Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 860: Dome

Of course, when it is indescribable at night, a four-entry fight is definitely indispensable.

The next day Jiang Cheng would embark on a journey to Mars again, and start his busy week again.

In fact, Jiang Cheng is not unable to go home every day, anyway, it takes less than half an hour for the Blazer to go from Mars to the water polo.

The time for this root to go home from get off work is almost the same, and he will not miss his work the next day.

As for the flight cost of the Trailblazer, that is not a problem for Jiang Cheng.

Although every time the Pioneer was launched, it had to spend a huge amount of money, but for Jiang Cheng, this huge amount was nothing more than a small amount of money.

But in the end Jiang Cheng gave up this idea, only returning to the fairway every week.

This is mainly because of other people's feelings, Jiang Cheng made this decision.

The other people on Mars have not returned home for several months. He is the only one who has the privilege of returning to the water polo.

If Jiang Cheng took the spacecraft back to the water polo every day, it would be strange that others would not be jealous after seeing it.

Although no one can control him, he still has to take care of his feelings

It would be no more than 370 to return to the water polo once a week. It would be too much to go home every day.

Jiang Cheng couldn't build a Martian city alone, so he still had to worry about the feelings of his subordinates.

Anyway, it's almost enough to go back once a week, as long as you stick to this time.

The city of Mars will not be built forever. The domes in many areas are close to completion, and it will not be long before the entire roof will be completed.

After the construction of the transparent dome is completed, the whole project is about half completed.

The next step is the construction of the interior of the city, all the building construction and the construction of nature and landscape.

Of course, the construction of supporting facilities is indispensable, such as large-scale wireless power transmission equipment and growing areas, which are all necessary facilities.

When all the facilities are completed, this Martian city can be officially put into use.

With the efforts of Jiang Cheng and other astronauts, Mars City was built little by little.

Finally, after a whole year of hard work, the construction of the entire city was finally completed.

There is already a city named "Hope Domain" that has appeared on the land of Mars.

Mars, the desolate red planet, finally has the first immigrant city.

Hope City is the name of this Martian city, this is the name Jiang Cheng specifically named for this city.

Jiang Cheng felt that hope was the most appropriate thing to describe this city.

Because this city contains the hope of the entire mankind, whether or not we can obtain the resources we need on Mars in the future depends on this city.

In the future, whether human beings can step into space and become a cosmic civilization depends entirely on the development of this city.

That's why Jiang Cheng gave this Martian city a name like Hope City.

This name has Jiang Cheng's expectation and Ruo Jiangcheng's deepest desire.

The City of Hope is located on the plain next to Mount Olympus, covering an area of ​​about ten kilometers.

The huge mountain range of Mount Olympus can help Hope City shield countless violent sands and ensure the safety of this city.

If the whole city is seen from the outside, it is like being wrapped in a transparent glass cover.

This transparent cover is the unique transparent dome of Hope City. This palace roof can protect the entire city from the harsh weather on Mars.

It can also isolate the space inside and outside the city, so that the oxygen in the city will not be exposed

If you overlook the City of Hope in mid-air, you can clearly see the whole dome due to the angle of light refraction.

If it happens to be sunny, you can still see the sunlight emitted from the top.

Under the sunlight, the roof of the palace will emit a dazzling light, and the whole city looks like a gem, so dazzling and charming.

But if you look out from the city, you can find the transparent roof.

Standing on a city street and looking outside, you can directly see the scenery on Mars, and your sight will not be affected by the top of the word.

If you don't know that the people on the roof of the palace are in the city, you will think that the city does not have any protection and is just exposed to the atmosphere of Mars.

Maybe that person would still feel bad about it, or maybe he would want to get in and out of here in fear.

Because humans cannot survive in the Martian atmosphere, unprotected exposure on Mars is an act of seeking death.

This design makes use of the blind zone of human eyes, and makes the transparent roof disappear in the eyes of Renguan through the refraction effect of light.

Of course, Ding will always be there, there is no disappearing situation, and he is performing his duty to protect the humans in Ruocheng.

In addition to the most iconic transparent dome, Hope City has a very good internal environment.

The buildings and structures inside the city are beautifully constructed. Each building is so special and full of different styles.

If the buildings in the entire city are square and square, then this area city would be too lifeless.

Jiang Cheng certainly wouldn't let his Martian city become a lifeless city.

When designing these buildings, each building designed by Jiang Cheng has a different style. Looking at the whole city, there are no two buildings of the same type.

Different styles of buildings have brought a bit of vitality to the city. Unlike modern cities, the atmosphere of the whole city is a lot more active.

In addition to the characteristics of the buildings, the streets in the city are also very beautiful.

The resulting neat and uniform streets look very good.

Various plants are everywhere on both sides of the street, making the whole city into a giant garden.

These plants were all transplanted by Jiang Cheng from the water polo. At that time, it took Jiang Cheng a lot of effort to transport them to Mars with the Trailblazer. Finally, the plants took root in the city.

You can see all kinds of landscapes everywhere in the city, with fountains, statues, and flowers everywhere.

These different landscapes turn Hope City into an art capital, full of literary and artistic atmosphere everywhere.

While this city has such a beautiful environment, it also contains high-tech products everywhere.

First of all, the city can save the internal temperature, because the transparent roof has strong thermal insulation.

Therefore, a giant air conditioner was installed in the city to adjust the temperature in the city at will.

In other words, Xili City can be like spring all year round, regardless of how the outside climate is.

In addition to controlling the temperature, Jiang Cheng also used a lot of new technologies in this city for wireless power transmission. Needless to say, this is because Jiang Cheng had planned to use it here. In Hope City, there is no socket at all, because The air here is full of electricity.

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