Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 816: smooth

The thought of going to places like Mars made Qu Xiaoming's mood hard to calm down.

Qu Xiaoming waited in the office of the Astronautical Administration for a while before a staff member walked up to him and began to inform him of the mission.

You are Qu Xiaoming, you have already arranged your next task

You are assigned to the space station to perform a mission, this time the mission will last for one month.

The staff member said that he also took out a document, which recorded the details of the mission.

Qu Xiaoming's first mission was to go to the space station and stay in the space station for a month.

The time for the astronauts to perform the first mission is not too long, mainly to allow the astronauts to adapt to the environment in space.

Although this mission is not as good as the Mars base, it is still relatively good.

The most boring task is to follow the rocket and be responsible for transportation between the earth and Mars.

This kind of transportation work is basically staying inside the rocket and can't do anything.

Staying in the small space inside the rocket, no astronaut can accept it for a long time. So this kind of task is usually arranged in turns, depending on bad luck.

In comparison, the conditions in the space station are very good, and the work done every day will not be so boring.

However, Qu Xiaoming was not very satisfied with this arrangement. Although the space station is also in outer space, it is only in geosynchronous orbit.

He still wants to work at the Mars base, only Mars オ is the most attractive place for him.

Qu Xiaoming faced the staff of the Administration Bureau and told his true thoughts.

Can I apply for a mission change? The place I want to go is the Mars base.

Even if I perform the most arduous mission in the Mars base, I won't have any opinions, as long as I can stay on Mars.

After asking Qu Xiaoming, he looked expectantly at the staff member responsible for arranging the task.

After the staff member heard Qu Xiaoming's request, he did not show any unexpected expressions.

He has no idea how many rookie astronauts like Qu Xiaoming have received the astronaut who came to accept the mission.

Caiwu always yearns for more distant places, like Mars, which is enough to carry many people's dreams.

Such novices generally want to go to Mars to perform their first mission, and he has experienced such requests many times.

Although he could tell that Qu Xiaoming really wanted to go to Mars, Qu couldn't satisfy the other party's request.

Everyone wants to go to Mars for missions, but there are so many places.

Now the Mars base is already full, and there are many astronauts waiting in line.

Astronauts who can go to Mars are all the best astronauts. Novices like you have no chance. "

So you should work hard to complete your mission, maybe one day you can actually set foot on Mars.

After the staff member refused Qu Xiaoming's request, he comforted him, and let him work hard in the future, and there is still hope to go to Mars.

Well, it's not bad to be able to go to the Mars space station, as long as you can stay in space.

Qu Xiaoming saw that his requirements could not be met, so he could only give up his unrealistic fantasy.

He also knows that the opportunity to go to Mars is very rare, not something new people like him can meet.

But he still didn't give up the idea of ​​going to Mars, just accumulate some experience for the time being.

When he has enough experience in space missions, he will continue to apply for missions to Mars.

In the end, Qu Xiaoming had to accept his first mission and left with a detailed mission statement.

There are many things to do with him later, and everything must be prepared before the mission begins.

You must be familiar with the task information in your hand, and your body must be adjusted to its best condition.

Only after all preparations are made, can you face your first mission in a perfect state.

Qu Xiaoming has very high requirements for himself, and the first space mission must be successfully completed.

After leaving the Astronaut Administration, Qu Xiaoming went home and started preparing.

He first looked at a mission document carefully, and was familiar with the tasks he was responsible for in a space mission.

Then he began to adjust his physical state, using the peak state to welcome his first space journey.

After a few days of preparation, Qu Xiaoming was completely ready, and the time had come for him to set off.

Qu Xiaoming came to the space mission center and was going to take a rocket here to fly to the space station in geosynchronous orbit.

After several years of development, the space mission center is completely different from before.

The continuous expansion in recent years has made the space mission center extremely large.

The space mission center is now like a small city with countless buildings.

Such a huge space mission center can support a large number of astronauts to perform missions in space and can launch many rockets at the same time.

With such a large space mission center, Jiang Cheng's future space program has a strong ground guarantee.

Qu Xiaoming and other astronauts who also went to the space station entered a rocket together, preparing to follow this rocket into space.

Qu Xiaoming sat on his seat and looked at the astronaut sitting beside him, his mood became a little nervous.

Going to a completely unfamiliar place like space for the first time will inevitably make people's mood fluctuate.

Soon the rocket entered the launch procedure, and Qu Xiaoming's first space mission officially began.

Qu Xiaoming, a person who pursued his dream, immediately realized his dream.

So many years of waiting is finally coming true, which makes it difficult for Qu Xiaoming to calm down.

Fortunately, the astronaut training in the past few years taught him that he must remain calm at this time.

Soon Qu Xiaoming adjusted his mentality and his mood became stable.

The rocket soon began to launch. Qu Xiaoming sat in his seat, feeling the huge thrust coming from the party's back.

He knew it was just a normal feeling when the rocket was launched, and this force would take him away from the earth.

The astronauts in the acceleration phase have to bear a lot of pressure, but they have already trained these things, so these astronauts did not have any accidents.

After the initial acceleration phase, the rocket's speed suddenly increased.

When the rocket's speed increased to the highest point, the discomfort caused by the acceleration slowly disappeared.

At this time, Qu Xiaoming went to observe the situation outside the rocket.

Qu Xiaoming watched through the window if the scenery outside the rocket changed rapidly, and it didn't take long for the outside to become pitch black.

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