Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1496: Unbelievable

When Jiang Cheng was about to squeeze him back, he found that Zhang Lin had stepped down and picked up the beautiful woman, looking around.

The angry Jiang Cheng really wants to kick her in the legs. I really don’t understand how to be her own teammate. He is not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like others. Jiang Cheng now understands this sentence quite thoroughly. .

Jiang Cheng said irritably, "I'm going to save the girl and send her to the hospital. What are you doing?" Jiang Cheng's voice was a little loud because he was angry, and Mu Yu and Mole looked over here.

Could it be that you alone will send her to the hospital, but I will not? I also want to send her to the hospital. "Zhang Lin said with confidence, and was about to hug and walk downstairs.

At this moment, because Rong Yu looked towards Jiang Cheng and didn't pay attention to the person who was squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, he suddenly jumped up and kicked Mu Yu's waist. Mu Yu flew over.

The speed was so fast that Jiang Cheng was also taken aback. It seems that there are such powerful people in it, so I really underestimated them.

Jiang Cheng jumped up and hugged Mu Yu directly. The two landed at the same time and then rolled on the spot, releasing all gravity and then standing up again.

Just as Mu Yu flew up, a person also attacked Mole. This person's luck was obviously not as good as that of the person who kicked Mu Yu. Because of Mu Yu's flying up, Mole Dun looked back and found a four-eight-year-old. The foot came straight to his own footsteps.

The mouse squatted down quickly, rubbing his scalp with his big feet, and the wind could blow his hair up. It was under the mouse while holding his right hand. When the man's stall was just in front of him, he was cruel. A punch hit the man's stall.

Then everyone would guess that it was a scream, no different from killing a pig. The man lying on the ground curled up and rolled, holding the stall with his hands, and the sweat on his head beckoned like a pouring rain. come out.

After getting up, Jiang Cheng said to Mu Yu, "How are you? Can you fight Mu Yu patted her clothes and laughed: "Her mother's waist is every time. Who is my waist? It's not my waist disc protrusion. , They do not change places.

Jiang Cheng must have seen Mu Yu flirting and cursing, he must be fine. For a while, the man had already put Jiang Cheng Mu Yu in the middle of the rat-beating area. Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Lin, she was holding the woman, Jiang Cheng said loudly, do you protect that girl? Don't get hurt. "Jiang Cheng is really worried that a pig-like opponent? Will put the **** the ground and participate in the battle. There is no worries? Jiang Cheng Muyu and the Mole three back to back? Form a stable triangle, so that no matter where he attacks from anywhere? Someone will respond. And he will not be hit by his opponent in the back.

Why is the friendship so close? After so many years, will it fade with time? It's because. They experienced life and death together? They gave their backs to their comrades in arms, and their comrades only charged during the battle, because their backs were given to their comrades.

And they know that their comrades will block bullets for them with their bodies? Protect their backs? So this kind of friendship is exchanged for life, so you must kiss and be deep.

This was the group of people who could not wait to attack, Jiang Cheng directly rushed over, blocking the punch with one hand? Then he changed the past one moment, but this punch was Jiang Cheng's full blow? He knocked his opponent directly to the ground.

Jiang Cheng didn't stop, because the enemy didn't stop either. He went to the flying kick kicked from the side on the spot, and then swept the kicker directly to the ground.

All three of them are good skills? Every punch? Every kick is free and easy drifting, Zhang Lin is dazzled, and every cell in her body is about to explode.

She really regrets that Gang Yu grabbed this girl by herself, otherwise she is one of them now, and her skill will not be worse than the one at the scene, so these gangsters must be beaten to kneel and call sister.

The room suddenly became quiet, and Jiang Cheng laughed: "I dare to resist even with this ability. Mu Yu took all the rats away, and the team will check it later.

Mu Yu and Mole took out the cast and tortured all the gangsters, and then Jiang Cheng arranged for Zhang Lin to send the beauty to the hospital.

Zhang Lin must ensure the safety of the girl. This is your first mission. Don't let me down. "This was given to Zhang Lin by Jiang Cheng when Zhang Lin was leaving, and Zhang Lin rolled her eyes in anger.

And Jiang Cheng, Mu Yu, and Mole immediately waited for all the gangsters in the team. Jiang Cheng felt that this person would definitely not be easy to take home for a good investigation.

As soon as the team handed over the task, a few people chatted together and a man in a suit and shoes walked into the team, and the one who was familiar with the road came to Mu Yu's side. He lowered his head and pressed his voice and said, "Is Mu Yuren?

Although the man kept his voice down as much as possible, Jiang Cheng still heard what the man said, and the mole on the side naturally heard what the man said.

The two of them looked at Mu Yu at the same time. The man seemed to have noticed their gazes and continued to speak in a low tone: "Is it convenient to take a step to speak?

As soon as he said this, Jiang Cheng frowned. But Mu Yu said indifferently, "Okay, let's go! There is a Starbucks opposite.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the team, the man stopped Mu Yu.

The man turned his head and looked, stood under a tree, took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Mu Yu.

Said: "Hello Mu Yu, I am Lawyer Li. I learned that a friend of mine entered your team because of a little misunderstanding. I want to bail him. Mu Yu stared at the man in front of him with anger in his eyes. Lawyer Li It seemed that he had expected it a long time ago, and he said straight to the point: "I have investigated you and know your nature.

But my friend is indeed misunderstood. I hope you will consider it after investigation.

"I don't really hope that we will have to meet in court because of a misunderstanding.

After the man said these words directly, it was obvious that he had thought about it before. Mu Yu hooked up the corner of her mouth, glanced at the document, and directly passed the document to Lawyer Li.

Don't even think about it!" Mu Yu left without saying a word coldly.

Lawyer Li looked at Mu Yu's back and turned away with a smile. Yesterday? I was so angry?" Jiang Cheng said with a smile looking at Mu Yu who came back.

"That lawyer actually wants to bail that fellow man!" Mu Yu said angrily. His eyes seemed to be breathing fire.

I feel that person is familiar, like the person next to the boss of the organization.

"Fortunately to meet one side, it seems to be responsible for Baidao's side." At this moment, Mole threw a sentence abruptly.

What? Are you sure? "Mu Yu looked at Mouse with an incredulous look. Jiang Cheng also stared at Beating Rat with surprise on his face, but he saw that he was serious in the eyes of Mole!

Hurry up, check them carefully! "Jiang Cheng stopped hesitating, and immediately turned and rushed to the team members to shout.

A female team member on the side came over with a file, and frowned unhappy as she watched Jiang Cheng proudly.

There are people waiting to enter here, why are you here?" The little team member said to Jiang Cheng with an impatient face. His tone was still a bit arrogant.

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