Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 838: solve

Building a city on Mars is completely different from building a base, and the amount of engineering is not the same.

So they need some new types of construction equipment to be able to complete such a huge project.

At least a new type of construction robot is necessary. Otherwise, if it is built by manpower, a city does not know how many years it will take to complete it.

Don't worry about equipment problems. I have already told the people below about the general concerns.

I believe that with the strength of the current R&D team, these devices will not be difficult for them.

Just wait for them to complete R&D and start large-scale manufacturing.

Jiang Cheng had been prepared for the equipment problem, so Peng didn't have to worry about it.

Jiang Cheng has guided those technicians in general directions for the equipment needed to build a Mars city. With Jiang Cheng's guidance, their research and development efficiency has been improved several times.

Now Jiang Cheng only needs to wait for a while, and the necessary equipment will be ready.

After Jiang Cheng discussed the supplies and equipment with Xiao, he naturally turned the topic to personnel.

The problem of personnel, you go down and pay attention to prepare, the personnel to build the Martian city must be prepared in advance.

Now you can start to mobilize the astronauts and get them ready to go to Mars in advance.

Although now with Jiang Cheng’s promotion, the degree of automation is already very high

A lot of work does not require manpower to complete, the robot will naturally do well.

But at a high degree of automation, the assistance of people is indispensable.

If there is no help, those robots can't do all the work independently.

So a lot of manpower is essential, especially in such a large-scale project, the need for more astronauts.

This is also a big problem before them, and Jiang Cheng can't be at ease if he doesn't handle it well.

The new group of astronauts have not been trained, and they can all be sent to Mars.

If some people are transferred from other places, there will be people who will build the Martian city.

"Anyway, with the Trailblazer now, the logistics supply is no longer a problem at all. We might as well arrange more manpower in the past, so that the construction speed can also be faster.

Jiang Cheng came up with a solution to this problem, which is to let the newly trained astronauts go to Mars for construction missions.

At this time of development, Jiang Cheng's astronaut training center has long been expanded several times.

Now every batch of astronauts that have completed training has reached as many as a few.

And just recently, a group of astronauts have completed training and can be sent to Mars.

So many Zujiang Cheng has used it, the only bad thing is that these astronauts are all rookies, and they have not even performed a space mission.

Generally speaking, missions to Mars will not allow such rookie astronauts to go.

But now because of the shortage of manpower, Jiang Cheng had to send the rookies out.

Anyway, there are all the necessary facilities on Mars, and there will be no dangerous situations, so it doesn't matter that the rookie astronauts go.

As for the logistics of so many people on Mars, it won’t be a problem with the Trailblazer.

Now it’s not comparable. There were very few people on Mars before. That’s because of the limitation of transportation capacity. Now this limitation is gone.

The Trailblazer can transport hundreds of thousands of tons of cargo at will, and it takes no more than an hour to run over Mars.

Even if a few people live on Mars, the Trailblazer can do it easily.

So in order to build faster, Jiang Cheng decided to send a large number of astronauts to Mars.

Well, since there is a shortage of manpower, you can only use rookie astronauts. "Xiao said helplessly to Jiang Cheng.

If Gu Shi had a way, Xiao Peng was unwilling to use those newcomer astronauts.

Lack of experience is the biggest problem for newcomers. Sending a large group of new herringbone fighters to Mars is really not at ease.

But he can't do anything if he doesn't use newcomers. There are really not many free astronauts. Astronauts in other places have their own, like the space station, there are many astronauts, and they are busy building space ports.

Most of Su's astronauts are now on the space station.

If you mobilize a lot of manpower, you can play with the manpower needed by Mars.

But the creation of space life is also very important, and the projects over there are not.

In the end, in order to ensure the safety of the newcomer astronauts, Weak proposed a supplementary suggestion.

I am choosing some experienced astronauts from the existing astronauts.

Let this を-character pilot take those newcomers and pass on the experience of Zisan. This shot can solve the personnel problem.

This opinion is very good, and it will be much better if there are elderly people.

The old man will remind the newcomers of a basic living mistake. This is a way to get the best of both worlds.

That’s the decision. This time, the old man will take the rookie astronaut to X Yes.

The affirmation of the personnel is left to you, remember not to affect the work on the spaceport.

Su finally agreed with Xiao's plan, and the staff's question payment was thus decided.

The specific personnel must be pointed out so that the construction of the spaceport will not be affected. This requires a thorough study.

Maintaining the construction of the spaceport is also the last thing Jiang Cheng reminded. It seems that Jiang Cheng has not forgotten the other side of the project.

But this matter is not something Jiang Cheng needs to deal with, and Xiao Peng will naturally solve it.

Jiang Cheng has so many staff, isn't it that he can solve problems for him at this time?

Otherwise, what is the use for Jiang Cheng to be his subordinates, it would be easier for him to be alone.

"I will arrange everything. The spaceport will definitely not delay Xiao Peng and leave after finishing talking. There are a lot of things to be busy next, and he needs to step up to deal with it.

Materials, equipment, and personnel are now arranged by Jiang Cheng, and there are dedicated people responsible for each piece.

Now Xiao Peng started busy work, and even Zhang Manlin was dragged in by Jiang Cheng.

As for Jiang Cheng himself, of course he would relax.

Isn't that what the boss should do? You have to do everything, and you only need to be responsible for the general direction.

Anyway, the construction of Mars City is still in the preparatory stage, and Jiang Cheng has never liked the preparatory work.

Jiang Cheng has always left such complicated things to his subordinates, and he only needs to arrange everything.

And his big boss is now relaxing again, ready to find something for himself.

Before Mars City officially starts, there is still some time to prepare.

Jiang Cheng intends to use this time to research a small technique.

What he thinks is that it is better to get something if you are idle, so that you won't be too bored.

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