Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 830: Road

Since Jiang Cheng developed the humanoid armor, he has always wanted to make real mechas, but because of the lack of special materials like Alpha Crystals, he has been unable to start making them.

Now that Jiang Cheng finally hopes to obtain a rare material, of course he will not let go of such an opportunity.

It can be said that Jiang Cheng's main purpose of this exploration of Neptune is to find Alpha knots.

Jiang Cheng would be even more happy if he could find other rare materials.

But now these are all empty talks. Before the results came out, no one could tell such things clearly.

Now that the probe has successfully landed on Neptune, the next step is the formal detection.

However, before the probe detects Neptune, it is necessary to check the current situation of the probe.

Now although the probe has sent back the picture on Neptune, it does not mean that everything is normal for the probe.

This just means that if the external camera is normal, I don't know if there is any problem with the most important scanning device.

After a landing, no one [txt novel] knows if there is any problem with the detector.

If there is a problem with the scanning device, there is no need to continue this detection.

So Jiang Cheng was inside the bridge and gave orders to all the crew of Ruo.

"A self-inspection order was issued to the probe to check whether the probe was damaged during the landing.

Understand, start the self-check program immediately. "An crew member replied.

It didn't take long for the probe on Neptune to return the results of this self-test.

After analysis, all data is projected onto a light screen in the center of the bridge.

Jiang Cheng glanced at the data on Guangmu and knew that everything was normal for the detector now.

It seemed that Ruolu went well this time, and the detector was not damaged at all.

Now that there is no problem with the detector, the detection can be officially started.

"Let’s start detection right away, let the probe scan the entire Neptune

Following Ruo Jiangcheng's order this time, the detector was still operating immediately.

The detailed data on Neptune is constantly being transmitted back to the Blazer.

The topographic structure underneath the surface ice of Neptune, as well as the distribution of deep minerals, these data are constantly sent back from the probe.

The detector is constantly moving its position while scanning the situation under the ice layer.

At this time, the spherical appearance of the probe played a role, and in Neptune

During the violent storm on the surface, the detector relied on its spherical shape to maintain sufficient stability.

The probe is moving at high speed above Neptune, continuously sending back a large amount of detailed data. Just after the probe was officially put into operation, Jiang Cheng was not prepared to stay here anymore.

This time the sea trial is only half completed, and there is still a journey back to Earth waiting for them.

Let the probe orbit on Neptune, we are now ready to go back "∥.

Now that the probe is operating normally, Jiang Cheng is ready to return with the Pioneer.

The exploration of Neptune cannot be completed in a short time. This exploration will last for several months.

Alpha Crystals, a rare material, cannot be found all at once.

So Jiang Cheng is going to return to Earth first, waiting for the probe to slowly search for Neptune.

"Target Earth, ready to return!

Following Jiang Cheng's return order, the Blazer began to accelerate again and slowly left Neptune.

Neptune, the outermost planet in the solar system, has once again returned to its former calm after a brief period of excitement.

Perhaps the detector on the surface of Neptune made this planet start to be different.

Jiang Cheng's departure from the well this time is not an eternal farewell, all this depends on the results of the detection.

If Neptune is found to possess some rare materials, Jiang Cheng will come here again.

At that time, Jiang Cheng would take some manpower to mine on this harsh environment.

A rare substance similar to Alpha Knot is still very attractive to Jiang Cheng, and it has even reached the point of mining at any cost.

But now Jiang Cheng hasn't had the time to care about rare materials. He still has to command the Pioneer to begin their journey back to Earth.

The Blazer’s return journey was not too different when it came. First of all, the Blazer also needed a period of acceleration to reach the highest speed.

After the spacecraft reached half the speed of light, it would take several hours to fly before Jiang Cheng and the others could return to the earth.

Half of the speed of light is the highest speed in the solar system, and the energy consumed to continue accelerating is too great for even the fusion reactor to provide.

And if the spacecraft wants to continue to increase its speed, it only has to turn on the curvature to shorten the space.

But in places like the inner solar system, the sun has too much mass, so it generates too much gravity.

Such a large gravitational force has exceeded the safety limit, and it is impossible to open the curvature of the gravitational force.

The troublesome part of navigating in the star system is here, and it is impossible to use the curvature guide.

If Jiang Cheng forcibly turns on the curvature of the solar system, perhaps the space fold will change due to gravity.

At that time, due to space shocks, the entire spacecraft will be torn into pieces.

Although Jiang Cheng's physical fitness is very good, the shock of space will shred everything, even if Jiang Cheng's body is harder than a diamond, it will become fragments in seconds.

Although Jiang Cheng liked taking risks, he would never do this kind of death-seeking thing.

If the Trailblazer wants to turn on the curvature and increase the speed to ten times the speed of light, it must leave the gravitational range of the solar system.

When the spacecraft starts to fly with curvature, Zhou cannot have a massive celestial body like a star.

This is already the consensus of all cosmic civilizations, and it is also a common law among civilizations.

Generally, for ultra-long-distance navigation between galaxies, the mode adopted is to first use the speed of the spacecraft itself, and then perform a curvature flight after flying out of the star system.

In this way, accidents can be avoided during curvature flight, and at the same time, the efficiency of navigation can be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

If Jiang Cheng wants to go to Proxima Centauri, he must first fly out of the solar system at half the speed of light.

Then turn on the curvature engine and fly over a four-light-year journey at ten times the speed of light.

After the spacecraft arrived in the Zhou Kingdom of Bibe, once again turned off the curvature guide, and used the speed of the spacecraft to fly to this star system.

But now Jiang Cheng is not interested in going to the extremely harsh star system of Proxima Centauri.

This kind of thing will be discussed later, Jiang Cheng now only thinks about returning to the earth.

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