really deserves to be the person who personally picked out to be his assistant, Linda's work efficiency is really good!

Boss Jiang, tell me, I will write down my phone number and go to the logistics department immediately to check!" Linda said as she went from her desk

Take out the notebook from the second drawer, and prepare to start recording the phone number that Jiang Cheng said later.

Jiang Cheng said slowly, "Well, take your time to record. Don't make any mistakes. The situation is urgent. *!

Okay, that boss, I'll hang up first, and go to the logistics department to work! "After that, Linda: I just hung up.

Zhang Lin saw Jiang Cheng put down the phone, and immediately asked: How is it? What is the situation now?!

I have asked my assistant to retrieve the surveillance video of the airport and follow the thief's escape route all the way, and now I locate him on the Bluetooth road!

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Lin and replied slowly.

Chang Lin frowned and said, "Did you not ask your superiors? How could you be able to retrieve surveillance video in public places like the airport so quickly? Also, you are a team member, do you have an assistant?

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