Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 825: Mystery star

The distance of this kind of equipment is to shorten the space and increase the speed of the spacecraft, and it cannot provide the forward power by itself.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng installed several galaxy-class engines on the Pioneer.

The galaxy-class engine is something Jiang Cheng has developed long ago, and it is specially designed for spacecraft.

This galaxy-level engine cancels the working fluid of traditional engines and can directly convert energy into propulsion.

After eliminating the waste of working fluid, the efficiency of this engine is greatly improved.

Compared with traditional chemical propulsion and mechanical propulsion, this new type of engine without working fluid has advanced by many times.

If it weren't for Jiang Cheng's research and development, it would be hundreds of years before human beings could produce it.

It can be said that this most advanced engine is the core technology of the entire spacecraft.

In addition to the curvature engine and energy protection, this engine has the highest technological content.

It also took several months for Jiang Cheng to develop this kind of engine without working fluid.

The galaxy-class engine designed by Jiang Cheng can provide huge power for the spacecraft and accelerate the spacecraft to half the speed of light.

Of course, if you want to continue to increase the speed, you need curvature to draw the horse.

After all, the faster the speed, the more energy is needed to accelerate. Accelerating to half the speed of light is the limit of this engine.

"The galaxy-class engine is operating normally, and the propulsion force is constantly increasing.

Soon the engine in the power chamber began to run, providing strong power for the spacecraft.

When the galaxy-class engine started, the entire spacecraft began to vibrate.

The vibration spread from the power room all the way to the bridge, causing Jiang Cheng to start shaking when sitting on the seat.

This is not to say that the shock absorption system of the spacecraft is not good, it will cause such a big shock.

It's just because the power of this engine is really too strong, so there is such a big movement when it starts.

When the speed of the spacecraft increases, this vibration will disappear.

The power transmission is in progress, and the thruster starts to work normally!

Immediately after the thruster starts to start, the thruster will move

The power generated in the force chamber is all ejected from the same nozzle.

Then the spacecraft will generate a huge thrust forward due to the reaction force.

The Blazer’s speed will continue to increase with the increase in propulsion until the acceleration reaches the maximum speed.

At this time, if you look from the outside, you can see a lot of flames ejected from the tail of the spacecraft.

These flames emit a blue light, and they look so beautiful.

As these blue flames keep getting bigger, the propulsion power of the tail keeps getting bigger.

When the propulsion power reaches the predetermined requirement, the Trailblazer can fly towards the universe.

"The thrust reaches the take-off requirement, and you can take off at any time!

After the entire start-up procedure is completed, the Blazer can take off at any time.

After hearing the completion of the takeoff procedure, Jiang Cheng directly bypassed the spaceship's visual commander and gave his orders to everyone.

Trailblazer, take off immediately

When his voice echoed in the bridge, a staff member pressed the take-off button.

Following Jiang Cheng's order, the Pioneer slowly floated into the air and started flying towards the sky.

Soon the Pioneer broke out of the earth and entered the universe.

Jiang Cheng looked at the scenery outside the bridge, the blue sky turned into a dark universe, and he gave the order to continue to accelerate.

The spacecraft accelerates!

At this time, the power output from the powerhouse suddenly increased, and the Blazer's speed suddenly increased.

Adjust the course and target Neptune!

Finally Jiang Cheng said the destination of this trial voyage, the distant and mysterious Neptune.

Neptune is the planet farthest from the earth in the entire solar system.

Among all the eight planets, Neptune is the farthest, so Jiang Cheng made Neptune the target of this trial voyage.

The planet originally farthest from the earth is Pluto, which is located in the Kuiper belt.

It's just that this planet was removed from the nine planets in 2006 due to size and volume issues, and now there are only eight planets in the solar system.

Since Pluto was reduced from a planet to a dwarf planet, Neptune has been the farthest from the earth.

The distance between Neptune and the earth is not static, it will change a lot due to revolution.

On average, the distance from the Earth to Neptune is almost four billion kilometers away.

The number of four billion kilometers is very scary when I hear it, and it is far beyond imagination.

Fortunately, the speed of the Blazer itself is half the speed of light. Even without the use of curvature, it will only take a few hours to reach Neptune.

The revolution period of Neptune is one hundred and sixty years, which means that it takes more than one hundred years for this planet to orbit the sun.

One year on Neptune is equivalent to one hundred and sixty years on Earth. I have to say that this is a very strange thing.

Jiang Cheng chose Neptune as the destination of the trial voyage because the planet is far enough away from the earth.

If a place like Mars is at the speed of the Trailblazer, it can be reached in less than 20 minutes.

Nothing can be tested in such a short time, but it’s not very good for a long-distance sea trial. If there is a problem, there is no way

So Neptune, which is the farthest from the earth, is very suitable, and you can go and see this mysterious planet.

To say that Neptune is mysterious is because humans know too little about it. In history, only Voyager 2 has visited Neptune briefly.

But this short-term detection has little information. Humans don't know much about Neptune, and all they know are some basic evidence.

Voyager 2 surveyed Neptune on a rough road, giving mankind a preliminary understanding of it.

According to the data obtained from the detection, it can be calculated that the climate on Neptune is undoubtedly very bad.

Because it is too far away from the sun here, the temperature has reached its limit.

The low temperature of more than 200 degrees below zero is very common on Neptune.

In addition to low temperatures, severe storms are also a feature on Neptune, where there is the strongest storm in the solar system.

When Voyager 2 passed Neptune, it detected wind speeds exceeding 2,000 kilometers per hour.

If this wind speed appeared on the earth, it is estimated that a city would be blown away.

This extreme climate is still very common on all planets, and the Earth is much milder in comparison.

The current position of Neptune has been detected, and the heading of the spacecraft is being adjusted!"

"Heading adjustment is complete, continue to accelerate!

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