Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 835: Ready to work

Jiang Cheng has even built spacecraft now, but they don't even understand the technology used on it.

Maybe this is the gap between people. It’s really irritating to compare people.

Soon the scientists gave up their original purpose and were not ready to figure out the advanced technology in Jiang Cheng's hands.

Because even if you want to figure out that they can't listen to sex, it's better to be an audience with the old man.

Anyway, they only need to look at Jiang Cheng at ease, and he will naturally worry about human development.

Just after the scientists turned into the masses, Jiang Cheng finally finished the Pioneer.

After talking about the Blazers' good situation, the trial started soon.

Everyone wants to know where Jiang Cheng and the others have gone this time trial. This is also a question that everyone is very concerned about.

Those unknown places can always arouse people’s curiosity, want to know what is in it

Of course Jiang Cheng satisfied everyone's curiosity, and soon revealed the destination of their trial voyage.

We went to Neptune for this test voyage, and dropped a probe on Neptune

After Jiang Cheng mentioned the place of Neptune, everyone gave out amazing sounds

Unexpectedly, the Pioneer had gone so far this time. Neptune was the most green planet in the solar system.

The scenery of Neptune is really very good, if you have the opportunity, I hope everyone can take a look.

The scenery there is really as beautiful as the legend, it is like the territory of the sea god.

Immediately afterwards, Ruojiang Cheng began to depict the scenery of Neptune, telling everyone what he saw.

Everyone heard what Jiang Cheng said was the most beautiful, and they all began to yearn for Neptune.

Such a distant planet has suddenly become close, and the originally mysterious Neptune is abundantly presented in front of everyone.

Especially Jiang Cheng's last sentence has aroused everyone's yearning.

Maybe in the future everyone will really have a chance to go and take a look on Neptune

Anyway, spaceships have appeared now, and going to Neptune is also very convenient.

Jiang Cheng has already made a day trip to space, and it is very possible to get a day trip to Neptune this time.

Just when everyone was dreaming about traveling to Neptune by themselves, Jiang Cheng began his final speech today.

"We must know that the earth's space is always limited, so the development of space is an inevitable trend for mankind."

"When the resources on the earth are exhausted, mankind has to go to other planets to find resources.

This time he answered another reporter's question, which is the significance of the Pioneer to mankind as a whole.

But mankind cannot wait until the earth is really unable to bear it before moving towards space.

Because it is too late at that time, we have to set off into space in advance.

Therefore, the emergence of the Pioneer is of great significance, which means that mankind finally has the capital to navigate the universe, and finally does not have to be confined to a small earth. "

Jiang Cheng once again emphasized the importance of the space program for the last time, and ended this interview.

The audience watching this interview in front of the TV is still indulging in their own fantasy.

Dreaming about one day to go to Neptune in the future, you can go and see the beautiful scenery there.

Maybe everyone was addicted to their own fantasy, so they didn't notice that Jiang Cheng had disappeared in front of the camera.

After accepting the interview with the reporter on the spot, Jiang Cheng left the Blazer directly, ready to go home and take a good rest.

The sea trial lasted more than ten hours, and Jiang Cheng, as a temporary prostitute, never took a good rest.

As a result, it was hard to bring the crew back to Earth, but they encountered a large group of reporters

This made Jiang Cheng had to waste a long time before finally satisfying the reporters on the scene and the curious audience in front of the TV.

After this series of things, Jiang Cheng now feels very tired

Jiang Cheng has been stunned all day, and now he can finally put aside everything and sleep well in him~ the world is dark.

Going home, Jiang Cheng fell directly on the bed, and fell asleep until noon the next day.

After waking up, Jiang Cheng casually cleaned up, and was ready to go out after breakfast

Although Jiang Cheng was very tired yesterday, his physical fitness is not to say, he has already recovered to his best state after he slept.

The rested Jiang Cheng did not stay at home too much, because he still has things to deal with today.

Jiang Cheng went directly to the Aerospace Science and Technology Company and found Xiao Lu to discuss the follow-up work.

In the past, Jiang Cheng had a lot of space programs that could not be carried out, because the problem of national transportation restricted his hands.

Now that the spacecraft have been built, the problem of restricting Jiang Cheng has been solved.

Like before, Jiang Cheng wanted to vigorously develop Mars, but due to the problem of the capacity between Mars and the Earth, he has been unable to make big moves on Mars.

Only a small number of people can be maintained on Mars, and some preliminary preparations can be carried out.

Everything is completely different after having the Pioneer. With this spacecraft, Jiang Cheng can let go of his hands and feet and do a lot of work on Mars.

At the ultra-fast speed of the Trailblazer, even if it can’t use curvature to fly, it can reach half the speed of light.

It takes less than an hour to go back and forth between the Earth and Mars at this speed.

You can reach Mars at such a fast speed, and it becomes easier to transport anything.

The personnel and equipment needed to develop Mars have not even arrived at lunch time from Earth to Mars in the morning.

Now the transportation from Mars to the Earth takes much faster time than going to other cities.

Such a fast speed has greatly improved the connection between Mars and the Earth, and has increased the possibility of human migration to Mars.

Moreover, the transport capacity of the Trailblazer is not comparable to the original rocket.

A glance at the huge volume of the Blazer shows that there are many things that can be loaded inside.

If the Trailblazer is fully loaded for transportation, the one-time cargo may have to be transported by rocket hundreds of times.

This difference in quantity is also the advantage of the spacecraft. The transportation cost per unit weight will drop a lot when the transportation volume is large.

In the past, Kunpeng-type rockets were used for transportation. Even if the cost of this kind of rocket is very low, the price of transporting one kilogram to Mars is not affordable for ordinary people.

It can be said that the price of the goods itself is far less than the cost of transportation.

But now that you have a spacecraft, the cost of transporting one kilogram of cargo is many times lower than before using rockets.

It should be understood that the most expensive development of Mars in the past was transportation, which at least accounted for about half of Jiang Cheng's total investment.

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