Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 834: pioneer

"This spacecraft named Pioneer can be said to be the crystallization of mankind's current high technology.

Countless advanced technologies have been used on this spacecraft, and any one of these technologies will shock the world.

Jiang Cheng's expression remained unchanged in front of the camera, as he continued to introduce the Blazers.

First of all, the speed of this spacecraft exceeds that of any spacecraft in the past. "

The speed of the Blazer itself has reached the speed of light, and it can fly 150,000 kilometers per second.

"This speed is enough to swim in the solar system. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and these places will not take long to go.

When Jiang Cheng said the speed of 150,000 kilometers per second, everyone who heard this sentence couldn't calm down at once.

This kind of speed is simply beyond their imagination, what a speed at half the speed of light.

The speed of 150,000 kilometers per second is beyond the cognitive range of many people, and it is completely unclear how much this is.

In the eyes of ordinary people, surpassing the speed of sound is already very exaggerated, and the speed of sound is the limit that ordinary people can imagine.

The speed of sound is more than 300 meters per second, but it seems to be extremely fast, and most people can't touch this kind of thing at all.

But the speed of more than 300 meters per second at the speed of sound is not even Ney in front of the Trailblazer.

The speed of 150,000 kilometers per second is five hundred times faster than the speed of sound.

This kind of speed that overwhelmed countless people's three views was actually achieved by Jiang Cheng.

In the shot, the Pioneer was quietly parked behind Jiang Cheng. It was this spacecraft that had an unimaginable speed.

It can be said that the people who eat melons in front of the TV are all stunned by Jiang Cheng's words, and have no idea what to say to comment on this matter.

Perhaps in their limited imagination, this kind of speed has been unimaginable.

But this speed is not the limit of the Trailblazer, it's just the highest speed in normal flight mode.

Just when countless melon-eating people were in shock, Jiang Cheng once again said something that surprised them.

Can it be faster?

After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, everyone asked this question together.

The speed of 150,000 kilometers per second has shocked everyone, but Jiang Cheng now tells everyone that this speed is far from the trailblazer's limit.

If the Blazer enters the curvature flight mode, the speed can reach ten times the speed of light

So ten times the speed of light オ is the limit of this spacecraft, but this speed cannot be used in the star system.

Hearing Jiang Cheng said that the Pioneer could reach ten times the speed of light, everyone's jaws were about to fall to the ground.

Maybe you don't know what it means to fly with curvature, but you can still understand ten times the speed of light.

The speed of light, the fastest speed in the world, has been popularized by science for countless years.

Everyone knows that the speed of light is the fastest thing, and no object can exceed the speed of light.

As a result, Jiang Cheng now tells everyone that his spacecraft not only surpassed the speed of light, but also reached such an exaggerated level as ten times the speed of light.

This is like a thing recognized by everyone, being overthrown all at once, not only being overthrown, but also being severely stepped on by Jiang Cheng.

Now everyone was shocked and numb by Jiang Cheng, looking at the TV in front of them sluggishly, listening to Jiang Cheng constantly subverting their cognition.

Maybe the expression of the person in front of the TV now is, "There is this kind of operation?"

Of course, if you are a person in the natural sciences, you will know what Jiang Cheng said about curvature flight.

Curvature flight did not increase the speed but shortened the space, so the Blazer’s speed did not exceed the speed of light.

It was only because the spacecraft's space distance around the country was shortened that the speed reached this level.

But where ordinary people know this kind of thing, they all only heard Jiang Cheng's words ten times the speed of light.

The group of eating melons in front of the electric machine was always sluggish, and they all watched Ruojiang Cheng talking on the TV in an admiring manner.

Anyway, they don’t understand the professional terms Jiang Cheng said, they just know that these things Jiang Cheng said are very powerful.

Maybe this is what people often say, even though they don't understand it, they think it's so bad.

People who don’t know the truth and eat melon don’t understand Jiang Cheng’s technical terms, and people in other scientific fields are completely different.

In this interview with the Trailblazer, many scientists also sat in front of the TV and watched Jiang Cheng’s speech.

As soon as the scientists heard that Jiang Cheng had built a spacecraft, each of them became more interested than ordinary people.

Such professionals are more aware of the difficulties involved in spacecraft manufacturing, so オ will pay so much attention to this matter.

All scientists want to see how Jiang Cheng solved those problems.

After all the scientists heard about the single-curvature flight, they all set their ears up, waiting for Jiang Chengyang to elaborate on this aspect.

They knew very well what Jiang Cheng meant by curvature flight, so they were so curious about this technology.

The concept of curvature flight has actually been proposed a long time ago. It is always more wrong to change the space to go to those far away places than to increase the speed.

It's just that human beings have too little knowledge of space, and it is so difficult to change space.

Therefore, curvature flight has always been an illusion, and there is no possibility of realization at all.

Now Jiang Cheng told them that his spacecraft could already fly with curvature. How could this not make them curious.

What all scientists want to know most now is how Jiang Cheng achieved curvature flight.

Space is so sturdy for human beings, how did Jiang Cheng influence the space.

It's a pity that Jiang Cheng disappointed all scientists, because he didn't talk about curvature flight next.

No relevant technology has been announced, and everyone is still at a loss. I don't know how Jiang Cheng did it.

However, scientists have no time to continue thinking about this issue, because Jiang Cheng then talked about a lot of advanced technology.

The calculations such as the energy shield and the non-working-mass galaxy-level engine all failed to pass.

These are just technologies in people's fantasy, one by one was realized by Jiang Cheng, and used on the Pioneer.

All scientists who listened to Ruojiang Cheng's introduction of technology beyond the times in front of the TV felt a deep inferiority complex.

They are both engaged in scientific research like Jiang Cheng, but why is the gap between them so big.

Jiang Cheng can research these cross-age technologies, and they will develop them one after another.

And they spent more time than Jiang Cheng, but they couldn't even compare to a tenth of Jiang Cheng's.

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