Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 872: Landing field

After arranging the research and development of the spacesuit and drilling equipment, Jiang Cheng then assigned many research and development tasks to the technical backbone of Zhouqu Zhanruo.

Numerous new types of equipment were brought up by Jiang Cheng, and then they were assigned to different teams for specific R&D and manufacturing work.

The mining operation carried out on Neptune this time, due to the harsh environment, Jiang Cheng now has too many preparations to remanufacture.

He can't accomplish these tasks alone, he can only divide all the equipment into countless teams, and let this R&D team share all the R&D tasks.

Now the entire R&D team under Jiang Cheng, who has free time, has been assigned their own tasks by Jiang Cheng.

The entire R&D team became busy all at once, and each went on to carry out the scheduled tasks.

A R&D technical team with a scale of tens of thousands of people worked together for one action. From this point, we can see how difficult this mining operation is.

It takes Jiang Cheng so many outstanding subordinates to participate in it to be able to complete the preliminary equipment research and development work.

When the mining operation started, I didn't know how many difficulties were waiting for those astronauts.

Now all of Jiang Cheng's subordinates are getting busy, developing different equipment and technologies.

These preparations are all required for subsequent operations, and the technology is also served for mining operations.

All his staff are busy now, and of course Jiang Cheng, the big boss, can't be idle.

We must know that in Jiang Cheng's R&D team, he himself is the most powerful person in scientific research.

Jiang Cheng now has about 100,000 scientific researchers who are responsible for research work in different territories.

In addition to Naotian Technology, Jiang Cheng has also established physics, chemistry, and biological materials science and other research institutions.

These scientific research institutions have developed many different technologies and theories in the past few years.

These results have improved Jiang Cheng's comprehensive technical capabilities by more than one level.

Although Jiang Cheng now has so many scientists and technicians under his staff, the research fields involved also cover different disciplines of the entire natural sciences.

But when it comes to scientific research, Jiang Cheng, the big boss, is still the highest.

Of all the scientific research workers related to Jiang Cheng, more than 100,000 people could not find anyone more powerful than Jiang Cheng.

This is not to say that Jiang Cheng's subordinates are too saving firewood, and even his boss can't match it.

It's just that Jiang Cheng's strength is too strong, already so strong that others can't catch up.

It can be said that among all human scientists, there are not many who can reach half of Jiang Cheng's level, let alone those who can match Jiang Cheng.

The scientific researchers under Jiang Cheng are not unwilling to catch up with Jiang Cheng, and even exceed the level of Jiang Cheng, a big boss.

But in the end everyone found that no matter how hard they worked, even seeing Jiang Cheng's back was a very difficult thing, let alone chasing Jiang Cheng.

All scientific research workers finally discovered that Jiang Cheng was not a comparable existence at all, but was a creature of another grade.

This is due to the suppression of talent, and it cannot be made up by hard work.

In the end, everyone should give up comparing with their boss Jiang Cheng, acquiescing in the fact that Jiang Cheng is the most powerful.

Since Jiang Cheng is the strongest person, of course he can't be free now.

Jiang Cheng is now staying in his personal laboratory, doing research and development of a kind of equipment.

After arranging everything, Jiang Cheng returned to his laboratory

Anyway, other equipment has a dedicated person to take care of it, and he doesn't have much use there anymore. It's better to come back and concentrate on the things you have left.

Jiang Cheng is still more accustomed to doing research here, Bi Jing has the environment he knows best.

The equipment that Jiang Cheng is responsible for this time is the most critical part of the entire action plan.

It can be said that the equipment Jiang Cheng has developed now determines the success of the final mining task. At the same time, this equipment is the highest technical difficulty among all equipment.

That's why Jiang Cheng personally took charge of the research and development work in this area and solved the most difficult part.

Rum, help me come up with all the previous designs for the landings. I have to take a look at the previous designs before I can proceed with the next work.

Jiang Cheng gave an order to Lucy and asked her to help find some information.

Good host!

After Lucy finished answering, she acted immediately.

Suddenly a light curtain appeared in front of Jiang Cheng, and it was full of various information about the landing grab.

In this mining operation, the equipment Jiang Cheng is responsible for research and development is the landing module.

If you want to perform missions on Neptune, a landing pod is of course indispensable.

Those landing cabins designed by Jiang Cheng before could not be used on Neptune at all.

However, Jiang Cheng still asked Lucy to find out the previous research materials, preparing to find enough design inspiration among them.

After reading the previous design rough, Jiang Cheng officially started this research and development work.

The landing grab that Jiang Cheng plans to design is much more special than any previous landing.

First of all, this landing must far exceed the previous performance, which can protect the safety of astronauts on Neptune.

This requires higher robustness and sufficient low temperature resistance.

This landing base needs to have many new functions to be able to adapt to the environment of Neptune.

Wind is a problem that cannot be circumvented on Neptune. The graceful wind with a speed exceeding three kilometers per hour will endanger the life of astronauts at any time.

So this landing grab must be able to withstand such strong winds and give the astronauts a safe space.

If the astronaut encounters this kind of wind on Neptune, he can immediately hide in the landing grab and wait for the wind to pass and continue the mission.

This landing is like a safe room, which can be used as a temporary shelter for astronauts.

This time, the landing cabin that Jiang Cheng wants to design, in addition to the functions of the ordinary landing cabin, also serves as a temporary safe house.

In other words, this landing module has to do a lot of things, such as carrying astronauts to the surface of Neptune and returning to Neptune's orbit after completing the operation.

It also serves as a temporary base for this mining operation, and is responsible for communicating with the outside world at any time. All these things must be satisfied in the landing module.

The most excessive thing is this landing module, which must be able to withstand winds that exceed three thousand kilometers per hour.

Can astronauts hide in the landing module when encountering wind to avoid injury from the wind outside?

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