Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 866: apparatus

This is the impact of a sky on the entire human civilization, driving the development speed of unknown times.

It can be said that this huge transparent roof could be built precisely because of Jiang Cheng.

The design, technology, and materials of the entire palace roof were all provided by Jiang Cheng.

Even the specific construction work was completed under Jiang Cheng's guidance.

Jiang Cheng almost took care of the most district work, making this impossible thing happen.

Without Jiang Cheng, there would be no way for this kind of architecture to appear.

Therefore, the current level of human science and technology, whether there is Jiang Cheng is really two yards. If Jiang Cheng does not exist, human civilization is indeed unable to build this transparent roof.

But after adding Jiang Cheng, it's completely different, and anything more crooked than this may be created.

From this point, it can be seen that Jiang Cheng's role in the promotion of the entire human civilization.

Whether there is Jiang Cheng's human civilization is simply the existence of two different grades. The gap between this one is really too big.

The first immigrants on Mars were surprised and doubted by the transparent dome outside as soon as they arrived on Mars before entering the City of Hope.

But what they still don't know is that there are invalid magic things waiting for them.

I hope that the beautiful and high-tech landscapes in the city will never be worse than this transparency.

Soon these people really knew how bad their own knowledge was.

When they entered the City of Hope, they realized that they were really surprised too early.

I hope that the environment and style inside the city will make their brains that have not yet calmed down once again suffer a huge impact.

Because I hope the environment in the city is so beautiful, it is beyond the scope of reality, and makes people feel a little unrealistic.

This magnificent feeling made all Martian immigrants behold.

Everything in this city is so beautiful, it makes them feel that they can't get through with only two eyes, and they hate to have two pairs of eyes.

Originally, when these Martian immigrants saw the promotional video at that time, they thought that the Martian city inside was enough to make them amazing.

What they thought at the time was that as long as the city had half of the video, it wouldn't be in vain that they rushed to Mars so far.

As a result, I now hope that the city will look three points better than the city in the promotional video.

This feeling far exceeding expectations makes them very satisfied now, and they can't wait to start a new life here right away.

Thinking that this is the city where they live for a long time [Bequge], these Martian immigrants cannot bear the joy of their hearts.

To be able to live in such a dream city, this is simply their lifetime luck.

Now they all began to thank Jiang Cheng for giving them such a good opportunity to start their new life here.

Just when they were all looking forward to the good life in the future, a group of robots walked up to them and began to guide them to the pre-allocated house.

The next step is the stage for them to adapt here. After they have adapted to the environment on Mars, it is time for them to officially start working here.

Jiang Cheng arranged different jobs for them, and basically every individual has his own responsibility.

The first batch of Martian immigrants will soon settle down in Hope City, and then begin their work on Mars, but Jiang Cheng is still waiting for them to help him develop Mars.

Just as the first batch of Martian immigrants had just arrived in Xili City, Jiang Cheng had a major event that he had to pay attention to.

At that time, during the trial voyage of the Pioneer, Neptune, the most distant planet in the sky, was the target.

After arriving at the Blazers and arriving at Neptune, Jiang Chengshun dropped a probe on it, looking for some special resources on Neptune.

As a result, the detector now sent back some special discoveries, and these discoveries made Jiang Cheng pay attention to it.

The probe on Neptune has been detecting Neptune since it was dropped on Neptune.

It is well known that Neptune receives very little heat because it is too far away from the water ball.

These colorful planets are at more than 200 degrees below zero all year round, and there is no liquid water at such a low temperature.

Therefore, the entire surface of Neptune is covered by a thick layer of ice.

What Jiang Cheng wants to know is whether there are any rare resources he wants under the ice of Neptune.

The super-sensing device carried on this detector emits super-detection signals all the time.

These over-frequency detection signals can penetrate the thick ice and detect what is underneath.

The detector on Neptune will transmit all the detected data back to the water polo.

Then the analysis is processed in the space mission center, and finally some valuable results are obtained.

This time, a very valuable result was discovered, so even Jiang Cheng was alarmed by the discovery of a set of abnormal data by the Space Mission Center today. This set of data may represent a huge discovery.

At that time, Jiang Cheng told the person in charge of analyzing the data, and if he found anything, he would be notified immediately.

As a result, after the technician discovered the abnormal situation, he immediately notified Jiang Cheng as soon as he got the news, and rushed to the space mission center to confirm the authenticity of the discovery.

The main reason is that this discovery is too important for him, and it is a major issue related to his future space program.

As soon as Jiang Cheng arrived at the space mission center, he went directly to the department responsible for analyzing the detection data, and immediately couldn't help asking.

"Can a special substance be confirmed? Are there errors in the results of the analysis?

Has that group of abnormal data been checked again? Can it be confirmed that the special substance was found?

Supervisor Jiang Cheng is all in focus now, and wants to get the final confirmation result from the technicians as soon as possible.

From Jiang Cheng's current state, we can know how much he cares about this matter. The discovery that Jiang Cheng values ​​so much must be a very important discovery.

After seeing Jiang Cheng's attitude, the technician responsible for data analysis became serious.

My boss is so caring about this matter, he has to do a little better.

If this matter is messed up, I don't know how angry Jiang Cheng will be.

So the technician said in a serious tone: "The preliminary analysis results have come out, and it can be confirmed that it is the special substance mentioned before.

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