Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 802: Panic

This place is where the gap lies, and it is also the key to Jiang Cheng's victory today.

When Jiang Cheng and the others used all their opponents, they temporarily separated from the opponent's Bao Guotu.

Now they are no longer in danger of being besieged, but can start to fight back.

As long as they move faster, they can use this short time to do many things before the encirclement is re-formed.

Now the situation is very different from just now, Jiang Cheng and the others have seen a slight turn for the better.

At this time, the Xingtian-type speed advantage can be manifested. If it weren't for the Xingtian-type speed to go against the sky, it might be trapped in heavy encirclement.

Because Xing Tian Xing had a speed that his opponents could hardly match, he was able to grasp the gap at that moment.

Therefore, maneuverability is the most important parameter of in-shaped armor, and many things cannot be done without speed.

Speed ​​is the life of humanoid armor, which Jiang Cheng has always believed very firmly, and Xing Tian was designed according to this idea.

Today Jiang Cheng's foresight played a very important role. He used Xingtian speed to find himself a chance of victory.

Now Jiang Cheng and the others can attack the opponent who placed the order, first reduce the number of some opponents.

At the beginning, they rushed towards Jiang Cheng’s armor, and found that the opponent had changed the direction of action.

And spontaneously adjusted the positions between each other, wanting to restore the Baotian just now.

If Jiang Cheng and the others do not hurry up now, there will be no chance to do it.

Now it depends on whether the opponent Bao Guo circle formed faster, or Jiang Cheng's attack was faster.

The dozen or so pieces of armor that were a beat slower had not kept up with the big army at this time.

Just when they were still not sure about the situation, Jiang Cheng and their Wutai Xingtian Type 1 had already rushed in front of these people.

As soon as Jiang Cheng rushed to the front of the armor, he did not hesitate to eject the arm blade on his arm and slashed at the armor.

Others also followed Jiang Cheng to attack, acting very decisively without any hesitation.

There are still dozens of armors behind them, and there is no time to hesitate.

Xing Tianxing burst out his fiercest attack in an instant, attacking Ruo with the momentum of thunder.

This thunderous offensive stunned those armors at once.

They never thought that they would be attacked, and they were not prepared for any defense.

The dozen or so slower-moving armors are from Flange and the armors are silly.

If Jiang Cheng were to evaluate the armors of these two countries, they could only be described by the word "cai".

The humanoid armor developed by the two countries has poor performance in all aspects, and it can be said that there is no bright spot at all.

In the test project of the previous few days, these two countries have always been at the bottom of the list, and they have divided up the bottom and bottom positions respectively.

Jiang Cheng aimed at these two home countries, which may also be due to their weak strength.

Falan and Idali, the two home-country rookie armors, faced the thunderous offensive launched by Jiang Cheng and they were unable to make effective resistance.

Seeing Wutai Xingtian flashing several times, all the attacks were completed. The humanoid armors of those two home countries have been completely defeated.

The armors chasing Jiang Cheng and the others behind can only watch if their teammates are attacked, but they can't make any rescue.

Because Xing Tianxing had already moved a distance from them, it would take at least a few seconds to get past them.

It's a pity that a lot of things can happen in a few seconds, which is enough for Jiang Cheng and the others to complete their attacks.

For the two home countries that were a bit slower, one of the ten armored units was defeated.

Others didn't even see Jiang Cheng's attacking movements clearly, and had no idea how their teammates were defeated.

They only saw the Xingtian type flashing on the ground a few times, and then ten armors fell on the ground on their side.

In fact, a lot of things happened in an instant, Jiang Cheng and the others successively launched many attacks on their opponents.

Then they destroyed the control centers of the ten armors, and finally completely lost their combat effectiveness.

It's just that Jiang Cheng and the others are too fast, they have reached the point where people can't see clearly, that's why this situation has been caused.

After realizing that they had lost ten armors, the rest of them all took a breath.

It has been less than a minute since the start of the 25th battle, and they have reduced one-seventh of their members.

The combat power Jiang Cheng and the others showed was really shocking.

Being able to hit ten armors in an instant while facing so many people surrounded by them, this kind of combat efficiency is beyond their ability.

You know they only have seventy-five armored units, and now there are ten less.

If Jiang Cheng and the others are allowed to come a few more times, their quantitative advantage will be completely gone.

Quantity is their only advantage. If this cannot be guaranteed, what will they use to contend with Jiang Cheng.

But these people’s current worries are actually a bit redundant, because Jiang Cheng and the others cannot be so efficient.

Just now Jiang Cheng and the others just hit their opponents by surprise, which resulted in such a brilliant result.

Jiang Cheng and the others were able to kill ten humanoid armors in such a short time, mainly because the opponents were careless.

The performance of the ten armors themselves is the worst. The pilots were so careless just now, there is no reason for them not to be defeated.

Unprepared, they were suddenly attacked by Jiang Cheng and they were not prepared for defense at all. Only then was Jiang Cheng defeated them instantly.

If these ten armors were prepared in advance, even if Jiang Cheng wanted to defeat them, he would probably waste a lot of time.

When the time comes, their teammates will follow, and the situation will change instantly.

But now it is too late to say that these ten armors are already lying on the ground, and there is not enough opportunity to regret it.

For the remaining humanoid armor, the only thing that can be done is to be more vigilant and stop giving Jiang Cheng and the others a chance to surprise.

If they can fight steadily, it is not impossible to win.

It is a pity that Jiang Cheng would not give them this opportunity. After defeating ten armors, he immediately made the next move.

Jiang Cheng seized the moment when the opponent was distracted, and attacked again before the opponent adjusted.

I saw that he once again pushed his speed to the limit and rushed towards the armors around him.

Now the opponent is in a panic because of the matter just now. As long as you seize this opportunity and reduce some opponents, the next battle becomes very simple.

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