Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 877: rest

Now Jiang Cheng's whole person is almost exhausted, let alone maintaining the task, even standing is very strenuous.

Don't wait for me, you need to prepare for drilling first, and I will rest for a while.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand to indicate that he was okay, and asked the Guta astronaut to act first.

Our time is very tight, there will be phoenix passing by here at any time, so we must seize all the time, let me feel here for a while.

They don't have extra time to waste, there will always be a wind coming over, making their entire operation fail.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng was not ready to take a breath before taking action. Anyway, his body's recovery ability was amazing, and he could return to a normal state in a short while.

When the others are ready to drill, Jiang Cheng will almost be able to get over.

Jiang Cheng stood in place like this, and began to regain the strength he had just lost.

Others started to get busy, preparing to drill for a while.

They have to wear a layer of ice that is several hundred meters thick before they can finally reach the position of the Alpha knot.

This is the most difficult part of the whole mission. How to penetrate the entire ice layer as soon as possible is the biggest difficulty of this mission.

As long as they can reach the location where the Tong Erfa knot is located, it will be much easier to carry them later.

Lifting a few tons of objects from a few hundred meters deep underground, this kind of work seems extremely difficult, but for Jiang Cheng and the others, it is very easy.

At that time, Jiang Cheng would let the landing move position and lift off directly above the borehole.

Then the landing module will extend a rope to directly hoist the Alpha knot into the landing.

After the Alpha knot was obtained, Jiang Cheng and the others could leave the planet directly from the air and fly in the direction of the Trailblazer, without even having to land again.

This kind of action plan was planned long ago by Jiang Cheng, which can save the time of the entire action to the greatest extent.

Basically, the time when Jiang Cheng and the others waved the heat was to penetrate the ice well and go down to fix the Alpha knot.

Other tasks don’t take much time, so the focus of this action is the meeting.

As long as Jiang Cheng and the others are drilling faster, they can finish all the work wells and leave this damned place before the wind reaches here.

Now Jiang Cheng is working hard to restore his physical strength, striving to restore his physical strength to a better state before the drilling work officially starts.

The other astronauts are now sorting out the equipment on the ground.

They opened all the equipment and carried out some debugging work.

The three astronauts are doing the final preparations, and it will take a few minutes before the action begins.

The few astronauts who are now with Jiang Cheng are all specially selected for this mission.

All of them are the best astronauts, no matter their physical fitness or experience and skills, they are all the best dumplings among astronauts.

Jiang Cheng must have a few capable assistants for this task, otherwise he would not be able to complete such a difficult task alone. Therefore, Jiang Cheng selected the best performers among all the astronauts under him, and followed them to complete this difficult task.

Only their strongest astronaut can keep up with Jiang Cheng's rhythm.

If the kind of rookie astronaut came over, it would be nice not to let Jiang Cheng take care of them, let alone help Jiang Cheng during the action.

Jiang Cheng watched the three astronauts make preparations while working hard to recover his physical strength.

After observing the performance of these astronauts, he nodded silently for them in his heart.

The performance of these three astronauts is very good now, at least he did not see any mistakes.

Even under the extreme environment of Neptune, he did not show any panic.

From the beginning until now, they are very calm and calm, not at all like the first time they came here.

Jiang Cheng was able to ignore the environment here and behave like usual.

That was when he was in his last life, he often came to this kind of planet to study in an extremely environment, so he had been used to such an environment for a long time.

And these astronauts have never been to such a place before, this kind of performance is really amazing.

If Jiang Cheng had been to such a place for the first time, he might not have performed as well as these astronauts.

Now it seems that elite astronauts are indeed professional talents, who are always able to adapt to all environments and can complete various space missions well.

That's why they were able to escape from among so many astronauts.

Soon the three astronauts completed all the preparatory work, and now all the equipment has been debugged, and the drilling task is ready at any time.

After Jiang Cheng had rested for a few minutes, although his physical strength had not yet fully recovered, he didn't have much to deal with the next task.

"Let us act, the future of mankind depends on us

Before the action, Jiang Cheng cheered everyone up loudly.

What he just said is true, and the future of mankind depends on the success of this operation.

If the mining operation is successful, Jiang Cheng will have a few tons of Alpha knots.

These synergistic products are enough for Jiang Cheng to create a mecha star, so that humans will have enough confidence to communicate with them even if they face other cosmic civilizations.

The universe is full of conflicts and fights. Without a mecha force, Jiang Cheng really has no confidence to take humans out of the solar system.

The lack of strength is sad at all times. Only when one is strong enough can one not be afraid of challenges from other civilizations.

Jiang Cheng quickly got into action and began to operate the drilling equipment that had been set up in front of him. After this equipment was activated by Jiang Cheng, he began to make a loud noise.

Then the drill bit began to rotate rapidly, and slowly moved towards the top of the ice, Makoto Jiejiang tried to control the drilling equipment, and drilled towards the position of the Alpha knot.

They have to drill a hole that can accommodate people to pass through before they can fix the rope to the Alpha knot.

Only in this way can the Tongerfa knots be hoisted from under the ice layer several hundred meters deep and loaded into the landing.

So in the whole drilling phase, it is the most difficult part of the whole operation.

It is not easy to drill a hole that can accommodate them, but also to drill a few hundred meters deep.

I saw that huge drill bit spins rapidly, and started to drill near the ice layer.

When the drill bit touched the ice layer, a large amount of ice debris began to fly around.

Countless ice scum flying scenes on Jiang Cheng's face, if it weren't for the protection of the spacesuit, Jiang Cheng would have broken the picture this time.

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