Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 865: building

There are still many actions behind Jiang Cheng on Mars, and the first batch of Martian immigrants must leave as soon as possible.

That's why Jiang Cheng went to the company and started discussing with Zhang Manlin who was in charge of this matter.

As early as half a year ago, all the training had been done, but I hope that the city has not been repaired, so this is stuck in the water polo.

Now that the projects in Hope City have ended, they can indeed set off to Mars.

Zhang Manlin stood opposite Jiang Cheng and reported to him the situation of those Martian immigrants.

Zhang Manlin was responsible for the management of Martian immigration from the beginning.

The personnel statistics and the handling of the property of these people on the water polo are all handled by Zhang Manlin.

The first batch of Martian immigrants are basically all dragging their families, and the family is preparing to immigrate to Mars together.

So these people’s original houses and cars will be useless in the future.

It is impossible for them to take a car and a house to Mars, at most they can bring some valuable things, and basically give up the things that cannot be brought.

Since Jiang Cheng wants people like them to immigrate to Mars, of course they must help deal with these things that cannot be taken away.

The Cosmos Umbrella Group basically accepted these properties in their entirety, transformed them into properties on Mars according to the immigration, and then asked them to go directly to the domain of hope.

All these tasks are done by Zhang Manlin, so she understands the immigration situation.

All the immigrants’ property has been processed and they can set off to Mars at any time.

Some people even wanted to go to Mars a little eagerly, and asked several times about the specific time of departure.

Now it seems that all the immigrants are ready, and the whole family is waiting to go to Mars

After listening to the first batch of Martian immigration, Jiang Cheng made up his mind to start the follow-up plan.

Now that everything is ready, start the Martian immigration plan!"

I hope that the city is already ready to accept immigrants, and Martian immigrants can move in at any time.

Following Jiang Cheng's decision to start the Mars immigration plan, the entire Cosmos Umbrella Group began to get busy.

The Martian immigration plan is not as simple as it seems. It is not enough to send immigrants to Mars.

The follow-up of the specific work of these immigrants on Mars and the life arrangements on Mars, all these things must be prepared by Jiang Cheng in advance.

Jiang Cheng wants these immigrants to go to Mars for major development, but he can't just leave them alone on Mars.

How to make use of these immigrants is what Jiang Cheng is busy now.

What kind of people are suitable for what kind of job and what position should those immigrants be better at? These are all issues that Jiang Cheng needs to consider clearly.

And whether the follow-up Martian immigrants should start recruiting, how many people will be recruited by the first immigrants, and when will they set off to Mars.

If all the problems are not considered, it is impossible to start the Martian immigration plan rashly. The Martian immigration plan is a holistic project, and every step Jiang Cheng takes must be thought out in advance.

Because the work before and after are interrelated, there must be an overall plan for this long-term plan to be implemented smoothly.

Jiang Cheng stayed at the group headquarters for several days before finishing the whole plan smoothly.

How to develop Mars in the future, and how to deal with the preparation of immigration, these things are considered to be planned by him.

After completing the entire plan, Jiang Cheng officially launched the Martian immigration plan.

Jiang Cheng began to prepare the first batch of Martian immigrants. They will cross the far starry sky to reach the bright red planet and become the first immigrants to survive on Mars.

The Trailblazer is already in place, waiting to load all Martian immigrants to Mars.

And hope that everything is ready in the city, just waiting for the first immigrants to pass.

Soon all the immigrants completed the boarding work, and the Blazer slowly lifted off and began to accelerate towards the destination.

When the Pioneer slowly disappeared near the water polo, it was the first Martian immigrants who also began their space journey.

The journey in space is always so attractive, full of fantasy and expectations.

The immigrants on the Pioneer are in a state of excitement and confusion.

What they are excited about is that they can finally go to Mars in their dreams, and hope that they can't wait to live in the beautiful environment of the city.

What they are confused about is that they don't know what life will be like on Mars, Nubuat is a remote and unfamiliar planet.

The Martian immigrants embarked on a journey to Mars, and what awaited them was a whole new environment.

They are going to start a new life on the strange planet Mars

When the first batch of Martian immigrants came down from the Trailblazer, they couldn't believe what they saw.

Because they saw the huge transparent dome and the city of Hope underneath it was protected.

First of all, the transparent dome overturned their cognition. None of these people thought that Jingran could actually build such a building.

The huge transparent roof that is several hundred meters high looks like a creation in mythology, and it is simply not something that should appear in reality.

In their world of Martian immigrants, this transparent roof has far surpassed the current level of human technology, and it is something that a highly developed alien civilization can build.

Some people in Jizhi began to think that Jiang Cheng had the help of the aliens, otherwise how could it be possible to build such a palace roof.

These Martian immigrants had just arrived on Mars, and they were shocked by the transparent dome of Hope City.

Some people have begun to doubt their lives after breastfeeding, wondering if they have traveled to the future to see such a great creation.

Of course, the guess of some of them is actually correct, that is, the judgment about the level of human technology.

With the current technological means of human civilization, it is true that such a thing cannot be created.

If human civilization develops as it is now, it will not be possible to create something like a transparent dome even decades later.

However, this only excludes human civilization other than Jiang Cheng, and does not consider Jiang Cheng’s role in this.

What these people think wrong is that Jiang Cheng, a genius at the level of monsters, is not included in ordinary humans.

Jiang Cheng's existence completely surpassed the level of human science and technology, and was completely capable of doing such things.

Without Jiang Cheng, humans would probably still be on the water polo, and even Mars would not be able to board once.

But now with Jiang Cheng, it's completely different. Humans can now not only go to Mars, but also build immigrant cities on Mars, but also build all kinds of incredible creations.

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