Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 861: close the door

It can be charged anywhere in the city, and there is no need for plugs and chargers.

I hope that there are many robots placed in the city. These robots can help the residents in the city to do whatever they want.

Residents in the city do not need to buy food by themselves or pass dogs by themselves. Naturally there will be robots to help them with these trivial tasks.

The degree of automation in the entire Hope City is also quite high, and the control of this city is an advanced artificial intelligence service.

As for the floating vehicles that have just entered everyone's sight, they are all very common vehicles here.

Even the rainfall here can be artificially created, allowing (Nuo Zhao Zhao) people to experience the feeling of rain.

This city is like an alien city in a sci-fi movie, full of technological products that transcend the times.

Hope City is such a magical city, which is full of modern sensation while having a literary atmosphere.

These two very contradictory different styles are perfectly unified in Hope City, and there is no discordance at all.

Generally speaking, this is a dream city, a city that only exists in people's fantasy.

In order to build this fantasy city, Jiang Cheng did not know how much sweat he put in.

In order to build such a city on Mars, Jiang Chengguang spent hundreds of billions of dollars.

Now Jiang Cheng is worth all his efforts, because the city is finally completed

In the middle of Hope City, there is a huge square.

This huge square is the central square of the entire city, dedicated to hosting major events.

Today it finally ushered in the first use in this central square, and it was also the first event held in this city.

The square is now full of people, thousands of people standing on the huge square, all of a sudden the square is filled.

In addition to the crowd on the square, there are also many tables.

These tables are all filled with various flavors of food, as well as all kinds of drinks.

People in the square can take these foods and drinks at will, and just go up and grab whatever they want.

Everyone let go of their stomachs and prepared to have a good meal.

They don't have to worry about eating up these foods at all, because robots are always carrying all kinds of delicacies, constantly replenishing the food on the table.

It seems that a buffet is being held on the square, which is a buffet-style banquet.

Participating in this banquet are the astronauts responsible for building Hope City, and of course Jiang Cheng who is in charge of this project is indispensable.

Jiang Cheng is now standing in the middle of the square, chatting casually with people around him, and the atmosphere is relaxed and harmonious.

It seems that everyone is very happy, everyone is enjoying today’s banquet at the same time

Because everyone present is the protagonist of this banquet, the banquet tonight is for everyone.

After Jiang Cheng completed the construction of Hope City, he held this grand banquet to celebrate all those who participated in the project.

Today's banquet is a celebration banquet, and the protagonist is everyone present.

Everyone on the square has worked hard for the construction of Hope City, and the city can be successfully completed without the credit of everyone present.

If there were no such characters on the scene, and nearly a year of hard work, Jiang Cheng would not be able to build this dream city.

That's why it is said that everyone in today's banquet is the protagonist, because the appearance of this city has every credit in it.

Everyone can build a city out of thin air on Mars within a year. I don't know how many people have put in a lot of sweat and are busy at the construction site day and night.

Xilicheng was able to complete the work on time. Everyone here is a hero, so everyone is qualified to celebrate for themselves. Everyone is the protagonist of today's banquet.

Long ago, when Hope City was still under construction, Jiang Cheng had already promised this celebration banquet.

At the beginning, he said that he would celebrate for everyone and celebrate everyone's participation in this great project.

And now that the City of Hope has been fully constructed, it is time for Jiang Cheng to fulfill his original promise.

Jiang Cheng has been preparing for this banquet since this morning, in order to make this celebration banquet better.

In order to let everyone eat better food, Jiang Cheng also specially raised a large number of fresh ingredients on the water polo, and then transported them to Mars by spacecraft, so that everyone can enjoy the most delicious food.

It’s not the cooking robots in the city that are in charge of cooking the food at this banquet.

Although the cooking robot is also very good, it can satisfy many people.

But how can this kind of automatically produced food be comparable to the food carefully cooked by a chef.

That's right, this time Jiang Cheng also found a bunch of chefs from the water polo to prepare food for the celebration banquet.

These encyclopedias are the size of some five-star hotels, or else they are the chefs of the three-star Michelin hall, and there is no better person than them in the skills

This group of real chefs, it is not easy for ordinary people to eat their cooking.

As a result, Jiang Cheng gathered them all together to cook the food needed for any banquet.

This is simply the use of the chef who took the big pot of dishes, and only Jiang Cheng did this kind of thing.

Only Jiang Cheng has the ability to gather so many chefs together at the same time, and invite them to a place as far away as Mars, just to cook a meal.

It is estimated that the diners on the water polo today will be in tragedy, because the group of people with the most delicious dishes are now on far away Mars, and there is no way to cook for them.

For Jiang Cheng's banquet, many Michelin three-star halls are closed today.

Who made their chefs all run to Mars, and only Zhe Shi closed the door.

In order to get these chefs to agree to come to Mars, Jiang Cheng helped them prepare food for the celebration banquet with great effort.

Which one of these top chefs is not a person with a higher eye, it is very difficult to want to be affectionate, let alone invite them at the same time.

If Jiang Cheng's status among humans is not high enough, this time the chef would not agree to such a request.

Maybe Mars is also a certain attraction for these chefs, and it is also a good choice to come to Mars by the way.

So in the end, these top chefs agreed to Jiang Cheng's invitation, and they sat on the Trailblazer to Mars.

Jiang Cheng paid such a big price, and the effect is still very good.

Just look at the eating photos of the astronauts who are eating, and you will know how delicious the food is.

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