Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 867: excitement

Now the computer is performing the second analysis of the complex lotus, and the result should come out soon

After answering Jiang Cheng's question, the technician stared nervously at the screen in front of him, waiting for the final analysis result.

This technician is completely different now, completely in a different state from before Jiang Cheng's arrival.

He had never thought that Jiang Cheng would attach such importance to this matter before, thinking that Jiang Cheng just arranged a task randomly.

As a result, I was caught off guard now, and I could only immediately adjust my state to deal with this task with the highest level attitude.

After Jiang Cheng listened to the report of the technicians, his eyelid color was relieved a lot.

In the first preliminary analysis and calculation, there will be no mistakes in an acid condition.

The reason why they will conduct the second lotus calculation analysis is just an act of insurance.

Basically, the result of the first analysis and calculation is the final correct result.

The result of preliminary analysis now is that if that kind of special matter does exist on Neptune.

As long as this substance exists on Neptune, Jiang Cheng's worry can be put down in half.

Now he only needs to wait for the result of the second lotus calculation analysis, and then he can completely discard the other half of his worry.

Jiang Cheng stayed in the space mission center like this, not planning to go anywhere, and wanted to wait here until the final result came out.


Shi Jiang Cheng is in this posture, but he won't leave if he doesn't come out.

This special substance is too important for Jiang Cheng, so he will force

I can't wait to confirm the final result, not even worry about leaving here for a while.

Fortunately, the results of the second analysis and calculation came out immediately, and Jiang Cheng did not wait too long here.

"Mr. Jiang, the final result has come out. It is exactly the same as the result of the first analysis and calculation. The two calculation results are exactly the same. We can confirm that there is indeed an alpha knot on Neptune.

It turns out that this special substance that Jiang Cheng attaches great importance to is the Alpha knot that Jiang Cheng has always wanted.

Alpha knots, a very special substance, will only be born in a very cold environment.

That's why Jiang Cheng was on the cold planet of Neptune, looking for a special substance like Alpha Knot.

In environments such as water polo and Mars, it is impossible for alpha crystals to exist.

Jiang Cheng has already searched many planets in the solar system, but he has not found this special substance.

At the beginning, Jiang Cheng felt that in an environment like Neptune, it was possible that a rare resource such as the Tongerfa knot would appear.

But he didn't have the certainty that he would be able to find it, because Tong'erfa crystals were too rare.

Perhaps on a thousand planets like Neptune, there is not even a little Elfa knot.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng did not hold much hope for this exploration on Neptune.

He just wanted to try his luck, but in the end he didn't expect to actually let him be on Neptune and find evidence of the existence of Alpha Knot.

This unexpected surprise made Jiang Cheng very happy, because he no longer had to worry about this substance.

It can be said that after finding the Alpha knot, his entire space program was greatly advanced.

Originally, if Jiang Cheng couldn't find Alpha knots in the solar system, he had planned many plans.

Jiang Cheng is prepared to wait until mankind continues to develop for a period of time, and then go to other star systems to search for this special material, and then start those plans after finding it.

But now everything is different, and Alpha knots can no longer limit Jiang Cheng's plan.

Let me take a look at all the data and see if it is Alpha Junction. As soon as Jiang Cheng heard the report from the technician, he immediately moved his head to the front of the display, ready to confirm the result himself.

This is not to say that he does not trust his subordinates, but he simply doesn't believe that his luck will be so good.

The distribution of "Sixty Four Zero" in the universe has always been erratic, and the probability of existence is extremely rare.

It is possible that no such special matter can be found in any star system in Shanggan.

Even Jiang Cheng doesn't believe that there are products of the same type in the solar system where he lives.

It is this extremely rare probability that makes Jiang Cheng unable to believe that there will be Alpha knots in the solar system.

Not to believe in the results of this exploration, so オ can't help himself to confirm that if there is really an Alpha knot on Neptune, then I have to say that Jiang Cheng's luck is really against the sky.

Thousands of things that don't necessarily exist in the star system have made Jiang Cheng magnetized so easily, and they are still in his own solar system.

This kind of illusory thing may have been encountered by Jiang Cheng, who made his luck always so good.

"The one that is straight is the Net's Knot. These abnormal data all show that the detector is on Neptune and found the existence of the Alpha Knot.

It is impossible for me to recognize this unique data arrangement. This is the data fed back after the overclocking detection signal hits the Irfa result.

After Jiang Cheng put the realization on the monitor, he left the meaning behind that special set of data.

He is very familiar with this kind of data, because he had participated in the search for Huierfa results in his previous life.

At that time, Jiang Cheng took the Ruo spacecraft and spent several years traveling in the universe, just to find the special substance of Tongerfa knot.

You must know that the spacecraft he was riding in was not a primary spacecraft such as the Trailblazer. The top speed was only twenty times the speed of light.

The spacecraft that Jiang Cheng was riding on at that time had reached a speed of thousands of times the speed of light and was already the top spacecraft.

Such a fast speed allowed Jiang Cheng to catch up with a star system within a few years.

As a result, he did not find any signs of the existence of the Irfa knots, and could only give up the job he was looking for without a tie.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng is very aware of this kind of data, and has even reached the level of in-depth follow-up.

During those years of searching, Jiang Cheng saw the emergence of this kind of data more than once in his dream, hoping to find the existence of Alpha knots.

But in the end Jiang Cheng ended in failure, and in the end he didn't find such special detection evidence.

It can be said that no Alpha knot was found, which was Jiang Cheng's greatest grievance in his previous life.

As a result, in this life, he unexpectedly saw the kind of detection evidence in his dreams. How could this not make Jiang Cheng excited.

"Let the detector continue to detect immediately and find out all the follow-up details.

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