Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 819: ready

Needless to say such things as advice, since everyone will be in the same team in the future, just help each other more. "

In the future, we will be a family in space, and it is necessary to help each other.

"If you don't understand anything in the task, you can ask directly, and we will all be happy to answer it for you.

Wang Zhiwen, the captain, said to Qu Xiaoming gently, without showing up as a captain at all.

It seems that Qu Xiaoming met a good captain this time, and Jing didn't do anything because of his rookie status, instead he had to teach him well.

Welcome to the 0137 team.

Qu Xiaoming, right? From now on we will be a family.

"In the future, you can come to me if you have any problems. I haven't done anything in the space station.

After the captain expressed welcome to Qu Xiaoming, several other team members also expressed their welcome.

Looking at the enthusiastic teammates in front of him, the smile on Qu Xiaoming's face is even brighter.

Through just a short time of contact, he knew that the atmosphere in the 0137 team was still very good, which made Qu Xiaoming feel very comfortable.

Being able to join a team with a harmonious atmosphere is the luckiest thing for him as a rookie astronaut.

If you encounter a team that discriminates against newcomers, Qu Xiaoming's life will be sad.

If you encounter that kind of situation, let alone learning from the old players, even normal tasks are difficult to complete.

Fortunately, the people in the 0137 team seem to get along well, and Qu Xiaoming's first space mission has a perfect start.

After the five astronauts of the 0137 team got to know each other, they were ready to officially start their mission.

Let's go, let's go to a big fight today!"

Also let other teams know the true strength of our 0137 team. "

Before officially starting the mission, Wang Wenzhi shouted loudly.

Some time ago, due to the lack of personnel, the 0137 team has been performing simple missions. No spacewalk mission has been performed.

During this period, Wang Wenzhi did not hear the ridicule of other teams, saying that they were all people who could only complete simple tasks.

The relationship between the teams in the space station is not bad.

But the various teams are in a competitive relationship with each other, and during this time he encountered a lot of laughter.

After Qu Xiaoming joined the players who were originally missing, they were also officially filled.

Now their squad can take on the tasks of the national crisis again, and no one from other squads will laugh at them.

The past few days have broken them and others, and then they are ready to do a good job.

Qu Xiaoming just started his first space mission with the teammates Ruo he had just met.

Before leaving the space station, the first thing to do is to prepare.

As the team leader, Wang Wenzhi began to issue orders: "Everyone prepares individually and leaves the space station after the preparations are completed for a spacewalk mission.

After hearing the captain's order, everyone in the preparation area began to get busy.

The members of Team 0137 put on spacesuits one after another, all carrying thrusters behind their backs.

"Starting to leave the cabin, open the isolation door after 10 seconds!

When Wang Wenzhi saw that the team members were ready, he walked under the isolation door to start the final countdown.

After 10 seconds, Wang Wenzhi reached out to the button next to the isolation door and pressed it firmly.

At this moment, an intellectual female voice suddenly appeared in the room.

"It was detected that the isolation door opening button was touched. Please prepare all staff to leave. Do you want to open the isolation door?

This is Ava's confirmation work. She must confirm that all astronauts are ready, and オ will open this isolation door.

After the isolation door is opened, the isolation area will be in a vacuum state.

If the astronaut is not prepared, he will die in a vacuum in an instant.

So Ava must confirm that オ can open this isolation door for the astronauts.

Everyone is ready, confirm to open the isolation door!"

Wang Wenzhi said loudly at this time, for the final confirmation

The isolation door is ready to open, please prepare for all astronauts!

This is Ava reminding the astronauts that the isolation door is about to open.

Next, the astronauts will leave the protection of the space station and face the dangerous outer space.

At the same time Ava issued a jingle report, red lights began to flash on the walls in the isolation area.

These red lights seem to tell the astronauts what situation they will face next.

There is no air in space, and a lot of radiation is flooded in it at any time. Without protection, human beings would never survive.

The most terrible thing is that there is no gravity in outer space. It is difficult to move fast.

The problem of difficulty in moving under weightless conditions has also aggravated the danger in space.

If an astronaut encounters danger in outer space, it is very troublesome to escape.

So space is not as beautiful as everyone thinks, but a dangerous place everywhere.

The astronauts who stayed in the quarantine zone became nervous when looking at the jing lights around.

Although the current technology is very mature, their safety in space has been greatly guaranteed.

But accidentally this kind of thing is impossible to say, maybe something will happen that will put them in danger in space.

Even those veterans who often go to space can't guarantee that they will come back safely. Spacewalk missions are the most dangerous, so every spacewalk mission requires them to cheer up. Prepare for the unexpected.

Among the five astronauts, Qu Xiaoming is the most nervous one.

This was his first time in outer space, and he was going to experience the feeling of weightlessness.

Qu Xiaoming also experienced the weightless environment when he was in the training center.

Moreover, he has received simulation training for various tasks in a weightless environment.

But simulation training is only a simulated environment after all, and it is not comparable to real outer space.

There was empty space all around, and there was even no breathing oxygen outside.

The only thing that can protect oneself is the thin layer of spacesuit. People with poor environmental psychological quality can't really bear it.

Qu Xiaoming is now a little worried, and will he encounter an accident for a while.

Even if Qu Xiaoming has received the most complete training, when it comes to facing outer space, it is inevitable that there will still be some feelings of fear.

While waiting for the isolation door to open, Wang Wenzhi discovered Qu Xiaoming's abnormality, so he immediately said, "Don't be nervous, you just have to act with Ruo us for a while.

"Take a deep breath, read the spacewalk manual silently in your heart, and recall the scene when you were training."

In fact, there is nothing terrible about outer space. As long as we strictly follow the manual, you will gradually relax.

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