Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 801: Siege

Dezhi's pilots saw that the other two home countries that they were attacking were all on, so they had to rush towards Jiang Cheng and the others.

The armors of other home countries have also begun to move to the side. These main tasks are to contain and support.

Bi Jing can attack at the same time with so many armors, and not too many people can do it at the same time on the front battlefield.

They need to launch a diversionary attack from the side or behind, so that they can distract Jiang Cheng and the others.

If Jiang Cheng and the five of them were distracted by these people, the three home-nations that attacked frontally would have a chance.

The armor performance of the three home countries is the best. Even if it is a Xingtian type, it cannot withstand too many attacks.

Now these humanoid armors of different home countries have launched a Bao Guo formation.

If they wait until their Bao Guo is completely formed, it will be difficult for Jiang Cheng and the others to show their strength no matter how strong they are.

However, since Jiang Cheng said big talk before, there is naturally a solution now.

If he wants to break through the Baoguo network formed by so many people, the time difference is what he wants to take advantage of.

He didn't believe that the other side's so many people from different countries would cooperate with each other so tacitly.

The formation of this kind of temporary team will definitely have loopholes. There will always be people who are faster and others who are slower.

The time difference caused by these speeds is an opportunity for Jiang Cheng and the others.

Jiang Cheng saw the three home countries rushing in front of him, but did not pay attention to them.

These three countries are the most difficult opponents today, so Jiang Cheng is not planning to take them first.

He was going to break through the weaker armors first, and finally deal with the three most difficult bones.

Jiang Cheng's gaze turned away from the armor rushing towards them, and turned to the armors on both sides that were going to turn around to contain them.

In an instant, Jiang Cheng's brain started to rotate rapidly, and he began to analyze the situation on the start.

Jiang Cheng is doing battlefield analysis, using his super computing power to find the weakness of the opponent's formation.

In Jiang Cheng's mind, many action plans are simultaneously calculated, and the success rate of these plans is being judged.

In less than a second, Jiang Cheng calculated many different results and took the most reasonable course of action.

"Don't pay attention to the proven opponent, attack the enemy on our left! There is the weakness of the opponent's formation!

Jiang Cheng found that the enemy on the left did not keep up with the entire team when moving.

So the opponent's formation was pulled out of a neutral position, and this neutral position is a weakness they can take advantage of.

Everyone pay attention to the space on the left side of the place, we can rush through the other side's enclosure.

"It's now! Do it!"

Jiang Cheng gave instructions to his teammates to act, and then took the lead and rushed towards the left.

The other four dared not delay the slightest, and rushed past Jiang Cheng with all their strength.

Now a very strange scene appeared on the test site. A large group of humanoid armor rushed towards Jiang Cheng and the others, and the overwhelming offensive looked very fierce.

But Jiang Cheng and the others ignored the attack in front of them, turned their heads and rushed towards the left.

Because there were more than a dozen armors on the left side, the speed was a little slow, leaving Bao Guo with a small gap.

As long as Jiang Cheng and the others rush to the position of the gap, they can attack the dozens of opponents that are placed alone.

However, Jiang Cheng and the others had only a moment of opportunity, because the gap in the opponent's formation would soon be blocked.

The few home countries on the left that are not fast enough will soon catch up with the big troops.

If they wait until they catch up, the flaws they exposed will disappear.

After the other party's weakness disappeared, it was very difficult for Jiang Cheng and the others to try.

Maybe they will be consumed by the crowds of tactics, and they will lose the match completely.

If Jiang Cheng and the others can seize this opportunity now and defeat some opponents first, the subsequent battle will be much easier.

The first to reduce some of the opponents is what Jiang Cheng wants to do now.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng and the others must seize this only opportunity and take advantage of the weaknesses exposed by the opponent to gain a certain amount of first move.

After Jiang Cheng discovered the opponent's weakness, Weitou rushed towards that place.

But their current situation is not very good, because the proven enemy is very close.

The Zeus type is already very close to them, and it will take a few seconds to reach the attack range and start attacking them.

Although the Zeus? type of the beautiful country started a little later, it was much better in mobility than the armor of the bear country, so the second start came to the forefront.

Although the Zeus type was about to approach Jiang Cheng and the others, Jiang Cheng rushed to the left as if he hadn't seen the opponent in front of him.

The Zeus type in front saw the opponent ignore them, and of course he would not let go of this good attack opportunity.

So the five Zeus-types raised their weapons at the same time and slashed towards the front Jiang Cheng.

If Jiang Cheng was hit by these five attacks at the same time, even if the Xingtian-type defense was very strong, the armor shell would not be broken.

But Jiang Cheng's actions will definitely be affected, and the speed will soon drop.

Maybe Jiang Cheng was about to be completely contracted by the other party, and then faced with simultaneous siege by dozens of armored units.

No matter how powerful the Xingtian type is, it will be difficult to maintain sufficient combat effectiveness in the face of dozens of simultaneous attacks from opponents.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng must leave as soon as possible, or else he will face failure.

The five Zeus type that launched an attack towards Jiang Cheng originally thought that their attack would succeed.

But when their weapons were about to approach Jiang Cheng, they found that the enemy in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Their attack fell into the air at once, completely unaware of what happened.

Jiang Cheng seemed to disappear suddenly, out of the scope of their attack

This is not to say that Xingtian type would teleport suddenly, so it avoided the opponent's attack.

But because Jiang Cheng's speed is too fast, オ will make the opponent have the illusion of disappearing.

The Xingtian type that Jiang Cheng drove has just reached its limit speed, which has exceeded the visual capture limit of the opposing driver.

That's why they didn't find out how Jiang Cheng left, which gave the illusion that Jiang Cheng suddenly disappeared. Jiang Cheng used the speed to reach the limit, and after opening the opponent's attack, Ji Ruo ran to the gap on the opponent's encircling circle.

Of course, the four Xingtian-types in the back would not hinder Jiang Cheng, and at the same time they improved to the extreme speed and followed Jiang Cheng closely.

Wutai Xingtian 1 was transformed into five afterimages at the same time. Before being attacked by Zeus, it staggered the opponent's attack first.

The five afterimages crossed a long distance in an instant and reached the leftmost side of the opponent's formation.

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