Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 882: go away

He turned his head and said, "Lao Zhao, you haven't even a cup of tea for a long time since the guests came. Do you want people to make fun of me Jiang Cheng is stingy?"

Waiting for customers [August One Chinese Network] After people have finished a cup of tea, Jiang Cheng asked: "Let’s talk, what can you do?

The leader in charge wanted to stand up again, Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand to stop: "Sit if you speak.

Mr. Jiang, this is the situation. "The sir began to talk about it.

It turned out that Anyang, Jiang Cheng's good friend and An Xin's father, has been promoted to the position of head of the water polo team. But shortly after he took office, he encountered several incidents of killings against him. Fortunately, his bodyguards are all old veterans who can stay loyal to the station and protect the lord, so Anyang can turn the dangers. Take a life back.

While the intelligence department of Waterpolo Cooperation was still investigating clues to these assassinations, the goals of the assassins changed.

They began to assassinate An Xin.

Just two days ago, I went home from school in peace. When the local road came to a remote section, a car that was driving normally suddenly accelerated and hit it. Fortunately, a plainclothes bodyguard pushed me at a critical moment. A little imitation, no major problem, but the bodyguard died in the line of duty.

The intelligence department of Water Polo Cooperation launched an investigation into this matter, and almost all the clues showed that this was an assassination of everyone in the Anjia.

Who was it? Why did the assassination of the Anyang family be carried out? The intelligence department was very busy, but the line was limited, but the assassination did not stop.

The night before, someone sneaked into An Xin's studio in the early hours of the morning. Two guards who were in charge of the defense were killed, and a female Jing Chang disguised as An Xin was killed on An Xin's bed.

The four intelligence officers guarding the perimeter were on the assassin, but they all lost contact in the process of tracking and hunting. So far, only the bodies of two missing persons have been found, and the other two are still searching.

Having said that, the officer handed Jiang Cheng several documents: "Mr. Jiang, please have a look. This is the result of our forensic examination of the remains.

Jiang Cheng took the document. The first thing he looked at was the conclusion of the forensic doctor. The document showed that by examining the bodies of several deceased who were injured and killed by the attack, the results showed that they all died by the same hand. With super powers, he is good at using knives. When assassinating the target, he is precise and often makes a bet.

Jiang Cheng took a look at the few remaining documents, which were close-ups of the fake mouth photos on the remains of the dead.

The officer waited for Jiang Cheng to finish reading all the documents and said, "Mr. Jiang, you know that the wife of the Chief Staff Officer of Anyang passed away early. Only his daughter An Xin and he depended on each other. Let us come here, let us present your grievances, please go to City A and catch the killer who assassinates Anxin.

Jiang Cheng pondered, and said, "Since my brother invited me, I'll just go with you." He raised the documents in his hand: "Your level of forensic medicine is not very high.

Seeing that officer showed a puzzled look.

Jiang Cheng replied, "This is not a wound left by a knife, this is a claw, a wound left by a hard and sharp claw.

An officer boldly asked: "Mr. Jiang, please take the liberty, how did you see it?

Jiang Cheng smiled: "You can see it if you see it a lot.

He waved his hand to stop the officer from asking questions again.

Well, An Xin will stay in my home for a few days first, and it won’t be too late for her to go home when I get rid of the killer.

Which palace is hesitant.

Of course Jiang Cheng knew his thoughts and said coldly: "Don't worry, someone Jiang's home protection ability is not worse than that of your water polo cooperation headquarters. If you want to get in and out, you can't help him.

Jiang Cheng’s home is large in size, in the shape of a courtyard house, with rockery pavilions and so on. Even so, it is just a private house on the right. It is actually compared with the protection of the world's highest fighting command center?

The officer's face was full of disbelief, and the officer with him also showed a questioning look.

Jiang Cheng got the answer, defended his hand, and let the butler Lao Zhao see him off.

At this time, one of the young officials may be young and energetic, with a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He stepped forward and saluted Jiang Cheng: "Mr. Jiang, can I try your protective ability? ?

Fu Chill flashed in Jiang Cheng's eyes and disappeared. Not to mention this little officer, he was the chief officer of Water Polo Cooperative, and it was no match for doubting what Jiang Cheng said. Such a lower-level officer actually suspected him! I really responded to that sentence. The ignorant are fearless; Bi Jing is from Anyang. The children don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, it’s dark.

What else did the young officer want to say? The older officer next to him was much more mature and stable than him, and his eyes were clear. He saw the flash of dissatisfaction on Jiang Cheng's face.

He grabbed the young officer and walked out: "Okay, since Mr. Jiang said, then we will say goodbye; An Xin, you stay here, when it is safe, we will pick you up again.

After a salute, he took Ruo other officials away.

Just out of the living room and not far away, the young officer said, "Pretending to be a ghost, I really don't know what Mr. Anshen kept us doing so far?

The older officer stopped shouting.

What are you afraid of? Don’t say that he can’t hear him when he walks so far. What can he do if he hears it? "" The young officer sighed: "You listen to his tone, Lao Tzu is the number one in the world! I'm really not convinced, just his house. Are you working with us to compare protection capabilities? I haven't said "Bah" yet, and a cold cry rang in his ears.

"Shame on your face! Get out!"

A gentle force struck from behind. It was strange to say that that force swam away other people ingeniously, and only aimed at the young officer. That Yin force wrapped him and forced him to the ground. Then, He really rolled up.

The few officers next to them looked dumbfounded, but didn't come forward to help.

When the young officer liquid arrived at the gate, the smiling butler, Zhao, had been waiting for a long time. He opened the door and waited for the young officer to get out. After the young officer got out, Xiaoruo gave the other officers a little bit, "Bang The door closed with a sound.

The officers smiled bitterly at each other.

The young officer who was squeezed out of the Jiang family struggled to stand up, but his legs didn't seem to obey the command, and he still couldn't do so.

The older officer saw that he was out of the Jiang family’s door, and then he helped the young officer up. The young officer opened his mouth and just wanted to say something. With a "wow", he started to vomit. I want to spit out the energy of the overnight meal.

The elder officer looked back at the Jiang family residence, and then at the young officer who was vomiting to death, and shook his head secretly.

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