Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 876: go ahead

The thinking wind on Neptune is not a joke. If you want to resist such a strong wind, you can rely on landing to grab the energy shield on it.

But if Jiang Cheng and the others leave the landing grab, and suddenly there is a wind approaching them, they may not even have time to return to the landing, they will be flown by the wind, so before leaving the landing grab, you must first check the nearby weather conditions. .

If there is no wind passing here within the predetermined time, Jiang Cheng and the others can leave the landing capsule and carry out the mining operation of the Tongerfa knot.

This is something related to Jiang Cheng's life safety, so the astronaut in charge of the inspection is not careless at all.

After a detailed inspection, no graceful wind was found in the nearby wells. Now the weather conditions in the surrounding area are very good, and no wind will pass by here.

After he repeatedly confirmed that Zhou Tian did not limit the wind, オ reported what he had detected.

"Very well, since there will be no wind restrictions in a short period of time, let's start officially.

After Jiang Cheng confirmed the safety of the neighborhood, he was about to leave and land officially.

You stay in the landing, always pay attention to whether there is any sudden wind in the surrounding area. If there is a situation, remember to report to us immediately.

Before leaving, Jiang Cheng also asked the astronaut just to stay in the landing module to monitor the surrounding environment.

This work is very important. If there is a sudden thought to pass through here, the astronaut will have to remind Jiang Cheng to get them back to the landing module.

It can be said that Jiang Cheng and their lives were all given to the astronaut who stayed here.

"President Jiang, don't worry, I promise you won't give a hand, and if there is a weather monitoring instrument, I will notify you as soon as there is a situation.

That astronaut was arranged by Jiang Cheng for such an important task, of course, he had to make a good guarantee.

Then let's set off, take all the equipment and leave the landing cabin according to the original plan!

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he opened the hatch and took the lead to leave and land.

The other three astronauts behind, carrying the equipment they will use for a while, followed Jiang Cheng to Neptune.

When Jiang Cheng set foot on the land of Neptune, he felt that the surrounding area was full of glaciers.

In fact, the well described as the land is not very accurate, because there is not even a bit of soil here, it is all hard ice.

The entire Neptune was covered by a thick layer of ice, and no land was exposed.

Neptune looks like a frozen planet, full of glaciers and thick ice at a glance.

It's easy to get lost in this environment, because the surrounding environment looks exactly the same, and there is no difference at all.

Fortunately, the landing location of the landing module was calculated in detail.

Now they are at a distance of only a few tens of meters from where the Alpha Crystal is.

Jiang Cheng and the others performed their missions right next to the landing module, so they were not afraid of getting lost.

Of course, the Alpha knot is still far from here, but this distance is the vertical distance.

It can be said that Tong'erfa crystal is very far away from Jiang Cheng’s feet.

The location where the meshwork knot was detected was several hundred meters deep below the ice layer.

Jiang Cheng and the others had to penetrate the ice a few hundred meters later to be able to see the goal of this operation.

It is not easy to wear ice that is suitable for several hundred meters.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng brought the newly manufactured drilling equipment this time, which can easily penetrate the ice layer.

Otherwise, it would take Jiang Cheng and the others to dig it for several years just for these hundreds of meters of ice.

Ji Su pointed to his left hand, and raised a projection screen above his hands. This screen base can be connected to the boarding road, letting Jiang Cheng know all the data in the entire mission.

He can use the holographic projection screen to control the entire landing device.

This design has only recently been added to the Yutong suit, which can greatly facilitate the space missions of the East.

He is now adding the specific location of the Alpha knots to find where they need to drill.

The video search screen in Jiang Cheng's hand shows the entire situation, and there are some other data nearby.

Of course, the specific location of Bian Erfa's knot was projected out of Song.

Jiang が looked at the data on the screen, then looked up to confirm with the surrounding area, and finally found the specific location of the Tongerfa knot.

"The target location is thirty-seven meters to our left, walk slowly with Ruo-I.

The net arcade is not far in front of Jiang Cheng and the others, and they can be reached at a distance of tens of meters.

Remember to bring all your equipment, so as not to find something missing in the Eastern District.

After speaking, Jiang Cheng grabbed a huge piece of equipment and walked slowly in front of the ice.

This time they came down with a lot of equipment, all of which were needed for this operation week. They couldn't do anything without anything else, so Jiang Chengcaidun didn't want something here.

Jiang Chengzhi started with the equipment inside and took the lead to move towards Ruo's predetermined position.

His walking speed is not very fast, Jizhi seems to be a little slow to outsiders

The main reason is that the equipment he photographed is too heavy. This equipment is a newly developed hole-making equipment, which is the heaviest of all equipment.

In order to ensure that the efficiency of the hole can meet the requirements, the volume and weight of this equipment can not be reduced at all.

You know that Jiang Cheng and the others can't look forward to being here for a long time, there may be wind here at any time.

Therefore, the entire operation time should be as short as possible. In the end, the drilling equipment can only be made so heavy.

Jiang Cheng didn't have any good solutions to this problem, so he had to carry such a heavy object and walked to the mission site on foot.

The original weight of the drilling equipment was very large, and the gravity of Shanghai Wangxing was higher than that of a water polo, which made Jiang Cheng's actions both difficult. If Jiang Cheng is on Mars now, he might be able to carry this device all the way. Gravity on Mars is easier than water polo, and here is the complete opposite.

The gravity on Neptune is higher than that of water polo, and it is more laborious to do the above things here.

If Jiang Cheng's body were not strong enough to be inhuman, he might not be able to walk down the tens of meters.

If someone were to come and resist the drilling equipment, I am afraid that they would be stretched down, let alone pointing to walking.

In the end, Jiang Cheng exhausted all his energy and arrived at the predetermined location.

As soon as Jiang Cheng put down the equipment he was carrying, he began to gasp for breath.

It seems that this drilling equipment is really too heavy, and even Jiang Cheng is experiencing serious physical exertion.

After an astronaut and Ruo Jiangcheng came over, they found that Jiang Cheng's situation was not so good, so they asked with concern, "How are you, President Jiang? Do you want to rest first and continue the mining operations"

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