Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 815: prayer

Among the trainees who have officially graduated, there is a relatively special astronaut.

This astronaut is slightly older than the others, and seems to be in his thirties.

The older astronaut's name was Qu Xiaoming, who was the one that Jiang Cheng licensed to pass the test.

When astronauts were selected for the first time, there was a candidate who left a very deep influence on Jiang Cheng.

In the physical fitness test, Qu Xiaoming showed his extremely tough will, and finally moved Jiang Cheng to let him pass the test directly.

This man with great prospects, for the sake of his dream, gave up that promising job.

In the end, Qu Xiaoming’s persistence was also rewarded, and at a somewhat older age, he became an alternate astronaut.

Maybe Jiang Cheng was also because of Qu Xiaoming's persistence, so he gave him a chance to prove himself.

After passing the test at that time, Qu Xiaoming officially started training to pursue his dream.

It was only after the astronaut training officially began that Qu Xiaoming knew that his dream was not so easy to realize.

The training of astronauts is undoubtedly very difficult. Every subject is so difficult to complete and requires all the energy of their trainees.

At this time, Qu Xiaoming's age disadvantage appeared. He had missed the best time to become an astronaut, and his plasticity had become very low.

A subject that others can complete after a few trainings, he needs a dozen or so hard work to complete.

When Qu Xiaoming was training, his efficiency was less than half that of others.

Even though he had put in all his efforts, he still couldn't catch up with the progress of others.

Later, his training progress was completely behind, and he was even caught up by several trainees.

Later, most of the same group of people who entered the training center completed all the training subjects and became a real astronaut.

But Qu Xiaoming has not completed all the training, so he can only stay in the training center.

This is the disadvantage of being too old, and it cannot be compensated by hard work.

The efficiency of Qu Xiaoming's training is actually unqualified. If ordinary people are like him, I am afraid that they have already been eliminated.

If it weren't for Qu Xiaoming, he would have worked too hard and impressed the instructor responsible for training him.

Coupled with Jiang Cheng's special emphasis on him, this dream chaser probably has already lost his training qualifications.

In the process of training, Qu Xiaoming did not have the idea of ​​giving up.

Every time because of his age, he spent several times in those training subjects before he barely passed the test.

At this time, he would ask himself whether it made sense to do so, whether the sweat he put in was useful.

The others were all a bunch of young people under the age of twenty, but he was almost thirty.

But as long as you look at the stars in the sky at night, the thought of giving up will immediately disappear.

Now I finally have the opportunity to realize my dream, and it is impossible for Qu Xiaoming to give up at this time.

The dream of space supports him and makes him insist on training tenaciously.

He is the most special among all the trainees, and he will naturally see some strange eyes because of his age.

Qu Xiaoming ignored those gazes every time, immersed in his own training.

It can be said that Qu Xiaoming paid too much for becoming an astronaut.

Now Qu Xiaoming is worth all his efforts. After years of training, he finally completed all the tests and became a real astronaut.

The trainees who completed the astronaut training with him were basically the trainees in the following batches.

He is now the first group of people to receive training, and has already started his own astronaut career, performing different tasks in space.

Qu Xiaoming's training time is much longer than that of other people. This makes him, who is not young, even less advantageous in this respect.

Fortunately, after officially becoming an astronaut, everyone can receive the genetic evolution potion.

As long as it is strengthened by the genetic evolution medicine, the problem of Qu Xiaoming's age will no longer exist, and he will be able to face the universe of his dreams in the best state.

After receiving the genetic medicine modification, Qu Xiaoming felt his rejuvenated body

"Universe, wait for me!"

I, Qu Xiaoming, also have a day to become an astronaut!"

After so many years of hard work, my dream can finally come true!

At this time, Qu Xiaoming couldn't help but yelled out loudly. It was the emotion that had been suppressed for so many years was released.

After completing the final body modification, Qu Xiaoming officially joined the astronaut team.

After staying at home and resting for two days, Qu Xiaoming came to the space mission center, ready to accept his first space mission.

Now after so many years of training, the number of astronauts under Jiang Cheng is already very large. There is no need for an organization to manage the work of these astronauts.

The Astronaut Management Bureau is such an organization. All astronauts under Jiang Cheng are managed by this department.

Qu Xiaoming came to the Space Mission Center this time to report to the Astronaut Administration.

Every astronaut who completes the training must come here to report before he can accept his first mission.

The Astronaut Administration will arrange different missions for each astronaut based on their situation.

Qu Xiaoming was ready to accept his first mission after finishing the report of the Administration.

It is best to go to Mars, I have long wanted to go to Mars.

While waiting for the task to be arranged, Qu Xiaoming couldn't help but pray in his heart.

He wanted to go to Mars for the first space mission, but that was where he wanted to go.

The current Mars base is completely different from when it was just established.

After several years of expansion, the area of ​​the entire base has been several times larger than it was at the beginning. The increased area can accommodate more personnel to perform missions on Mars.

The Mars base is now stationed for a long time with more than one hundred astronauts, each responsible for different tasks.

Some people are responsible for continuing to expand the Mars base, while others are responsible for managing mining projects.

However, Qu Xiaoming himself knew that his ideas were difficult to realize.

This kind of mission to Mars is not his turn to be a rookie, he can't go to Mars temporarily.

Generally novices will be assigned some simple missions, and such missions to Mars will be assigned to experienced astronauts.

However, Qu Xiaoming still didn't give up completely. In case of good luck, Mars is short of manpower, he might have the opportunity to go to Mars.

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