Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 820: reliable

In fact, he has been paying attention to Ruoqu Xiaoming, ready to help him relax.

It is inevitable for a newcomer to go to outer space for the first time, nervousness and fear. Qu Xiaoming's performance couldn't be more normal.

Helping the newcomer to overcome the problem of going to outer space for the first time is also what his team leader should do.

After Qu Xiaoming heard what his captain said, he began to think hard about his previous training.

Those trainings have simulated various situations. As long as you follow the training after going out, you will basically not encounter any trouble.

Wang Wenzhi's method was indeed very useful, and Qu Xiaoming immediately calmed down.

Perhaps the training he received in the past gave him the courage to face everything, or it was because he had a group of reliable teammates around him, so that he did not have to face the unknown fear alone, or Wang Wenzhi's words gave him enough confidence and let him have The courage to face everything that happened next.

"Thank you, Captain, I am fine now.

Thanks to what you said just now, otherwise I would still be nervous to death.

After adjusting his emotions, Qu Xiaoming thanked his captain.

"I was a bit embarrassed just now, I forgot all the training I had received before.

In the end, Qu Xiaoming was a bit embarrassed, thinking that his performance just now was too unprofessional.

Don't worry about the matter just now, just perform the task well after going out for a while.

How quickly you can recover is already very good. When I went outside for the first time, I behaved worse than you.

At this time, Wang Wenzhi, as Qu Xiaoming's captain, immediately came out to Anen Qu Xiaoming.

He knew that confidence was the most important thing at this time. As long as Qu Xiaoming had enough confidence, there would be no problems.

Before they became astronauts, they had all received the most rigorous training. As long as there was no problem in their minds, the mission Qu Xiaoming would be no problem at all.

After Qu Xiaoming finally regained his confidence, the isolation door had been completely opened.

The isolation door is open!

"I wish you all the best in this mission!

At this time, Ava's voice appeared in the ears of the astronauts again, which is to wish them good luck in the next mission.

After the isolation door was opened, all astronauts began to slowly walk out of the isolation area and into the real outer space.

Once Qu Xiaoming stepped out of the isolation door, he felt the feeling of weightlessness.

Fortunately, he didn't know how many times he had done weightless training before, so he didn't panic.

I saw him slowly adjust his body, then turned on the propeller behind him, and flew towards the scheduled mission position.

Qu Xiaoming, a rookie astronaut, just started his first mission.

The thruster on the back of the spacesuit continuously ejected gas, and the reaction force led Qu Xiaoming forward in space.

After a period of flying, they came to the location of this mission.

The outside of the space station is close to the しL8 area, and traces of construction can be seen.

The space station is being expanded outside here, and there are many parts floating in the universe.

These components are part of the space station and require astronauts to join them together.

After the astronauts have spliced ​​the external components together, they can construct the interior to complete the construction of the internal facilities. The entire space station was built in this way, and the expansion was completed in this way.

"We have arrived at the predetermined location and will begin the space mission immediately

Everyone’s tasks have already been assigned before, so I don’t need to say more about them here. "

"Next, please come and follow the scheduled plan to carry out the construction of the peripheral components of the L8 area.

Immediately after arriving in a foreign country in the L8 area, Wang Wenzhi issued an action order to his team members.

Wang Wenzhi's voice reached the ears of every astronaut through the communication equipment in the spacesuit.

As soon as Qu Xiaoming heard the captain's order, he immediately began to act.

He first recalled the task he was responsible for in his mind, and then looked for it in time.

Soon he found his goal this time, a small welding robot.

This welding robot can work in outer space and automatically weld the joints of all components.

However, this kind of robot requires personnel to assist in control to ensure the stability of welding.

The task that Qu Xiaoming is responsible for today is to control this welding robot to weld external components.

This welding robot is actually a semi-automatic robot and cannot work independently.

The semi-automatic working mode seems more troublesome and wastes a lot of manpower.

Fully automatic welding is not impossible. With Jiang Cheng's current technology, it can be half.

But the reliability of fully automatic welding is a big problem.

The components of the space station must be absolutely reliable in welding, and no gaps should appear.

Therefore, the welding work outside the mouth space station will adopt the current semi-automatic mode, using personnel to assist the welding robot to work.

In fact, many working robots can complete the expansion of the space station, but without the assistance of personnel, it is difficult to ensure safety.

Finally, in order to ensure the reliability of space station construction, オ will invest so many astronauts in construction work.

If the work of these astronauts is omitted, then the space station may have already been built.

However, for future safety considerations, so much manpower had to be used for construction.

After Qu Xiaoming found the welding robot, he activated the propeller on his back and flew in the direction of the welding robot.

Soon Qu Xiaoming grabbed the small welding robot and was about to officially start the next work.

Qu Xiaoming grabbed the welding robot and flew to the side of a national arc-shaped component, preparing to weld this component to the theme structure of the space station

I am in place, waiting for the action order!

However, before starting welding, Qu Xiaoming had to seek instructions from the captain.

"Qu Xiaoming, act according to the predetermined plan and prepare for the welding of c376 components"

Be careful when controlling the welding robot. The structure of this component is more complicated. Be careful not to produce welds when welding.

Wang Zhiwen saw that Qu Xiaoming was ready, so he let him start his own work.

Finally, I also explained what needs to be paid attention to, let Qu Xiaoming be careful when welding.

After receiving the instructions, start acting immediately.

After Qu Xiaoming replied through the communication device, he began to control the small welding robot in his hand.

I saw that the welding robot separated a mechanical arm and extended to the top of the arc-shaped component, officially starting the welding work.

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