Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 837: Supplies

There are many rare metals like lanthanum that are extremely rare on earth.

There are some rare metals that Jiang Cheng doesn't use yet, but sooner or later they will need it.

Some and special materials, not even a single bit on the earth.

There is no such thing as an essential material for making mechas like Alpha Knot.

But if the Alpha Crystal fails in the future, Jiang Cheng has to go to Neptune to find it.

It can be said that the rare minerals possessed on the earth simply cannot support his future plans, nor can humans develop into space civilization.

However, in Jiang Cheng's heart, mankind will inevitably become a space civilization in the future. This is the goal he has set for mankind long ago.

So when Jiang Cheng discovered this fact, he decided to vigorously develop resources in other places.

Since the resources on the earth are not enough to support the development of human beings into a space civilization, Jiang Cheng should look for resources elsewhere.

Rare resources that are not available on the earth can not be used up on other planets or in many uses.

For other planets, Mars is the best target.

Mars is very close to the earth, and the environment above it is not so harsh compared to other spherical shapes.

At the very least, there is no high temperature of several hundred degrees above Mars, and no extreme cold of more than 200 degrees below zero.

And there are many rare resources on Mars, platinum mines are the best proof.

The platinum mines mined by Mars now far exceed the reserves on Earth, and there are many other similar rare metals. These are all things Jiang Cheng wants.

That's why Jiang Cheng couldn't wait to develop Mars because of the decision made by resource constraints.

In order to realize the dream in his heart, Jiang Cheng had to look beyond the earth.

Mars was the first target he stared at, and he was ready to go a thousand times on Mars.

Now a permanent base has been used on Mars, and many mines are still in operation.

These facilities are the basis for the large-scale development of Mars, and the future Mars city will be built on these things.

Jiang Cheng could completely build on the current Mars base and slowly expand this base into a huge alien immigrant city.

When the Mars base was established, several mines could be developed around, providing countless materials for the establishment of the base.

Now Jiang Cheng only needs to expand the scale of mining, and there is a source of materials for building the city.

Of course, building an alien city is completely different from a base, and the materials needed are very different.

If you want to build a city on Mars, it is completely different to build a city on the earth.

To build a city on the earth, you only need to build enough buildings and supporting facilities such as roads, electricity and water supply.

But it's completely different on Mars, and there are so many things that require Targa.

First of all, the atmosphere of Mars cannot be breathed by humans, so a fully enclosed city is necessary.

With so many people living on Mars, the oxygen circulation system needed is also a big project.

Of course, the ecological planting area is indispensable, and self-sufficiency is always needed.

In order to supply the food needs of so many people, countless ecological parks must be built around the city. This is also a very huge project.

In addition to these basic needs, the Martian city needs a lot of facilities.

Surviving on Mars is not an easy task, there are too many issues to consider.

It is because of these various aspects that make the Martian immigration plan more complicated.

No matter from which point of view, the Mars migration plan is a very large plan, and the personnel and materials involved are an astronomical number.

Jiang Cheng needs to do a lot of work if he wants to build a city on Mars.

In the first step, Jiang Cheng must prepare the materials and equipment needed for the construction of the city. After these are prepared, he can start the next construction plan.

The construction of such a huge engineering project as a Martian city requires a lot of personnel.

This requires the transfer of countless astronauts to join this construction project.

The mobilization of astronauts is not an easy task. Many astronauts now have their own missions, and they cannot be mobilized all at once.

There are so many things to prepare in the early stage, and Jiang Cheng is really too late to prepare early.

That's why Jiang Cheng found Xiao Peng today and began arranging the construction of the Martian city.

There are a lot of materials needed to build a Martian city, and now you can prepare in advance.

If I don't prepare early, I'm afraid it will be too late.

You can go to Zhang Manlin for material matters, and she will assist you with material preparations.

When he came up, Jiang Cheng brought in his own CEO and prepared to ask Zhang Manlin to help Xiao prepare supplies.

Asking Zhang Manlin to prepare the materials needed to build a Martian city is also something Jiang Cheng can't do.

The main reason is that the quantity of materials needed is too large, and the types involved are also quite complicated.

If Qian Lu is left alone in charge, I really don't know when to go.

Xiao Peng is good at managing technical teams. He is not really familiar with this kind of logistics work.

And Zhang Manlin, the CEO of the Universe Umbrella Group, is completely different. She is best at this aspect of work.

As long as Xiao handed over the list of required materials to Zhang Manlin, she would naturally arrange manpower to prepare.

Anyway, collecting so many materials has to be carried out by the group, and it is normal to hand it over to Zhang Manlin.

When Peng first heard Jiang Cheng asked him to prepare those supplies, he was still very worried.

He was afraid that he would not be able to raise so many supplies, which would delay the start of the entire Martian immigration plan.

But after hearing that Jiang Cheng asked him to find Zhang Manlin, he let go of his original worries.

He still knows Zhang Manlin's abilities very well, and no matter how many supplies she provides, it is not a problem.

I will contact the group about the materials, so you don’t have to worry about it, President Jiang.

What I am worried about now is the situation in the R&D department. I don’t know if the R&D progress can keep up with our plan.

"There are still several types of equipment that have not been developed. Without these equipment, the entire project would be delayed.

To Jiang Cheng, he expressed his worries, he was afraid that the Yanjiyuan team could not keep up with the overall progress.

In addition to the large amount of materials needed to build the Martian City, the related equipment is also a highlight.

Although they had already developed a lot of equipment when they established the Mars base.

Things like mining robots and integrated smelting and manufacturing equipment can all be used here.

But in addition to these existing equipment, Jiang Cheng and others need a lot of new equipment to complete this huge project.

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