Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 817: scale

He knew that he had reached the stratosphere and was about to arrive in space.

When the light outside the rocket completely disappeared, Qu Xiaoming knew that he had left the earth.

At this time, the rocket suddenly adjusted its direction and began to fly toward the predetermined position.

After a period of flight, the rocket finally reached its destination, the space station in geosynchronous orbit.

When the rocket stopped completely, Qu Xiaoming and the astronauts arrived at the place where they performed their mission, a large space station dedicated to Jiang Cheng.

After the rocket completed the docking work, the hatch door opened immediately, and the space station was on the other side of the door.

Qu Xiaoming stood up from his position at this time, lined up to leave the rocket, and walked into the space station, where he needed to stay next.

When Qu Xiaoming stepped into the space station, he felt the difference between this place and the earth.

First of all, the gravity here is different from the earth. Although the space station has installed a gravity control device, the gravity coefficient is adjusted to that of the earth. The gravity in the space station is lighter than that of the earth, and the whole person feels relaxed when standing on the floor. less.

I feel that it doesn't take too much effort to walk, and the jump is much higher than the jump on the earth.

This is to make it easier for the astronauts to perform their missions, and it was deliberately adjusted to the current situation.

The gravity, which is slightly less than that of the earth, will not affect the movement of the astronauts, and it can also reduce the physical consumption of the astronauts.

Working in a low-gravity environment like space, the accumulated fatigue will be reduced by most, even if you have to lift things, you will build a lot lighter.

In addition to the different accidents in gravity, the interior of the space station is also completely different from other places.

The interior of the entire space station is like a huge machine, and Zhou Guo is full of metal walls.

The walls were painted milky white, and reflected light under the light. The space station was very light.

The decoration is clean and full of futuristic style, so people who enter here can't help but think of scenes in science fiction movies.

Being in the space station is like being in a movie, making people feel like everything is illusory.

The entire space station built by Jiang Cheng is completely different from other space stations.

This is simply a product of science fiction movies. It is nothing like what can exist in reality. It can't be more normal to give people this kind of illusion.

Qu Xiaoming observed the situation inside the Ruoruo space station and was familiar with the place where he would perform the next mission.

In general, Qu Xiaoming's feeling for the space station is still very good, and it satisfies all his illusions about space.

It seems that the mission here is good, even if it is not comparable to the Mars base, it is not much worse.

Just as Qu Xiaoming was looking at the scenery in the space curiously, a voice suddenly reached his ears.

"Hello, my name is Ava. I am the artificial intelligence that manages this space station." If you have any requirements in the space station, you can ask me, and Ava will solve all problems for you.

This voice sounds very good, and the gentle and intellectual female voice sounds comfortable.

Although the sudden sound made Qu Xiaoming very comfortable, it still frightened him.

Qu Xiaoming has not been exposed to artificial intelligence before, so he is not very comfortable with the current situation.

But Qu Xiaoming soon reacted. He had known the situation of the space station in advance, and he also knew a little about the situation of Ava, the artificial intelligence.

It turns out that you are Ava, and artificial intelligence can do this.

Qu Xiaoming said with emotion when facing Ava who suddenly appeared.

He really did not expect that artificial intelligence is so advanced now, and Ava feels like a real person.

He can’t hear it anyway, an artificial intelligence was talking to him just now

This is why Qu Xiaoming doesn't know much about artificial intelligence, otherwise he wouldn't say the same thing.

Although Ava is already very advanced, it is not the most advanced artificial intelligence.

If Qu Xiaoming sees Lucy, he still doesn't know what to be scared of.

Please follow me, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the entire space station.

Ava immediately began to perform her duties (received) and introduced Qu Xiaoming to the space station.

After getting acquainted with the space station, Qu Xiaoming went to the restaurant inside the space station and enjoyed a meal of food in space.

After eating, Qu Xiaoming came to the room he was assigned to, ready to end the first day of space travel.

At this time, Hou Qu Xiaoming of course had to adjust the transparency of the room so that he could see the scenery in the outer universe.

When Qu Xiaoming looked at the magnificent scenery outside, his mood became excited, and he lost no sleep at all.

But after the freshness at the beginning, I soon began to adjust myself and slowly fell asleep.

This time he is not here to play, he still has his own task to perform early and rest early to perform the task well tomorrow.

This time he was sent to the space station to perform the mission of expanding the space station

The original space station on a synchronous orbit was completed a few years ago.

At that time, the space station had perfect functions and could be used as a transit station between Mars and the earth.

And can accommodate a lot of staff, perform tasks inside the space station.

Although the space station has long been completed, the subsequent expansion work has never stopped.

Jiang Cheng doesn't just want to build a space station. His real goal is to build a space port on a synchronous orbit.

In order to achieve this ultimate goal, Jiang Cheng has invested a lot of personnel and funds in recent years to continuously expand the scale of the existing space station in order to turn the space station into a real space port.

In the past few years, the money Jiang Chengguang invested on the space station has reached hundreds of billions.

The number of astronauts responsible for the expansion of the space station has also been maintained at several hundred.

The first space mission that Qu Xiaoming received was to expand the space station.

So much money and personnel investment, the effect is still very good.

Compared with a few years ago, the current space station has expanded several times in scale.

This space station in geosynchronous orbit can no longer be simply called a space station.

The main reason is that the space station is really too big, far beyond the scale that the space station should have.

At present, after several years of expansion of Jiang Cheng's space station, its length and width have exceeded one kilometer, and there are countless different areas inside. It is simply a giant in space.

This space station now has the cone shape of a spaceport and is no longer a mere space station.

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