Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 808: solve

Now that the No. 1 experiment engine has problems, there is no need to continue testing.

If you continue to input energy, it might explode.

The explosion of the curvature engine is not just a matter of fun. If you are unlucky, there will be space shocks, and even Jiang Cheng will not be able to end.

After receiving the order, Lucy immediately acted to cut off the power supply of Experimental Engine No. 1 and disconnected all input ports.

Without the energy source, the curvature engine immediately stopped running, and the surrounding lights disappeared instantly.

In order to prevent the experimental engine from causing spatial shocks, Jiang Cheng finally terminated this test.

Although the first test ended in failure, Jiang Cheng did not have any frustration.

The original research and development process of this kind of engine is to find defects in the continuous failure, and finally develop a reliable engine.

This failure was not meaningless, and Jiang Cheng could sum up many experiences from it.

Now what he wants to imitate is to figure out the reason for this failure, and strive to improve the design of this engine.

Lucy, analyze all the test data and find out the reason that makes the engine unstable~. "

Soon Jiang Cheng began the work of summing up experience, and wanted to get enough from the failed experiment.

After hearing Jiang Cheng's order, Lucy mobilized a large amount of computing power and began to analyze the data of this experiment with all his strength.

The analytical capabilities of artificial intelligence are different, and it didn't take long before the final answer was reached.

"Master, the final result has been analyzed."

Just now, there were some energy transmission problems in the No. 1 Citation J7 node, which caused energy accumulation, and finally affected the operation of the entire Citation. "

It turned out to be just a small problem on one node, which caused problems with the operation of the entire engine.

After listening to Lucy’s analysis, Jiang Cheng thought for a while before saying

Dao: "J7 node? It seems that space folds have affected this area, causing problems in energy transmission.

Let the robot come over to dispose of this scrapped engine, and we go to improve it.

After speaking, Jiang Cheng left the room, ready to go to Ruo Shou to solve the problem.

After being tested just now, the number engine is now completely scrapped.

It can be seen from the black smoke rising from the engine. You can already know it without testing Jiang Cheng.

That's why Jiang Cheng asked Lucy to send a robot to dispose of the scrapped engine.

Once the curvature guide is scrapped, even the value of recycling is lost.

Jiang Cheng will never miss this kind of scrap product that has no value, so let Lucy quickly dispose of it, so as not to affect the subsequent tests.

Soon several robots walked into this room, lifted up the still smoking engine, and walked out of the room slowly.

About one ton of platinum was used in this scrapped jingjing, but now it cannot be recycled.

Because of the influence of space folds, the properties of those platinum have changed dramatically, and they can no longer be called platinum.

Therefore, the curvature guide cannot be recycled, and once it is scrapped, it becomes a pile of waste products.

Jiang Cheng will soon solve this problem, and then re-create an experiment to bring it out.

It is estimated that the No. 2 experimental engine will also fail. By then, another ton of platinum will be sloppy.

A ton of platinum was wasted if the experiment failed this time, and only Jiang Cheng could do this.

A ton of platinum is wasted every time. This is simply the most expensive waste.

Although such a waste is very expensive, Jiang Cheng has to do such an expensive waste.

These wastes are all necessary for curvature induction research and development, and are also links that Jiang Cheng can't avoid.

Fortunately, all the platinum was mined by Jiang Cheng himself, so it won't hurt to waste it. ,

Otherwise, a ton of platinum experiment was wasted at a time, and everyone would feel distressed to death.

Later Jiang Cheng conducted several tests, and each time he failed for various reasons.

(Zhao Zhao Zhao) Every test failure curvature engine basically scrapped the platinum used in it and all wasted.

After each failure, Jiang Cheng will sum up his experience and continue to test after improvement.

Jiang Cheng's behavior is like taking ton after ton of platinum and throwing it into the water, without any hope of success at all.

If some women who like gold and silver jewelry see this scene, they don't know how much they hate Jiang Cheng.

If these platinum were given to them, I'm afraid Jiang Cheng could do anything to them.

Holding the rarest precious metal platinum on the planet, throwing a ton of it into the water at a time, no one can stand this scene.

However, Jiang Cheng knows that these failures are all valuable. Without the errors discovered by these failures, how could he achieve the final success?

Jiang Cheng spent more than seven months in the laboratory in order to design a sufficiently stable curvature engine.

During these seven months, Jiang Cheng has made countless improvements to the experimental engine, and then performed an unknown number of tests on the experimental engine.

However, the results of these tests were not satisfactory to Jiang Cheng. These experiments always showed some problems, which prevented the engine from running at full capacity for a long time.

In the past few months, the amount of platinum that Jiang Chengguang has wasted has reached several hundred tons.

If Jiang Cheng wasted so much platinum and spread, I don't know how many people would say that Jiang Cheng was a prodigal.

It should be known that although the price of platinum is now much lower than before because of Mars mining.

But platinum is still a rare metal on the earth, and the price is still relatively high.

At the very least, the price of platinum on the planet is still considered a precious metal, just a little lower than gold.

In order to develop the curvature engine this time, if all the platinum was wasted for money, the price would be an astronomical figure.

This kind of behavior is almost like throwing money into the water, and still driving the money into the water.

But the platinum that Jiang Cheng wasted is not in vain, because Jiang Cheng has made great progress on the curvature engine.

Those countless failures allowed Jiang Cheng to find the shortcomings of the previous design and continuously improve the new design plan.

The hundreds of tons of platinum dropped by Langxi could be regarded as Jiang Cheng's tuition.

The curvature engine is a very high-end technology, in fact, it is very difficult to develop it with human current technical conditions.

This kind of technology is generally something that civilizations that have initially entered the universe can get involved.

This technology is still a bit too advanced for current humans.

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