Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 871: equipment

Since it is so cold above Neptune, the code name of this plan is called Extreme Cold.

From the very beginning, Jiang Cheng gave this operation an action code called Extreme Cold

It seems that Jiang Cheng really knows what the ghost looks like on Neptune, so オ will take such an appropriate action code.

The top of Neptune is completely like an ice hell. The extreme depth will freeze all life, and no life can survive in this environment.

"The operation code of Extreme Cold is good, and it fits the situation of the location of this operation.

As soon as Peng heard the action code Jiang Cheng took, he began to agree.

Jiang Cheng's name is really very good, and this kind of action code can make him think of it.

Now that the action codes have been determined, it is time to discuss detailed planning. "

The action code has been determined by Jiang Cheng, and the next step is to draw up a comprehensive plan.

Only in this way can Gu Li be able to mine the Ulfa knots on Neptune.

Jiang Cheng is now in an aerospace technology company, discussing with a group of people about the mining plan.

After he confirmed the details of the Alpha knot at the Space Mission Center, he immediately returned to the Aerospace Science and Technology Company with people to prepare for the preliminary work here.

If you want to mine Alpha knots in the environment of Neptune, you must develop some new technologies.

Just how to allow astronauts to move safely on Neptune, Jiang Cheng and the others have to develop several technologies.

First of all, the current spacesuit cannot withstand the low temperature, and an enhanced version of the spacesuit must be designed.

There is also the kind of strong thinking style on Neptune, and some precautions must be devised, so Jiang Cheng is relieved to let the astronauts go to Neptune.

Otherwise, if the wind speed exceeds three kilometers per hour, if the astronaut encounters it, he will not know where it is blown, and he will definitely die under this kind of thinking.

Jiang Cheng asked the astronauts to go to Neptune to help him mine the Alpha knot, but he didn't ask the astronauts to go to Neptune to die.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng must prepare some high-end equipment for this operation to adapt to the harsh environment above Neptune.

Basically, all the existing equipment of mankind cannot be used on Neptune.

Jiang Cheng must re-research and manufacture all reliable equipment this time to ensure the smooth progress of the operation.

Since it wants to develop new equipment, Tian Technology Company is Jiang Cheng's first choice.

This kind of research and development work is best placed on the side of aerospace technology companies.

There are tens of thousands of top-notch technicians and a variety of high-end equipment to meet the needs of all research and development activities.

Jiang Cheng can bring his technical staff here to design those high-end equipment to provide the astronauts with the necessary safety guarantees.

Now Jiang Cheng is holding an equipment research and development conference with his technical staff to discuss the equipment needed for this operation.

The first thing we need to consider is the safety of astronauts on Neptune.

Astronauts who can withstand temperatures of more than 200 degrees below zero are the first equipment that must be developed.

The spacesuit Jiang Cheng and the others have been using was developed a few years ago.

Although this astronaut has a great improvement over the previous astronauts, it is a lot stronger in portability, but it still cannot be used on Neptune.

If an astronaut wears the current spacesuit to Neptune, he will instantly be frozen into a block of ice.

The low temperature above Neptune is so terrifying, terrifying to the point where humans simply cannot adapt.

"Spacesuit matters can be handed over to our team. Our team has been responsible for the improvement of spacesuits. We are sure to resolve this issue.

Jiang Cheng's voice didn't just fall away, and a technical backbone volunteered to stand up, ready to take on the task of developing a new spacesuit.

Designing a spacesuit that can be used on Neptune is not a difficult task for our team, so please leave this task to us by Jiang Cheng.

The technical backbone who came out was a middle-aged man, who seemed to be an old technician, and gave people a sense of confidence when he spoke.

He is so confident that he can complete the research and development of the spacesuit because his team has been in charge of related work.

The kind of spacesuit used by all astronauts is developed by the technicians under his leadership.

It can be said that his team is authoritative in the research and development of spacesuits, and naturally has the confidence to take on this task.

"Since you are so confident, the research and development of the spacesuit will be handed over to your team. I hope you can produce results that satisfy me this time."

Seeing that he was so technically capable, Jiang Cheng was so confident, so he was relieved to hand over the task to their team.

After receiving Jiang Cheng's order, the middle-aged technical backbone stood up: "Please rest assured, Mr. Jiang, now the team promises to complete this task.

The spacesuit problem is now being left behind, but there are many other equipment that need to be manufactured.

What Jiang Cheng and the others are doing is the preliminary equipment manufacturing work. Only after they have enough good equipment can they officially start the mining operation.

After solving the spacesuit problem, Jiang Cheng's work is far from over.

There are also countless new types of equipment, such as a brand-new drilling equipment, if they go to research and manufacture.

The Tongerfa knot detected this time, but under the thick ice layer, can only be seen by breaking the ice layer.

According to the detailed data detected, the alpha knot is probably a few hundred meters below the ice layer.

In other words, astronauts need to use drilling equipment to drill through a layer of ice several hundred meters thick to be able to reach the location of the Alpha knot.

The existing drilling equipment simply cannot do this, so Jiang Cheng and the others need to redesign and manufacture one.

What Jiang Cheng needs now is a kind of drilling equipment that can work normally in the low temperature environment of Neptune and has extremely high working efficiency.

First of all, this equipment must be able to withstand the low temperature of more than 200 degrees under the guest, and the drilling speed must be very fast.

Human beings simply cannot stay on Neptune for a long time, drilling through the ice layer several hundred meters deep, must complete the journey in a short time.

This has extremely strict requirements for the performance of drilling equipment.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng also has specialized technicians who have certain experience in drilling equipment.

Finally, Jiang Cheng handed over the research and development of this equipment to this experienced team.

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