Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 807: success

Using platinum as a consumable for experiments can be said to be the most luxurious.

Fortunately, the mining work on Mars has not stopped in the past few years. After the platinum was mined, it was all transported back to the earth and then stored in a centralized manner.

After a long period of accumulation, Jiang Cheng has now saved a lot of platinum, enough for him to squander in the experiment.

Soon Jiang Cheng called and sent countless materials, all of which were necessary materials for the manufacture of curvature engines.

Of course, a large amount of platinum was sent over as a consumable for Jiang Cheng's experiment.

Jiang Cheng looked at the mountains of platinum keys in the laboratory, his eyes were a little bit dazzling.

Next is the time for Jiang Cheng to waste the platinum. Fortunately, Jiang Cheng does not care about the value of the platinum.

He doesn't know how much platinum is piled up, and it won't hurt to waste it.

Before officially starting to manufacture, Jiang Cheng first did the design work.

In this respect, Jiang Cheng is not at all troublesome, he has done a lot of curvature engine designs in the previous life.

The real suffering is the subsequent manufacturing work, any mistake will make the entire lead scrapped.

To develop a highly stable curvature engine, Jiang Cheng may need to build many experimental engines.

These experimental leads are a process of accumulating experience and an indispensable failure on the road to success.

In a few days, Jiang Cheng completed the design work and drew all the drawings of the curvature engine.

Next is the time for Jiang Cheng to roll up his sleeves and work hard. It's not an easy guy to make a curvature guide.

Fortunately, if Lucy's help from Jiang Cheng, she can control all the equipment

Jiang Cheng only needs to give guidance on one side, and does not need him to do the work himself.

Soon Jiang Cheng completed the manufacturing of the first curvature engine and also consumed some materials piled in the laboratory.

After completing the manufacture of the first experimental engine, it is not that Jiang Cheng has completed all the work.

The reliability of this kind of experiment is very poor, it will be scrapped after running for too long, and it cannot be installed on the spacecraft at all.

A reliable engine requires countless experimental engines to open the circuit before it can be developed.

In fact, his research and development work has just begun. Later, Jiang Cheng will need to sum up his experience from countless failures before he can create a really usable curvature guide.

After completing the manufacture of the first experimental engine, the next stage is the testing phase.

After the test is completed, Jiang Cheng needs to improve the design of the engine based on the test data and perfect the design of the engine little by little.

After repeating this work countless times, a perfect curvature engine will be born.

Jiang Cheng is still in the initial stage of work, and he still has a long and difficult way to go on the road to the development of the curvature engine.

Ji Su is now standing in front of a curvature engine, preparing for the test.

The curvature of this unit is so large that it almost fills up the whole room.

Had it not been for the entire room to be the largest room in the laboratory, I would not be able to fit this experimental engine.

After all, the curvature guide is the equipment used by the spacecraft, and the volume is of course not much smaller.

This engine is only a relatively rudimentary curvature engine, so the volume is not particularly large.

If it is the kind of advanced curvature engine that can accelerate hundreds of times, then the volume is probably the size of a small building.

Jiang Cheng checked the lines connected to the engine, and then started this test.

Lucy, ready to start engine testing, pay attention to recording all the data. "

Experiment number one starts testing!

After Jiang Cheng's order was given, Lucy activated the energy transmission line and started sending energy to the engine wheel.

After the energy source line was transmitted to the Yin, the experimental Yin in front of Jiang Cheng began to sparkle with different colors.

These lights represent that the folds of the space are increasing, and the distance of the entire space is beginning to be shortened.

Jiang Cheng, who was in the country of Yinfan, didn't feel much, because only the relative distance was shortened.

Jiang Cheng, who is within the scope of Yin's influence, will not be affected in any way, and it is no different from being in a normal space.

When the light of different colors on the top of the guide begins to increase, that is, when the power of the guide reaches its maximum.

At this time, the space of the engine week country has been relatively shortened twenty times.

If 573 is here on the spacecraft, the speed will increase by as much as twenty times.

However, Citation is now in a fixed position, so there is no change.

Now only through the test equipment can the changes in space be tested.

Master, now the No. 1 experimental engine has reached the maximum power, the space fold test is in line with expectations, this engine has reached the design requirements

Lucy is reporting the test data to Jiang Cheng, let Jiang Cheng understand the specific situation of the current experimental engine.

After hearing Lucy's report, Jiang Cheng nodded in satisfaction and said: Very good, continue to maintain the maximum power, see how long this pilot can run.

The test data of experiment No. 1 meets the design requirements, and it does not mean that Jiang Cheng's experiment was successful.

Now this is only a short-term operation, and there is no problem at all.

After running at full power for a long time, various problems will definitely occur.

These problems are what Jiang Cheng needs to solve. The entire R&D process is to discover and solve problems.

If one engine can run for a long time, it can meet Jiang Cheng's requirements.

Master, engine parameters have begun to fluctuate, and several indicators have exceeded the jing threshold. Whether to terminate this test.

After running for a few minutes, some problems appeared in the experimental engine No.

Lucy immediately informed Jiang Cheng of the current situation and asked whether to terminate the experiment.

At this time, since the light flashing on the experimental engine began to become unstable, this meant that some problems had indeed occurred.

Just looking at the current condition of the engine, you know that it will stop running soon. It seems that this engine is not stable enough, and it will not work after only a few minutes of running.

This kind of engine is really unusable, and no one dares to install it on a spacecraft with something that can only take a few minutes.

At least it needs to be able to keep running for hours before this engine has practical value, or it is a failed test product.

Judging from the current situation, Jiang Cheng’s first experimental engine failed.

However, this was also something that had long been expected, so Jiang Chenghe's mood did not fluctuate in any way.

He calmly gave Ruoxi a follow-up order: "Stop the energy input and terminate this test.

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