Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 823: opportunity

What is President Jiang thinking about? He didn't even participate in such a celebrating moment.

Xiao Peng knew that Jiang Cheng valued the spacecraft, so he came here alone.

He felt that Jiang Cheng was the person to celebrate the most now, because he brought it all now.

After hearing Xiao Peng’s inquiry, Jiang Cheng said with emotion: ""Our era is about to begin, and the human space era is finally about to begin.

What he said was so firm and full of expectations for the future. After Xiao Peng heard this, he instantly understood what his boss meant.

Yes, a new era is about to begin!

After speaking, Xiao Peng also followed Jiang Cheng, standing in front of the Trailblazer together to imagine the future.

Just as Jiang Cheng said, their era is indeed about to begin, and as Xiao said, a new era has arrived.

Finally, human beings do not need to be trapped on the small earth, they can look forward to the boundless universe.

With the Pioneer spacecraft, let alone those distant star systems, at least the solar system will be controlled by humans.

Even if the Blazer doesn't start the curvature engine, it will have nearly half the speed of light. How can it not go in the solar system at this speed?

As long as Jiang Cheng is willing, after getting up in the morning, take the Blazer to Mars for breakfast, and then come back to Earth for a day’s work.

Of course, Jiang Cheng would not use the Trailblazer so extravagantly, because this spacecraft would cost a lot of money each time it was launched.

It was used to run to Mars for breakfast, even Jiang Cheng could not do it with such willfulness.

However, the appearance of the Trailblazer is indeed a clear signal. The distance that was originally out of reach is now within reach, which is indeed a symbolic thing for the entire human race.

Now the entire sun is like a door opened by humans, and the resources on each planet are open to humans.

Human civilization can go to collect platinum mines on Mars, collect rare metals on Venus, or collect rare gases on Jupiter.

Even the Kuiper Belt, which was originally very remote, is now a place that humans can reach at any time.

The precious resources of the countless asteroids in the Kuiper Belt can be used by humans at will.

Compared with the small earth, the resources of the entire solar system are extremely abundant.

Countless rare resources that are scarce and difficult to mine on the earth are everywhere under the sun.

It's just that humans didn't have the conditions to develop these technologies before, so they could only drool over the abundant resources in the solar system.

But once you have a real spacecraft, developing these resources suddenly becomes a reality.

Mining on Mars has already become regular, and resources on other planets will be developed and utilized step by step after they have the Pioneer.

After possessing the resources of the entire solar system, the problem of restricted resources was solved at once.

Mankind will no longer have to worry about the exhaustion of resources on the earth, because there are countless resources in the solar system waiting for mankind to develop.

Jiang Cheng and Xiao Peng stood there thinking about the future for a while, then turned around and said to Xiao Peng, "Let's go, now that the construction of the spacecraft has been completed, the next step is to start.

Indulging in the glory of the past has never been Jiang Cheng's style. Although they are proud to build a spaceship, it is not good to be immersed in it all the time.

Now that the problem of restricting Jiang Cheng's space program has been resolved, he will prepare for a big one.

"Yes, the next plan should indeed begin. Humans have been waiting for too long." Xiao Peng said with a slight smile.

Now that they finally have a weapon like the Trailblazer, it should be possible for them to meet once every few years even if they can't meet seven times a year.

Of course, there are no Cowherd and Weaver Girl in this world. The metaphor among them is just to describe the performance of the Blazer.

But before we start the following plan, there is one more thing to do. Let’s conduct a trial voyage for the Blazer. "

Jiang Cheng quickly arranged follow-up work with Ruo Xiaopeng, preparing for a trial flight of the Blazer.

The sea trial is an indispensable test work before the Blazer is officially put into use.

Even ordinary ships have to undergo trial voyages, and high-end things like spaceships are even more indispensable.

The Pioneer Bijing is the first spacecraft of mankind. Without going through a trial test, Jiang Cheng really can't rest assured of this spacecraft.

Although the Pioneer has undergone the most rigorous tests, it is still difficult to guarantee the stability of the entire spacecraft without comprehensive sea trials.

That's why Jiang Cheng asked for a trial voyage, preparing for the final test of the big ship in front of him.

Jiang Cheng's words immediately reminded Xiao Peng that he had forgotten that there was this one before.

"Is it a trial flight? It should be tested and guessed right. Leave the trial flight to me."

After that, Xiao He left directly to prepare for the trial sailing.

After the Blazer completed all the construction work, the technicians were given a break.

Jiang Cheng directly gave all those who participated in the construction work a long vacation and gave out huge bonuses.

They don't need to come to work until the next spaceship begins to build.

The staff responsible for the construction of the Blazers started their vacation happily with their huge bonuses.

The next trial voyage has little to do with them. They are just the people who built the spacecraft, and they are not responsible for the driving.

After three months of busy work, these technicians were finally able to take a good rest.

Next is the time for the astronauts to be busy. Driving the Pioneer is their job "Zero 43".

Long before the Pioneer spacecraft was built, Jiang Cheng selected some of the astronauts as crew members on the future spacecraft.

These astronauts have received complete training in advance and have a general understanding of flying spacecraft.

But just understanding is not enough, they need to go to the spaceship to familiarize themselves.

In the past, it was because the spacecraft hadn't been built yet, so they couldn't even get on board to train in person.

Now that the Blazers have completed their construction, they should start to get busy.

This group of crew members who were selected to pilot the spacecraft can't wait to see their spacecraft.

To be able to work on the spacecraft, they have long been expecting it.

When the crew was selected, countless astronauts signed up just to get the opportunity to work on the spacecraft.

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