Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 822: speed

Now that all the work has been completed and the spacecraft is officially completed, they certainly have the capital to celebrate.

Everyone sees the huge spaceship in front of you, proud of your own efforts.

The appearance of spaceships is a symbol for mankind. From now on, the universe will not be so remote for mankind.

This Yu (Zhao's) spacecraft can reach ten times the speed of light after starting the curvature engine with full force.

The distance that was originally out of reach for humans has now become very close.

The meaning behind this is clear to every technician, which is why they started cheering.

To be able to participate in such a great work, no technician is deeply proud of it.

Jiang Cheng did not join the celebrating crowd to celebrate the completion of the spacecraft.

He quietly looked at the giant steel beast in front of him, imagining how it would fly in the universe.

He imagined that this spaceship would take him to explore an unknown planet and visit other civilizations in those universes.

At this time, Jiang Cheng thought of a lot, and already began to look forward to a bright future.

In the largest plant in the park of the Universe Umbrella Group, a group of technicians are celebrating with emotion.

After three months of hard work, the first human spacecraft was finally completed.

The hard work of so many days and nights was finally not in vain, the steel giant in the middle of the factory is the best proof.

Now this spacecraft is docked quietly on the ground, and its mighty and majestic look makes people feel like it at first glance.

This spacecraft was named Pioneer, which means that humans can finally explore distant aliens.

Jiang Cheng gave this spacecraft the name of pioneer, hoping that this spacecraft could lead human beings to explore those unknown places.

Jiang Cheng, who now named the spaceship, stood in the crowd and looked special.

He didn’t send Chi Ruo’s inner emotions like others did.

Instead, he just looked at the huge spaceship in front of him and didn't know what a person was thinking. This spacecraft was named the Pioneer, which means that humans can finally explore distant aliens.

In fact, Jiang Cheng is thinking about the future, and he is thinking about a bright future in his heart.

Jiang Cheng has been vigorously advancing the space program, relying on his own efforts to bring human civilization to this point.

Now that mankind has a huge space station, it will develop into a real space port in the near future.

Humans have now established a permanent base on Mars, which can support many people to move on Mars.

Even humans have begun to mine on Mars and transport the smelted rare metals back to Earth.

It seems that mankind's development in space is very good, and the prospects are very bright.

But only Jiang Cheng knows that the current development speed of mankind is still too slow.

With Jiang Cheng's epoch-making movement, it has only developed to the present level after entering.

In Jiang Cheng's view, this level of development is still far from satisfying his needs.

At least in terms of the accuracy of Mars development, Jiang Cheng is not very satisfied.

Due to restrictions and transportation capabilities, there is no large-scale development of the Mars development well.

The current Mars base can only sustain a few hundred people, which is far from Jiang Cheng's goal.

Jiang Cheng envisions that the Mars development will at least have a large gathering point that can accommodate the immigrants on Mars.

A large-scale Martian immigration city, オ is Jiang Cheng's development goal for Mars.

Jiang Cheng's goal looks very good, but it is very difficult to achieve it.

If you want to build a city of immigrants on Mars, you need to transport things from the past.

Tens of thousands of people live on Mars, and the supplies they need every day is an astronomical number.

To be able to provide these living supplies requires a lot of supporting equipment.

Oxygen generation equipment for ecological plantations requires a lot of these.

Although some basic things can be manufactured on Mars, many complicated equipment cannot be processed.

All of these equipment need to be transported from the earth. The amount of transportation required is too huge. If a stable transportation line is needed to be transported only by rockets, it is too much to support a supply line from Mars to the earth. It's difficult.

Now this scale is already at its limit, and there is no room for further exhibition.

So if you want to develop Mars on a large scale, Jiang Cheng must solve the transportation problem.

If you rely on rockets, no matter how advanced rockets are, only spacecraft can meet the needs of transportation.

Now the biggest problem restricting the development of Mars has finally been solved under Jiang Cheng's efforts.

With the spacecraft Pioneer, the materials needed to develop Mars will no longer be a problem.

The Blazer’s speed can reach up to ten times the speed of light, and twenty times the curvature of the space, the spacecraft can reach this speed.

If flying ten times the speed of light, this spacecraft would not even take a minute from Earth to Mars.

Of course, the spacecraft cannot maintain such a fast speed in the star system.

Due to the huge gravitational problems in the star system, the use of the curvature engine may lead to unstable space folds.

Therefore, when a spacecraft is flying in the solar system, it cannot initiate a curvature attack, and can only rely on the speed of the spacecraft itself.

But the Trailblazer itself has a speed of half the speed of light, and it can reach Mars in just 20 minutes from the Earth.

This speed is faster than going out to eat. It takes half an hour to get out of traffic in the city.

It only takes twenty minutes to reach Mars, and the transportation problem is simply not a problem.

What's more, the Blazer is not only fast, but also very powerful.

When designing the spacecraft itself, Jiang Cheng took into account the issue of practicality and designed it into a spacecraft mainly for transportation.

Therefore, the space inside the Pioneer is very large, and there are a lot of cargo that can be loaded.

With such a large spacecraft, just looking at the appearance, you know that the transportation capacity is amazing, and it's easy to load tens of thousands of tons of cargo.

Now that he has such a spacecraft, many plans behind Jiang Cheng can start.

The large-scale development of Mars and the Mars migration plan are not dreams.

Jiang Cheng was thinking about these things in his heart, planning the work that could be started later.

Xiao Peng spotted Jiang Cheng who was standing in the crowd, and he immediately walked out of the celebrating crowd and walked in the direction of Ruo Jiangcheng.

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