Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 818: Training

Although the scale of the space station is now very large, it is still a bit too small as a spaceport.

Now this place is really just a dimension, and there is still a long way to go from the real spaceport.

Only when the length and width of the space station exceed five kilometers can it be called a spaceport.

Those spaceports owned by real cosmic civilizations are always more than hundreds of kilometers in length and width.

Now Jiang Cheng's space station is still very small, far from reaching the scale of a space port.

Therefore, in order to have a real spaceport, Jiang Cheng has been intensively working on expansion.

And Qu Xiaoming, a rookie astronaut, came to the space station for this purpose.

After Qu Xiaoming rested in his room for one night, he got up early the next day. Qu Xiaoming slept quite well last night, sleeping with the scenery in the universe is still very good, at least let him rest completely.

After getting up, Qu Xiaoming cleaned up in the room and walked towards the restaurant in the space station.

There are many astronauts eating breakfast in the restaurant. Some of these astronauts are long-stay personnel in the space station, and some come to perform missions like Qu Xiaoming.

This space station is not like when Jiang Cheng came, he is the only one in the huge space station.

Hundreds of staff are now stationed in the space station at any time, and there are hundreds of astronauts performing expansion missions.

So many people make the space station full of life, and it's no longer as deserted as before.

Qu Xiaoming stood in the dining room, looking at the astronauts coming and going, feeling very excited.

Being able to stay in such a place to perform your first mission does not seem to be much worse than the Mars base.

Zhou Guo is all a group of astronauts, many of whom he has met in the training center, and they were alternate astronauts who trained with him at that time.

Hello there!"

"Good morning!

Seeing a familiar astronaut, Qu Xiaoming will come forward to say hello, and want to work hard to integrate into the life here.

Qu Xiaoming just greeted the other astronauts, and found a place to sit down to enjoy his breakfast today.

It's great here!

He eats the food made by the cooking robot, and feels everything around him.

The decoration inside the restaurant is simple and bright, with a high-tech feeling everywhere.

Everything here is so advanced, even cooking is done automatically by robots.

After eating, he doesn't need to pick up the tableware himself, and a robot will naturally come and handle it later.

He was surrounded by astronauts like him, and he himself was in space.

Being able to perform tasks here and doing the work of building a spaceport, Qu Xiaoming simply thought he was in a dream.

This environment is what he dreams of, and it is also the goal he has been striving for.

Now he finally feels like an astronaut, and everything here makes Qu Xiaoming feel very good.

After enjoying the perfect breakfast, Qu Xiaoming walked to the predetermined location, ready to start today's task.

Today is the time when he officially starts the astronaut mission. From today on, he will give his own strength to the construction of the spaceport.

After Qu Xiaoming walked out of the restaurant, he walked towards Yan L8 area.

The L8 area is located on the green side of the space station, which is also currently undergoing expansion work.

As soon as Qu Xiaoming arrived in the L8 area, he saw Zhou Guo's equipment and machinery.

This place is now exactly like a construction site, and there are scenes of construction and construction everywhere.

In addition to the construction scenes everywhere around, what is saved is a large group of astronauts.

These astronauts are responsible for the expansion work. This space station was built by them little by little, and it took a few years before it had its current scale.

Qu Xiaoming spent a few laps in the L8 area to get familiar with his working environment.

After getting a general understanding of the situation here, Qu Xiaoming found his own team, ready to officially start today's work.

The first thing he has to do is to meet the other astronauts of his team, and then everyone will help each other.

Since a lot of the expansion work is in space, the cooperation between the team members is very important.

The seemingly calm space is full of dangers everywhere. If the team members don’t cooperate well, they don’t know what to do in unexpected situations. Qu Xiaoming joined the team this time. The captain is a young man. Xiao Ming greeted enthusiastically when he came over.

You are the new astronaut, I am the captain of your future, my name is Wang Wenzhi, you can also call me Dazhi.

Welcome to join our team!

Don't think that Qu Xiaoming's captain is much younger than him, but it is more than enough to be his captain.

Wang Wenzhi was the first group of astronauts to complete the training. He has many years of experience in space missions and is already a veteran as an astronaut.

But Qu Xiaoming was only his first space mission, and he was a complete rookie astronaut.

"Hello, my name is Qu Xiaoming. I was ordered to join the 0137 team. I just completed the training of astronauts. This is my first space mission.

In the future, there will be any bad things to do in the task, please give me your suggestions-!

Qu Xiaoming stood in front of the four astronauts and introduced his situation to the future team members.

Generally, there are five astronauts in an astronaut team. This team numbered 0137 originally had five astronauts.

It's just that an astronaut was transferred to the Mars base recently, so オ asked Qu Xiaoming to add in.

When Qu Xiaoming introduced himself, his attitude was very humble, and he looked like he came to learn.

Especially when facing his captain Wang Zhiwen, he put himself in the position of a junior.

Of course he would not despise him because of his captain's age. The other party's experience as an astronaut is much richer than him, and he is indeed a junior astronaut.

In the future, he still needs guidance from the other party in many places, so there is nothing wrong with putting it down first.

Although Qu Xiaoming has received complete astronaut training, it is one thing to simulate training on the training ground, and it is another thing to actually perform missions in space.

In the actual task process, there must be many places that have not been seen before, and some practical operation skills cannot be learned.

These empirical things can only be accumulated by time, but Qu Xiaoming is totally blank in this respect.

He knows where his shortcomings are, so he put on a humbly asking for advice, ready to learn from the veterans in front of him.

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