Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 839: problem

The "small technology" Jiang Cheng plans to study this time is actually not simple at all.

Because this technology is called "wireless power transmission technology", it is a very important technology for mankind.

Wireless power transmission technology refers to the ability to transmit power from a generating device to a receiving device without using electricity.

To put it bluntly, electricity can be transmitted without wires, which completely eliminates the constraints of wires.

If wireless power transmission is truly realized, it will not only play a great role in industry, but also in the civil field.

Just because all household appliances don't need wires, you can use this directly, which is enough for this technology to reach the public.

Imagine your computer doesn't need wires, and it can be turned on directly after putting it there. What a convenient thing.

When this technology is popularized in all home appliances, there will be no more wires in the home.

As long as a power transmission device is installed in the home, all household appliances can be used.

In the future, a single wire is not used in the house, and the whole environment has become much more refreshed

Maybe the electrical appliances that were originally set together still don't see the advantages of this technology.

But if you put this technology on mobile devices, the advantages will be immediately apparent.

Mobile devices that could be used at any time have to be charged frequently because of power problems.

If you want to use a mobile device while charging, you must use it with a charging cable.

The mobile device cannot move at all when it is charging, which is a big problem.

When the mobile device is equipped with a wireless power transmission device, it can be carried around while charging.

In the future, people will no longer have to worry about the problem of electricity, and I don’t know how much convenience has been improved.

The mobile phone is the best example. When charging the mobile phone, if you want to use the mobile phone, you have to drag a long charging cable to keep your activity range very small.

Even if you want to go to the place with your phone, you have to suspend charging.

In any case, this is not very convenient, and it is very uncomfortable to use.

If the mobile phone has the function of wireless charging, there will be no need to worry about this problem in the future.

Even when charging, you can walk around with your phone without worrying about charging.

If Jiang Cheng really studies this kind of technology, he can definitely make a fortune on it.

Those home appliance manufacturers will come to ask Ruojiang Cheng to sell them the license to use this technology.

By then, Jiang Cheng only needs to sit at home, and he will be able to continuously make money with this technology.

In fact, these civilian applications are not yet Jiang Cheng's main purpose of developing this technology.

What Jiang Cheng values ​​most is the application of this technology in aerospace. Laying wires on Mars is a very troublesome thing.

Next, building a city on Mars will require electricity to supply many of the equipment used.

If these devices are all powered by wires, the laying of the wires is a big problem.

Setting up a transmission line on Mars is more difficult than on Earth, and there are many more issues to consider.

If there is wireless power transmission technology, the problem of these lines will not exist.

As long as wireless power transmission technology is developed, Jiang Cheng does not have to worry about the energy supply of those devices on Mars.

Jiang Cheng only needs to install a receiving device on all the equipment, and then put a large power transmission equipment in the base, and the energy supply problem of all the equipment will be solved.

It is precisely because of this very real problem that Jiang Cheng is ready to develop this technology in this free time.

As for the subsequent use of this technology to make money, it is just a side benefit.

In fact, wireless power transmission technology has already been proposed, but it has never been implemented.

As early as 1889, someone put forward the idea of ​​wireless power transmission.

So this technology is the old calendar of the last century, and it is not a new thing at all.

However, this technology has been proposed for hundreds of years, but no one can solve it yet.

It was Nikola Tesla, the legendary engineer who proposed wireless power transmission technology.

When he was in 18XX, he proposed the idea of ​​Wireless Handian and also conducted experiments, but the final experiment failed.

There are rumors that Tesla has solved the problem of wireless transmission technology, but because of external pressure, it temporarily abandoned this plan.

Some people say that Tesla also left the technical drawings of Wireless Handian, but it was completely destroyed.

There are too many legends about Tesla, and Jin doesn't know whether this matter is true or false.

The black technology proposed by Sla is not the same. Rumor has it that many of his technologies have surpassed this era and have reached the level of fear of the country.

So many of Tesla’s research results were destroyed, including this wireless power transmission technology.

However, Jiang Cheng would not care about the Tesla engineer, did he develop this technology at the time.

Anyway, even if he really researched this technology, it was not passed down in the end, and now humans still have not solved this problem.

For Jiang Cheng, this is a brand new technology and a brand new challenge.

Lucy, help me find all the papers on wireless transmission technology. Let me first take a look at the results of previous studies. "Jiang Cheng said to Lucy while standing in the laboratory.

Before Ruoshou studied wireless transmission technology, Jiang Cheng routinely looked at other people's research data.

He is ready to learn from these failures and prepare for his own success

After reading all the research materials of the predecessors, Jiang Cheng understood why those people failed.

The biggest problem with wireless power transmission technology is that the loss during power transmission is too great.

In fact, the wireless transmission technology developed by others is not unusable.

It's just that too much electric energy is wasted when those technologies are used for power transmission.

The wireless power transmission technology developed by many people requires at least half of the electric energy to be wasted before it can be accepted.

The wireless transmission technology that wastes more than half of the electrical energy has no possibility of being put into use at all, so the research of these people finally failed.

The most difficult part of wireless power transmission technology is how to reduce consumption.

If you want to convert electrical energy into waves, and then transmit them, then loss is inevitable.

Whether it is an electromagnetic wave or a thorough wave, it will naturally attenuate when propagating in the air.

When the power transmission device sends out the power, it will lose a large part of the power received by the receiving device through the consumption in the air.

What's more, the propagation of electromagnetic waves will spread, so that the electric energy that can be received so far-loses a part.

After such a consumption, the power loss of wireless transmission can be too large.

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