Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 828: action

Observing Saturn from close range, it looks like a ball made up of many rings.

The earth-yellow planet surface is matched with the circle of Zhou Dynasty's circular ring, which looks like an indescribable beauty.

Because the Blazer’s speed was too fast, Jiang Cheng could not watch Saturn for a long time. Soon the Blazer skipped Saturn and continued to fly towards Neptune.

If he couldn't observe Saturn carefully, Jiang Cheng had nothing to leave.

Anyway, if you have time in the future, you can come here at will, or this time trial is more important.

After watching the scenery of Saturn, Jiang Cheng sat back in his seat with satisfaction.

Leading the view of different planets in the solar system is also Jiang Cheng's main purpose of following Ruo.

Because there was nothing to see now, Jiang Cheng sat back honestly.

The next step is the journey from Saturn to Uranus, but this time Jiang Cheng can't see Uranus.

Because Uranus is on the other side of its orbit, orbiting on the back of the sun, and is not on the same side as Neptune.

The Blazers are not detours at such a distance, so I have to wait for the next time.

After watching the scenery outside the spacecraft, Jiang Cheng quietly waited for the spacecraft to reach its destination.

After several hours of flying, the Blazer finally reached the end of this test voyage. The appearance of Neptune, the most distant planet in the solar system, slowly appeared in Jiang Cheng’s eyes, and he had to get up again and walk to the ship. In the front part of the bridge, carefully observe this mysterious planet.

This planet has a pale blue appearance, especially from a little further away, Neptune seems to be full of sea water.

Maybe this is where the name Neptune came from. It looks like a planet filled with sea water.

Neptune, the planet farthest from the earth, has now lifted the veil on his face, revealing his mysterious appearance.

The whole Neptune is shining light blue and looks extremely beautiful.

This blue color is not because Neptune is full of sea water and has nothing to do with water points.

The reason why Neptune shows this color is because the atmosphere is full of methane.

Methane stained Neptune with a light blue color. This is the reason why this planet seems to be full of sea water, and has nothing to do with real sea water.

Originally, Neptune was named because the planet looked like it was covered by sea water, so オ was named after the sea **** in Roman mythology.

In fact, there is not even liquid water on Neptune, let alone the sea water that covers the entire planet's surface.

So Neptune's name does not fit his state. This is not the leader of Poseidon, it is just a beautiful fantasy of mankind.

Jiang Cheng's interest in Neptune is still great, and at least the appearance of this planet makes him really like it.

Seeing that if the light blue planet in front of him keeps getting bigger, Jiang Cheng's desire for knowledge becomes even stronger.

This time Jiang Cheng came to Neptune on the Trailblazer, not just for the spacecraft to imitate the sea trial.

Detecting Neptune is also an important goal, and it is also the reason why Jiang Cheng decided on the destination of this trial.

Neptune has never landed by a probe, and it is a completely unknown land for humans.

Except for the short passing accident of Voyager 2, mankind knows nothing about Neptune.

Human beings don't know what is on this planet and what the specific conditions of the surface are.

It is precisely because of Neptune's mystery to humans that Jiang Cheng wants to explore.

Jiang Cheng specially brought a probe on the Trailblazer this time, just to land on Neptune to explore competition.

While Jiang Cheng was still enjoying the beauty of Neptune, a crew member walked up to him.

"Captain, now that the spacecraft has reached the orbit of Neptune, is it starting to slow down?

Now everyone is accustomed to reporting to Jiang Cheng, completely treating him as their captain.

The real captain has now been ignored by everyone, and can only see Ruojiang Cheng commanding over there.

After the spacecraft reaches Neptune, it must decelerate for a period of time before it can approach Neptune's orbit.

If the Blazer continues to maintain its current speed, it will hit Neptune with its head.

If you hit Neptune at such a fast speed, even one person on the entire spacecraft might not survive.

No one wants to see this situation, so we must slow down immediately.

Slowing down from half the speed of light to standing still does not mean that it can be reduced by extinguishing. The spacecraft needs to slowly descend from a speed of 150,000 kilometers per second to a standstill.

The entire deceleration process will take some time, so this crew member will come to ask Jiang Cheng's opinion.

Start slowing down right away and slowly dock the spacecraft to the orbit of Neptune.

"Remember not to get too close to Neptune, lest the spacecraft is captured by Neptune's gravity.

After hearing the crew’s enquiry, Jiang Cheng turned his head and issued his own instructions. Following Jiang Cheng’s deceleration order, the propellers on the Blazer adjusted its direction and began to spray flames in the opposite direction, creating the opposite direction. Of thrust.

This thrust will continue to slow down the speed of the spacecraft until the Trailblazer can steadily dock in the orbit of Neptune.

It took more than ten minutes to accelerate to the highest speed of the spacecraft. Of course, it took the same time to decelerate. This is determined by the power of the spacecraft, and it is impossible to go faster.

After ten minutes of speed, the spacecraft slowly approached Neptune

Now the entire Neptune has become very huge in Jiang Cheng’s eyes

Observing Neptune in the entire position is a completely different scene again.

The planet that originally looked like sea water, can now see the flow of layers.

The light blue clouds move at the height of the earth's surface, which is the result of the storm on Neptune

Don’t forget that the storm on Neptune is the most violent in the solar system, with a maximum speed of more than 2,000 kilometers per hour.

The landscape created by such a severe storm still looks magnificent.

Jiang Cheng saw the fast-moving storm one after another, constantly colliding against Neptune.

When the Blazer finally stopped, half of the work was completed for this trial.

The next step is to explore Neptune, and then you can set off to return to Earth.

At this time Jiang Cheng returned to the captain's exclusive seat and began to command the crew to carry out the landing of the detector.

Start to release the detector and pay attention to the status of the detector.

Don't let the detector go too fast. The atmosphere of Neptune is full of methane. Too fast will make the detector burn.

After Jiang Cheng finished the precautions, Jiang Cheng's crew began to take action.

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