Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 829: Detect

A spherical probe was released by the Trailblazer and started flying towards Neptune.

Soon the probe skipped the atmosphere of Neptune and approached the surface of Neptune.

This detector has been specially designed by Jiang Cheng and can withstand very extreme environments.

First of all, the spherical appearance is in Neptune's violent storm, which can withstand a smaller impact, so that the detector can avoid being damaged by the storm.

We must know that Neptune has the most violent storm in the solar system, so it won't work without a spherical design.

In addition to the spherical appearance, this detector is also strictly protected against cold.

The thermal insulation layer on the surface of the detector is a material re-developed by Jiang Cheng, which can withstand very low temperatures.

Neptune is always at a low temperature of more than 200 degrees below zero. If the performance of the insulation layer is not good enough, the internal parts may be frozen and useless.

From the harsh environment above Neptune, we can know why Jiang Cheng used a probe to land this time instead of manned landing on Neptune.

In this extremely harsh environment, the difficulty of manned landing is too high.

If Jiang Cheng wants to take the astronauts to the Shanghai King Star, he might not be able to do without a long time of preparation.

First, designing a more robust landing cabin is a very troublesome thing.

This kind of landing module must ensure the safety of the astronauts, and it is very difficult to do this in an extreme environment like Neptune.

Not to mention that if you want to walk out of the cabin after landing, the spacesuit also needs to be redesigned.

The most severe storm in the entire solar system above Neptune must also be considered.

Jiang Cheng couldn't let the astronauts just landed on Neptune when they were blown away by the storm above.

So the necessary protective measures are indispensable during landing.

And these protective equipment is very troublesome to manufacture. Jiang Cheng has been busy building the Pioneer recently.

Even this special probe was made by Jiang Cheng in time, so there is no time to make preparations for manned landing on Neptune.

Therefore, this time the detection of Neptune will be based on detectors.

Mankind may have to wait until later for the mysterious planet Shanghai King.

However, Jiang Cheng believes that this day will not be too long, with a spacecraft as fast as the Pioneer.

As long as you prepare your landing equipment, you can go to Neptune at any time to carry out the plan of manned landing on Neptune.

Just as Jiang Cheng was thinking about manned landing on Neptune, the spherical probe had already arrived and passed through the atmosphere of Neptune, and had begun to land.

Jiang Cheng's biggest worry now is whether the detector can withstand the low temperature.

The climate on Neptune is really terrifying, and I don’t know if this probe will be damaged.

This detector is a detector that Jiang Cheng rushed out for the trial plan.

Therefore, the design has not reached a perfect state, and it is not a very good product.

If the probe is damaged on Neptune for a while, Jiang Cheng is not too surprised.

The stability of things rushed to work must be worse, and this is something Jiang Cheng can't help.

During this period of time, his time is too tight, he can only use this kind of thing to make up the count.

But even if the probe was damaged on Neptune, Jiang Cheng didn't have any heartache.

Now Jiang Cheng is not like before. It takes several months to go to Mars.

From the earth to Neptune, it only takes a few hours to take the Pioneer.

If the detection fails this time, it is a big deal to go back and prepare for the next time you come with a better detector.

Although the Blazers used up a lot of funds at one time, Qian Jiangcheng didn't pay attention to this at all.

Anyway, Jiang Cheng is everywhere in the solar system now, and it won't take much effort to come to Neptune again.

Everything is normal for the detector, the heat insulation layer on the outer wall withstands the low temperature outside, and the temperature inside the detector is still within an acceptable range.

A crew member was reporting the situation of the probe, and this news made Jiang Cheng's worry disappear.

Now that there is no problem with the detector, it is estimated that there will be no accidents later.

It seems that even if it is something that Jiang Cheng made in a hurry, if it has very good performance, at least this probe did not have a problem on Neptune.

The probe has landed smoothly!

After a period of flight, the spherical probe finally reached the surface of Neptune.

At this time, a light curtain of holographic projection appeared in the bridge of the Blazer.

Above the light curtain appeared the image from the detector, which is what the surface of Neptune looks like.

The surface of Neptune in the picture is covered with a thick layer of ice, and it is impossible to see what is underneath it.

However, this was something Jiang Cheng had anticipated long ago. There is an ice layer on Neptune, which was speculated by many scientists a long time ago, and now it has only confirmed this speculation.

This exploration is mainly for data scanning. The probe will scan the entire Neptune, just like Jiang Cheng did with Mars.

This kind of scanning of the entire planet is what Jiang Cheng values ​​most, and getting the most detailed data of Neptune is what Jiang Cheng wants most.

Especially the distribution of minerals is what Jiang Cheng is most concerned about. If there are extremely rare minerals on Neptune, then the development of distant planets is necessary.

Those minerals that are extremely friends in the entire universe do not exist on the earth.

Jiang Cheng has not discovered the materials necessary for making real mechas like Alpha Crystal.

The whole earth including Mars was scanned by him, and no trace of the existence of the Elfa knot was found.

If no Alpha Knot was found, Jiang Cheng would not be able to make an upright mecha.

The formation of this special body of Tong Erfa knot is very harsh and requires very low temperature to form.

Only in such a bad environment as Neptune can there be such a small point.

And this is only possible. Even Jiang Cheng himself can't tell if there is any net work on Neptune.

However, as long as there is a little hope, Jiang Cheng will not let go of the opportunity for detection.

At the very least, there is still the possibility of Netrfa formation on Neptune. Planets such as Earth and Mars cannot produce this special substance.

If there are really alpha knots on Neptune, even if the environment here is bad, Jiang Cheng will find a way to mine the alpha knots.

Who makes Alpha crystallize is really important, it is a necessary material for mecha production.

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