Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 858: Assembly

As soon as the last batch of palace roof modules were transported to the construction site, Jiang Cheng gathered all the management personnel and held an engineering meeting in the engineering headquarters.

"Now that the prefab modules for the top are all ready, we will start to build the top.

Go down and notify the astronauts of each unit, and then concentrate on completing the top project

Let us quickly finish this part of the most difficult work, and everyone can relax a little

Standing in the middle of the engineering headquarters, Jiang Cheng issued follow-up orders to all the surrounding managers.

The next work is the focus of the entire project. I hope everyone will cheer up and as long as we can finish the construction of the roof, the whole project will be half completed.

The most difficult part of the whole project is about to begin, and now even Jiang Cheng is a little nervous.

That's why he emphasized this matter repeatedly in the engineering headquarters, hoping to attract everyone's attention.

Judging from the construction time of the entire city, the construction of the roof will take up half of the time.

From this we can see the importance of this project, and it is no wonder that Jiang Cheng is so nervous.

After the construction meeting was over, everyone went away and started different tasks.

In the top brain work industry, everyone has their own responsibility, and only everyone can work together to complete this super project.

In Zhou Tian at the construction site, there is a quadruple structure.

This huge circle is the foundation of the roof, which bears the weight of the entire palace roof.

Now that the foundation of the entire dome has been built, the construction of the ground part will begin next.

I saw huge hoisting robots, hoisting blocks of huge oblique modules from the stacking location to the predetermined place.

Each prefabricated block of the palace roof has a number, and that long series of numbers represents where it should be placed.

This hoisting work is not that simple. It requires good overall planning to make the entire dome consist of countless prefabricated blocks. Because the number of prefabricated blocks is too much, I want to put every prefabricated block in it. Where, this is a huge problem.

There are so many prefabricated blocks piled up on site, and if you don't pay attention, you will put them wrong and the subsequent assembly work will be put aside.

Jiang Cheng commanded the management personnel under him, and it took a few days to put all the modules in the predetermined location.

Just the preliminary preparations will waste so much time, and the difficulty of the palace roof construction is reflected here.

Placing the prefabricated blocks is only the beginning, and the subsequent assembly work is the real difficulty.

The construction technology of this kind of prefabrication installation, although the construction is much simpler than the monolithic construction.

But this is simple and relatively speaking, don't look at just the assembly work, there are many issues to consider.

This top is not the kind of top on the water ball, it is the top to be used as a protective layer on Mars.

Therefore, this transparent dome must be absolutely airtight.

If there is a gap between the prefabricated blocks, even a small gap will cause a huge disaster.

When Jiang Cheng built the entire palace roof, he had to ensure that each prefabricated block was tightly connected, and then he had to use special techniques to weld them together to form a solid whole.

Each prefabricated block is calculated in advance before being produced, and one block cannot be installed incorrectly.

Therefore, during the installation and construction, it is also necessary to ensure that each prefabricated block has no installation errors, and that they are all installed in the planned place.

There are too many places to pay attention to in the whole project. Even Jiang Cheng, the general guide, had to work on site during construction.

After more than two months of construction, the construction of Shading is still going on. Jiang Cheng stood on the construction site and watched the astronauts install the prefabricated blocks.

One of the prefabricated blocks was not hung in the air, and began to be joined with other prefabricated blocks

Yiming's prefabricated blocks shone dazzlingly under the reflection of sunlight.

Had it not been for the helmets on the spacesuits to have its own glare filtering function, the eyes of the people at the scene might not be able to open.

Countless transparent modules move in the air and are hoisted to a predetermined assembly position.

The most difficult thing is that when several prefabricated blocks are close, they have to repeatedly adjust their positions to be able to join them together.

After the installation of several prefabricated blocks in the vicinity is completed, strict inspection and testing are required. There is no gap between each "zero 20" prefabricated blocks before the next step can be carried out.

After the splicing is completed, astronauts will use special equipment to connect the transparent prefabricated blocks together.

This kind of welding equipment is specially made by Jiang Cheng, which can make the welding traces invisible while ensuring the welding is firm.

This special welding method guarantees the transparency of the entire palace roof and will not cause problems due to welding.

After the entire roof is assembled, it looks like a whole, not even the slightest gap.

When the time comes, standing inside the city and looking up to the sky, it is as if you are outside of Mars, completely unaware of the existence of the transparent dome.

Perhaps only after repeatedly adjusting the angle, can you barely see the chakra at the top of the palace.

This kind of design is what Jiang Cheng wants to achieve most. It can make people in the city feel free from any constraints, just like staying on the surface of Mars.

While Jiang Cheng was inspecting the construction site, Xiao Peng walked to Jiang Cheng's side and said, "The prefabricated blocks in the A37 area are about to be hoisted, do you want to go and take a look?

The construction of the entire roof is divided into countless districts, and each area has a dedicated person to install it.

Many areas are under construction at the same time, so as to ensure that the project is so effective. If they are installed slowly, Jiang Cheng and others may not be able to complete the installation in a few years.

So in the end they adopted a segmented installation mode, each area first installed a part of the palace roof, and finally connected the different areas.

However, in this way, coordination with each other is very important. If the two areas cannot be connected in the end, the two areas must be dismantled and reassembled.

In order to prevent this from happening, Jiang Cheng and the others must inspect the scene at any time and coordinate the progress between different areas, so that they can finally assemble the palace roof completely.

Since the entire Martian city covers too much area, Jiang Cheng does not know the situation in other areas.

After hearing the news reported by Xiao Peng, Jiang Cheng decided to take a look.

The progress over there is pretty good, let's go over and take a look.

After speaking, Jiang Cheng took the lead and walked onto the Mars rover next to him, ready to go and take a look with Xiao Peng.

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