Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 857: material

And the astronauts are in rotation at any time, and the well will not stay on Mars for a long time.

The inhabitants of Martian cities are completely different. If they are allowed to live in closed buildings in the future, it is estimated that some people will go crazy soon.

Therefore, at the very least, a Martian city needs to use a certain amount of external space for residents in the city to move around.

In the end, Jiang Cheng chose the current design plan, and all the buildings are in an open-air environment.

This Martian city, Jiang Cheng, is going to arrange ordinary buildings in the city, which are exactly the same as the buildings on the water polo. The well does not allow all the buildings to be enclosed.

But such a design mode requires a protective layer in the outer area to isolate the entire city from the outside environment.

So Jiang Cheng came up with a way to protect the whole city by building a dome.

Jiang Cheng plans to build a huge roof in the outer area of ​​the city, enclosing the entire city.

In this way, the low temperature outside and the air that is not suitable for humans to breathe cannot affect the humans in the city.

The whole writing is like a protective take, protecting the humans inside.

Although such a design is much better for the residents inside, it adds countless difficulties to the construction.

The huge palace roof that can encircle the entire city is a difficult job just thinking about it.

It is just to build the roof of a gymnasium on the water polo zone, and I don't know how much work it takes.

Now Jiang Cheng wants to build the roof of a city in Bao District, which is simply a super project.

It can be said that the construction of the roof is the most difficult and most difficult part of the whole project.

Jiang Cheng is busy with this aspect now, and now he has encountered the biggest difficulty in the project.

How to build this giant roof is a question Jiang Cheng is thinking about recently.

The construction materials for the roof of the palace have all arrived, I don’t want to see the lack of materials during construction.

Jiang Cheng was in the engineering command center, asking Ruo about materials.

For such a large palace roof, the materials needed are simply an astronomical number.

It is estimated that all the materials needed to build the roof of the palace add up more than the materials needed for the entire city.

From the perspective of engineering volume, the construction of the palace roof accounted for more than half of the entire project. It is no wonder that Jiang Cheng is concerned about this issue.

The construction of Hengding is about to begin now. If so many materials are insufficient, the progress of the entire project will be greatly slowed down.

The last batch of materials has been produced and can be shipped from the water polo ball immediately. "You don’t have to worry about material problems, Mr. Jiang. You will definitely be able to keep up with our construction progress.

Tong confirmed this to Shui Polo yesterday, so he is very clear about it.

The materials used to build the roof are quite special and cannot be produced on Mars, so they can only be manufactured on the water ball and then transported to Mars for installation.

Many of the materials used to build Martian cities are taken on-site on Mars.

After several years of development, the mining industry on Mars has been very developed and can provide them for construction operations.

However, because of the difficulty of production, many materials still have to be transported from the water polo, and the top construction material is one of them.

The roof of the palace designed by Jiang Cheng is made of transparent material, and its sturdiness is far stronger than steel. It can withstand the harsh climate on Mars.

Such an advanced material must not be produced on Mars, so it has to be shipped.

The dome built with transparent materials is of course also transparent, so the city will have a transparent roof in the future.

Imagine that the residents of this city in the future can see the starry sky on Mars when they look up. This feels so great.

If the top is not transparent, then the residents of this city will live in a large stadium.

This feels that no one will leave Huanhuan, which is not much different from a closed building.

Jiang Cheng was prepared to use transparent materials to build the entire palace roof because of similar considerations.

Of course, after using transparent materials, the difficulty of construction has once again increased a lot.

The transportation of these materials is a big problem. In order to transport the materials on the roof of the palace, the Blazers have been running back and forth much better recently.

Basically, the materials shipped from the water polo side, the materials from the palace roof accounted for most of the transportation.

After all the qualitative modules are prefabricated, transport these prefabricated blocks from the water ball to Mars.

Then these prefabricated blocks are assembled on Mars and assembled into a finished dome.

This kind of process seems very troublesome, and there are several more processes than direct construction

The transportation of these prefabricated blocks alone is a big problem. The transportation of the molded modules is many times more difficult than the raw material area, and the production on the water polo is also a lot numb.

In order to transport the prefabricated blocks on the roof of the palace, the Blazer has been running a lot better recently.

Basically, the materials shipped from the water polo side, the palace top accounted for most of the transportation

That's why Jiang Cheng is so concerned about this issue, because he is afraid that the prefabricated blocks will not be transported to Mars on time.

Although this kind of construction technology is very numb in transportation and in advance manufacturing, it is not without its advantages.

This technology can show its advantages during construction, and it is many times more convenient than ordinary methods during construction.

Since all the top modules are prefabricated, Jiang Cheng and the others only need to assemble them.

Just pay attention to the serial number of the module when assembling. The shape of each module is different. If it is installed in the wrong place, it will be very smooth.

This kind of roof construction method will reduce the difficulty of the construction.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to build such a big roof on Mars.

It is very difficult to build such a huge roof on a water ball, let alone in such a harsh environment as Mars.

Fortunately, now Jiang Cheng doesn't have to worry about these difficulties, just arrange the assembly work.

He has already numbered all the modules in advance anyway, and the astronauts only need to assemble the dome according to the number.

Although the entire roof has a large amount of engineering, there are robots to help it assemble, so this work can still be completed.

As long as Jiang Cheng commands properly, a transparent giant palace roof will appear on Mars.

And after completing the construction of the dome, the subsequent construction will become much easier.

With the word top to protect all astronauts, you don't have to worry about the influence of the external environment during construction, and you only need to concentrate on your work.

When the Blazer arrived on Mars with the last batch of modules, the transparent dome was still under construction.

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