Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1495: Sit back and watch

It's really strange, when did the treatment of a small team member become so good? It's really confusing.

Hmm. Zhang Lin, you don't know, Jiang Cheng is not just a team member, he or Mu Yu had not had time to explain to Zhang Lin before he was interrupted by Jiang Cheng's words.

"Well, anything other than work will wait until the case is finished!"

Jiang Cheng Muyu and Mole were also indispensable. After Zhang Lin returned to the team, suddenly many team members besieged the four directly. Just when Jiang Cheng was inexplicably or even a little bit forced, the people who besieged them directly tested the mouse.

Jiang Cheng suddenly had the urge to do his hand, his palm immediately turned into a fist, and he silently calculated the time and speed of his own punching, and he had to lift it in the fastest time. This bastard, and then take away the rat. Escaped, even the route was figured out.

At this moment, one hand held Jiang Cheng's hand. Jiang Cheng turned his head and saw Mu Yu. Mu Yu kept shaking his head and told Jiang Cheng not to be impulsive. Jiang Cheng looked at Mu Yu's sincere eyes, and the anger in his heart died down. , The fist also becomes the palm.

Jiang Cheng thought in his heart, I'm going to see what they can do with the rats. At this time, if Jiang Cheng hits people, it is really not a sensible move. When the time comes, he will bring a series of troubles to himself. The gain is not worth the loss.

Suddenly the door was pushed in. The boss came in. The boss smiled and said, ""Mole, you fell into our hands this time, so you can't escape. Our law will definitely make you repay this in prison. Sins made inside and out.

The boss had a heavy tone, speaking righteously, full of vigor, and Mole said nothing. He didn't resist either, but looked at Jiang Cheng deeply.

At this glance, it is all-encompassing. There are nostalgia, reluctance, respect, hope, expectation, and loss.

Jiang Cheng looked at a glance in his heart, as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle, even he did not know the ups and downs.

With this look, the mouse was suppressed by the boss and a group of people? Jiang Cheng and Mu Yu were left behind in Fang Keli? Mu Yu wanted to talk to Jiang Cheng, but Jiang Cheng said, "You go back? I'm alone.

Jiang Cheng is serious? The danger is also ugly. Mu Yu has no reason to resist? And he has no courage to resist, but he didn't go out? Or stood there quietly? Because he was worried that Jiang Cheng would lose control and do stupid things. Come, so he just stood there.

Jiang Cheng knew what Mu Yu was thinking, so he said, "Go, don't worry? I won't do stupid things. Let me think about how to save the mole through regular channels.

Mu Yu heard Jiang Cheng say this? So he went out directly, Zhang Lin followed out and carded the door. Jiang Cheng took out the phone and dialed a number. He didn't want to make this call, but he made the second call.

"Hello boss? They want to sentence rat-beating, I think you came forward and let him go." Jiang Cheng said in a word.

But you promised me another task. "I simply agreed to Jiang Cheng? But he also offered conditions.

Yes, but I want to travel with Mole? Let’s do this task together. "Jiang Cheng blurted out without thinking.

"Deal", the boss hung up after finishing talking.

Jiang Cheng hung up the phone and rushed to Mu Yu's side excitedly, saying: "The boss is approved? Rat-beating can come out." Jiang Cheng cried out excitedly at Mu Yu.

Really! "Hear this? Mu Yu jumped off the chair and said.

Although I have always acted like I hate that brat? But at least that fellow is not bad. Although, the previous one was positive and the crowd beat himself. Who is the mole?" Zhang Lin took a sip of coffee and asked when looking at the two excited people. There was a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Oh! A guy in the Mo Xiao organization! That's the Mo Xiao we are going to get rid of in this mission!" Mu Yu explained on the side.

Let me go! Are you crazy! Our opponents are released, I think you are very happy?" Zhang Lin looked at the two of them idiotly. Then she shook her head and took a sip of coffee with a hopeless expression. .

He followed me and he is now my little brother!" Jiang Cheng said with a grimace. Zhang Lin raised up the information in Jiang Cheng's hand and said, "You are not even a member of the team, let alone a soldier! Where's the little brother? ?Street gangsters

Cut! Go! Pick up the mole. "Jiang Cheng withdrew Che's mouth and said to Mu Yu who was on the side. Mu Yu nodded and walked ahead.

Come out!" Mole looked at Jiang Cheng and then at Mu Yu obediently walked out.

Mu Yu grabbed Mole's arm and waved his hand to untie the chain on Mole's hand.

This world welcomes you! You are free!" Mu Yu said to Mole with a smile.

Mole looked at Mu Yu stupidly, and then at Jiang Cheng. Eyes full of doubts. "Now! Thank you boss! He pleaded with the boss." Mu Yu pointed to Jiang Cheng and said, with a smile in his eyes.

Thank you. "The Mole hugged Jiang Cheng, lowered her voice and sobbed on Jiang Cheng's shoulder.

Jiang Cheng touched Mole's head and nodded. The Mole was even more excited and held it tighter.

"Don't plan to treat?" Mu Yu said to the two with an unhappy face. Every time I saw Mole, I remembered that I was being beaten by a gang, and I felt upset and wanted to fight back.

But if you can't beat it yourself, you can still cheat a meal.

Please! Must please!" Mole waved his hand with a bold face, and said to the two.

Yo! Is this the end of the report?" Jiang Chengse asked rhetorically, but it was a pig's cry.

Why do you remind me?" Mu Yu said, dissatisfied with Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng shrugged helplessly.

A happy laugh.

In the shop, which is not too quiet, the mouse finds a quiet private room, and everyone enjoys playing in the private room.

Just as everyone was clamoring, there was a "bang!" "This is the sound of the character falling to the ground.

Go and have a look? "Mu Yu rushed forward before the words fell, and Jiang Cheng reluctantly followed.

Player, don't move! "Mu Yu rushed into the room and took out the team member's card." With a bang, the door was kicked open.

The few people inside heard that the team members immediately stopped moving. Jiang Cheng went in and saw a man standing outside.

The deaf music in the room was still thinking. Mouse covered his ears and turned off the speaker.

Mu Yu glared at the two of them, but Jiang Zai stopped him when he wanted to rush up.

I'm here!" Jiang Cheng turned to Mu Yu and said something. Then he rushed to the man and threw the man to the ground. "Beat a woman? Cool!" Jiang Cheng glanced at the man and said to the man. A kick in the face.

After kicking, Jiang Cheng rushed over and found that the beauty was lying on the ground and fainted. A shy face was very handsome, a pair of willow eyebrows, a pointed chin, and big eyes, but now the eyes are closed The ink white that can't see the eyes is clear.

Jiang Cheng couldn't stand such a beautiful woman lying here. He couldn't just sit back and watch. Jiang Cheng squatted down quickly and was about to pick up this beautiful woman.

Suddenly, a burst of fragrance flashed, and just as Jiang Cheng was scenting the fragrance, he was pushed away by a force of Cha. Although the force was not great, he forced his hind legs for a half step.

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