Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 875: necessary

It is no longer enough to explore Jiang Cheng's thirst just to explore in scientific research. What he wants now is a real adventure.

And the mining operation that will begin soon is an adventure full of crises.

Not only is there a harsh environment above Neptune, but there is also a wild grace at any time.

As long as a person on Neptune is not careful, he will be blown to unknown places by the wind.

This kind of dangerous environment can be encountered at any time, which is exactly the feeling that Jiang Cheng wants to experience most now.

That's why Jiang Cheng hopes to end in person and participate in this specific action throughout.

Just as Xiao Zheng was thinking about Jiang Cheng's nature, the Trailblazer had stopped completely and docked in the orbit of Neptune.

This time the Pioneer could only send Jiang Cheng and the others here, and then they had to rely on themselves.

The environment above Neptune cannot be docked in the Pioneer Well.

The Pioneer is not very afraid of the issue of low temperature. The spacecraft's thermal insulation effect is still very good.

It's just those Ting Lie winds above Neptune that made it impossible for the Blazers to get close to the surface of Neptune.

Under the wind that exceeded the speed of three kilometers per hour, the huge hull of the Blazer could not withstand this impact.

Even if you barely land on the surface of Neptune with the energy shield, how to take off again is a big problem.

So this time the Blazer can only be here. The spacecraft will stop on Neptune's road during the entire operation, waiting for Ruojiang Cheng and the others to complete their mission and return.

During this operation, the Blazers could only provide some remote support to help Jiang Cheng and the others detect recent situations.

If there is danger, you can let Jiang Cheng and the others take refuge in advance. There are very few other things that can be done for Jiang Cheng and the others.

Without the protection of the spacecraft, they will encounter various dangers at any time, and they may never come back if they are not careful.

When the Trailblazer docked in Neptune's orbit, it was time for Jiang Cheng and the others to set off.

Jiang Cheng put on a spacesuit special for this operation and stood in front of the special landing module.

The spacesuit he is wearing now is thicker than the spacesuit he was wearing before.

This is to ensure that the low temperature on Neptune can be isolated, and the spacesuit has to be thicker.

However, after increasing a certain thickness, this spacesuit well will not affect Jiang Cheng's actions.

Even if Bi Jing became a little thicker, he was not as bulky as the old-fashioned spacesuit before.

Generally speaking, the spacesuit with this characteristic now has a part of its portability, thus increasing a lot of protection.

This design is still very good, at least it can be used in many extreme environments.

After designing this spacesuit, Jiang Cheng let people produce it in large quantities.

In the future, humans will have to go to many extreme environments similar to Neptune. This kind of spacesuit is indispensable.

In the future, Jiang Cheng’s astronauts will have two space suits to choose from, one that is lighter but less protective.

The other is powerful, but not so comfortable after wearing it.

As for what kind of spacesuits the astronauts should wear, it depends on the specific mission environment to make the most suitable choice for the current environment.

I hope everyone can come back smoothly this time, and good luck to all of us.

Let's go, everyone! The extreme deep plug operation has officially started!

Jiang Cheng gave some encouragement to the other astronauts around him and then gave the order to start the operation.

The operation was codenamed the extremely deep cold mining operation, and Jiang Cheng was directly responsible for the command. After the order for the start of Operation Jiang Cheng was issued, three or five astronauts including Jiang Cheng entered the landing module and prepared to land on the surface of Neptune. go with.

Soon the landing module waiting to be pledged carried Ruo Jiang Cheng and the others slowly towards Neptune.

Yi stood at the front of the bridge, watching if the landing module slowly disappeared from view.

I hope you can return smoothly this time!

He could only pray silently for Jiang Chengxi, hoping that they will have enough luck this time when they prayed for Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng was sitting in the landing cabin, clutching things around him hard, thinking hard. Keep your body steady.

The landing module is now descending rapidly, so the entire cabin is shaking violently.

The violent vibration made Jiang Cheng unable to take care of other things, so he could only hold on to the things around him desperately to prevent him from being hit elsewhere.

The vibration in the landing module was so great. The main reason was that after Jiang had removed the shock absorber without the shock absorber, all the vibrations in the landing module would be transmitted to Jiang Cheng and the others, allowing them to bear all the shock. It shook.

Jiang Cheng didn't install a shock absorption device on the landing module. It wasn't that Jiang Cheng wanted to reduce materials on it.

It's just that now the landing module is full of all kinds of equipment, and there is not much room for them, so there is no room to install shock absorbers.

In order for this landing pod to realize the predetermined functions, Jiang Cheng has optimized the entire design to the point where it can no longer be optimized.

In the end, it was still unable to install all the equipment on the landing cabin.

In the end, Jiang Cheng really didn't do it, so he had to cancel the reduction device, and then barely installed all the necessary things.

Compared with other necessary equipment, the shock absorber is the only one that can be cancelled

Anyway, after the shock absorber is omitted, the vibration is only slightly larger, and it will not affect this mission.

Jiang Cheng and several other astronauts have long surpassed the average human's physical fitness, and this shock is still bearable.

As a result, the current situation was created. Jiang Cheng and the five of them all shrank in the landing cabin, enduring the shock from the surrounding area.

Fortunately, the landing time did not last too long, and the landing module soon landed on Neptune.

At the last landing, Jiang Cheng was about to spit out his breakfast, and the other astronauts were not much better than Jiang Cheng. They were all shocked to a great extent.

Fortunately, in the end, no one was copied, and it was considered safe to land on Neptune.

People who have been strengthened by genetic medicine are different. The resilience is very strong and everyone will be relieved.

After everyone returned to normal, Jiang Cheng was ready to take the people out of the landing pod.

But before he leaves the landing module and descends to the surface of Neptune, he has one very important thing to make sure.

"Check the situation in the nearby districts and cities, and see if the Zhou district is approaching us.

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, there was an astronaut who began to operate the equipment that landed in the area to explore the weather conditions in the surrounding area to see if there was any wind passing by them.

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