Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 824: Sea trial

Now these lucky people can finally see their future spacecraft and follow the spacecraft to tour the entire universe.

In the following time, hundreds of astronauts boarded the Trailblazer, became familiar with all the work on this spacecraft, and began preparatory training.

After a period of training, these crew members finally mastered the Pioneer and could control the spacecraft to navigate the space.

The test voyage of the Pioneer is about to begin. This is the first long-distance voyage in space.

In the park of the Universe Umbrella Group, there is a very huge factory.

This workshop was specially built by Jiang Cheng as the manufacturing site of the spacecraft.

Today’s plant dedicated to the construction of spacecraft has undergone very different changes from before.

The roof of the entire plant was opened, revealing the inside of the plant.

When the roof of the factory building was constructed, it was designed to be openable.

This is also to make it easier for the spacecraft to fly directly out of the factory building after the construction is completed.

Otherwise, with the size and weight of the spacecraft, it would be really troublesome to transport it out of the factory.

It is estimated that there is not such a large trailer on the earth, which can haul big guys such as spaceships out.

So Jiang Cheng designed this special factory building to directly let the spacecraft fly out of it.

Now the roof of the entire factory building has been opened, just waiting for the Blazer to officially set sail.

The Trailblazer is now parked in the center of the plant, preparing for the start.

The silver-white spacecraft just stopped on the ground quietly, waiting for the moment of its first flight.

The Trailblazer is now like a steel behemoth that has found its prey, and will attack at any time.

Inside this steel behemoth, hundreds of crew members are busy at their posts, doing the part of the work they are responsible for.

The launching of the spacecraft is also a troublesome thing. There are too many equipments for such a large spacecraft.

The parameters fed back by countless devices are huge and need to be monitored by relevant personnel.

The entire spacecraft must be inspected before it starts. These tedious inspections are enough for the crew.

While the crew of the Blazer was busy, Jiang Cheng was sitting in the bridge of the spacecraft.

The bridge of the Pioneer is located at the front end of the spacecraft. It is the brain of the entire spacecraft and the control center of the spacecraft.

There are a lot of equipment here, which can detect the situation of the entire spacecraft, and there are also many controllers, which can control all the parameters of the spacecraft.

The space inside the bridge is very large, and the front part also uses a transparent design, you can see the scenery in front of the spacecraft.

There are many seats distributed in the Zhouguo of the entire bridge, and the operators who drive the spacecraft will carry out their work here.

All the Blazer’s crew are busy preparing for the launch of the spacecraft, and of course the personnel on the bridge are no exception.

As the control center of the entire spacecraft, the bridge is the busiest place.

The crew sitting in front of the console are staring at the data on the screen in front of them, making the final preparations for the launch of the spacecraft.

"Please report the situation in the power room and check whether the power output is in place.

"The lower staff of the spacecraft are requested to conduct a final inspection to check the conditions in each cabin.

"The maintenance department, please be prepared to support various departments at any time. The crew members who stay in the bridge are all busy with their own affairs, of course, there is one exception.

Jiang Cheng was sitting comfortably in the captain's position, leisurely watching if his subordinates were busy.

The spacecraft is about to set off soon, and Jiang Cheng is still a little excited when it comes to speaking.

Jiang Cheng personally participated in this trial operation, and of course Jiang Cheng had to follow Ruo if he made the first spacecraft.

Anyway, he had nothing to do during this time, so he was about to run around with the Blazer.

Jiang Cheng's leisure was in great contrast to the others, and it was a bit incompatible with the atmosphere of the entire bridge.

However, it is not accurate enough to say that he is the crew of the Pioneer. He is sitting on the position of the captain, which does not mean that he is the captain of the Pioneer.

The Captain of the Trailblazer was another astronaut, and Jiang Cheng was sitting here only because of his special status.

As the biggest boss of all the crew, Jiang Cheng must of course sit in the position of the captain.

Moreover, Jiang Cheng didn't dare to have any opinions when he was idle. Who made Jiang Cheng the highest status?

After a long period of preparation, the Blazer was now ready and ready to set off.

At this time, a staff member in the bridge walked to the captain's actions and said: "Report to the captain, all departments are ready and ready to start!

Xingran Jiangcheng, the big boss, was sitting next to the captain, but the staff member reported to Muscle Length.

Jiang Cheng sat in the position of the captain, just because the captain did not dare to let Jiang Cheng sit in another position.

The command of the entire Trailblazer still rests with the captain.

Jiang Cheng came here just to play along, and was not going to personally command the spaceship.

Therefore, the captain's job still needs to be performed by the captain, but this time he was more sad, his seat was robbed by Jiang Cheng, and he had to stand here to conduct command work.

The Captain of the Pioneer, who was standing next to Jiang Cheng, received a report from his subordinates that he could set off, but he did not immediately issue an order to set off.

Instead, he bowed his head to Jiang Cheng's question: "Mr. Jiang, do you see if this trial can begin."

Jiang Cheng is with this great **** by his side. Of course, you need to ask Jiang Cheng's opinion on things like this.

Let's start when you are ready, I can't wait to swim in the universe.

Jiang Cheng readily agreed to the captain's request, and finally confirmed the start of the sea trial.

All crew members are ready to start the first sea trial immediately.

After obtaining Jiang Cheng's consent, the Captain of the Trailblazer gave all the crew members the final instructions.

After hearing the captain's order, the staff in the bridge immediately began to act.

Power system starts, energy output is in progress, output power is stable

First, in the powerhouse of the Trailblazer, the staff activated the nuclear fusion reactor and began to provide a large amount of energy to the entire spacecraft.

These energy sources are transmitted through the lines inside the spacecraft to the powerhouse that powers the spacecraft.

Several huge engines are installed in the power chamber to provide the power for the entire spacecraft to fly.

These engines are different from the curvature guides, they are the source of power to propel the spacecraft forward.

The curvature engine is said to be an engine, but in fact it is just a device that changes space.

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