Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 809: key

In addition, curvature induction is one of the most high-end technologies. Even Jiang Cheng's research on this technology is not easy.

What's more, research and development is still under the current technical conditions, and the difficulty is many times higher.

In fact, it is not a good time to study curvature engines. Jiang Cheng should wait for a while, until human technology develops to the right time, and then he is involved in this high-end field.

But Jiang Cheng couldn't wait for that time. He wanted to start a follow-up space program immediately.

If Jiang Cheng wants to accelerate the development of human civilization, he can only study the curvature engine technology under reluctant conditions.

This wasted platinum is the price of developing this technology in advance, and it is also a loss that Jiang Cheng cannot avoid.

Jiang Cheng urgently needs the help of Curvature Guide to create a real universe.

Only spacecraft can accelerate the development of mankind and allow mankind to truly enter the universe.

If humans can now have a curvature engine, it would be tantamount to shortening the development time for decades.

These decades are the reason Jiang Cheng is so anxious, and also the reason why he is willing to pay such a high price.

If you want to force the development of this technology, you must pay the price of high-quality products. This is a very fair exchange, and Jiang Cheng also knows this.

So Jiang Cheng didn't feel distressed at all about the hundreds of tons of platinum wasted.

Besides, this is also the first time Jiang Cheng has studied curvature technology in this life. It is normal that he has encountered a lot of problems.

After Jiang Cheng has accumulated enough experience this time, it will be much easier to have similar research next time.

If Jiang Cheng wants to develop a more advanced curvature guide next time, it won't be as difficult as this time, at least it won't fail so many times.

Fortunately, after wasting hundreds of tons of platinum and scrapping countless experimental engines, Jiang Cheng finally found the most reasonable design.

As long as this design can pass the test, then Jiang Cheng's previous investment is not a waste.

Jiang Cheng is staying in the laboratory now, watching the test situation of this experimental engine.

Lucy, please report the latest test data. How does this experiment lead today?

Jiang Cheng looked at the fascinating platform in front of him with colorful rays, and asked Lucy beside Ruo.

In the largest room of the laboratory, there is a curvature guide running, and Jiang Cheng and Lucy are standing beside it.

Jiang Cheng is confirming the current situation with Lucy and is concerned about the experimental engine being tested.

The curvature guide in the room is Jiang Cheng's latest improved experimental guide. It can be said to be the most perfect test product in the four months.

In the design of this experimental engine, Jiang Cheng learned from the previous failed experience and improved all the areas that could be improved.

Jiang Cheng is confident in the design of this experimental engine and believes that it will definitely pass the final test.

But in the end, the experimental data must be used as the standard, and you must pass the test if you are confident.

Master, experimental engine No. 126, there is no abnormal situation now.

The test data is normal, and the space fold has been maintained ten times the state.

The output power of the engine is very stable, and there is no fluctuation during the operation.

Lucy kept reporting the current situation to Jiang Cheng, which made Jiang Cheng's expression a lot easier.

Judging from the current situation, the condition of this experimental engine is very good and it is hoped that it will pass the final test.

This experimental engine, numbered 126th, has been in operation for five days.

During these five days, the experiment has been operating at full capacity.

This is the best test result among all experimental engines

If after two days of testing, this Yinzhan has not had any problems, then Jiang Cheng's success can be declared.

Jiang Cheng has wasted too much time and invested too much resources for the curvature of the thing.

The research and development of this technology is really a difficult task for Jiang Cheng.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng is now eager to see that this experimental lead can finally succeed.

During the next two days of testing, Jiang Cheng's nerves have been kept in a state of high tension.

Because he didn't want to see the test fail, what happened to this curvature engine.

If this experimental engine, which made him very satisfied, ended in failure, the blow to Jiang Cheng would be too great.

The time Jiang Cheng wasted during this period alone was already beyond his tolerance, let alone the platinum that was wasted.

It took such a long time to be unable to achieve success, so Jiang Cheng's follow-up plan would be delayed again.

Without a curvature engine, a spacecraft cannot be built, and Mars cannot be developed on a large scale without a spacecraft.

Jiang Cheng had already planned the follow-up steps, if he got stuck on the curvature guide, he really couldn't accept this.

For the universe in his dream, Jiang Cheng has spent several years on it, and he still has countless funds.

If it was delayed because of the curvature engine in the end, all the previous investment would have been lost.

For Jiang Cheng, the curvature is the key to space, a key to the future hope of mankind.

It is because the curvature engine is too important for Jiang Cheng, that's why he is so concerned about gains and losses now.

If there is a problem with this experimental engine in the next two days, I am afraid Jiang Cheng will really go crazy.

Fortunately, the thing that Jiang Cheng feared the most did not happen. In the next two days, the experimental engine had been running smoothly, and there was no problem at full load.

This curvature engine, which has absorbed countless failed experiences, finally survived a seven-day full load test.

When the countdown to the test returned to zero, Lucy reported the results of the test to Jiang Cheng.

The report owner, the test engine No. 126, is now working on calculation and analysis.

After Lucy said this sentence, she entered the state of checking calculations and began to put all her computing power into the analysis of the data.

It's not that the lead lasted for seven days, even if it passed the final test.

The curvature engine is not a joke. If something goes wrong, the entire spacecraft will fall into space shocks.

At that time, even one of the people on the spaceship will not survive.

So now Lucy still needs to analyze all the data in the test, calculate the data returned by the engine, and finally be able to judge the result of the test.

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