Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 883: Shattered

City A.

In a remote corner of this prosperous city, the Water Polo Cooperation Bureau is located here

The chiefs who had just returned to City A rushed to the executive department to report to An Yang, the head of the general staff. They were a little bit ambitious, because when they were leaving, the head of the general staff repeatedly complained about the situation. , Be sure to invite Jiang Cheng over. Although Jiang Cheng promised to come to City A to help, when will he come? Does this time count as completing the task?

Is General Counselor An satisfied with this result? Everyone has no bottom.

After they entered the officer's department, the older officer went straight to the office of the head of the Anyang General Staff. The secretary of the Xiaomi team blocked him at the door.

I have an urgent matter to see Chief Counselor An!" said the officer.

Sorry! The head of General Staff Ann is meeting guests. He has passed and can't disturb them.

The female secretary still replied with a smile.

I must report to the head of the General Staff General Ann the status of the implementation of this mission as soon as possible.

The female secretary digs her head with a smile: "I'm afraid the gentleman inside is more important to the head of General Staff An!

The elder officer had already greeted the whole family of the female secretary in his heart, and in desperation, he turned and left.

That's it, can you tell me who is the guest of the Chief Staff Officer Ann? "This officer can't restrain his curiosity.

"It's Mr. Jiang," the female secretary exaggerated: "You know, it's Mr. Jiang!"

The elder officer took a breath, and asked in surprise: "Mr. Jiang?

The female secretary nodded affirmatively.

Impossible! Now when we left Mr. Jiang’s house, Mr. Jiang hadn’t left yet, we didn’t stop for a moment, and we were sitting on the shi’s traffic flying lead, he couldn’t be faster than us!” He looked suspiciously The female secretary: "The Mr. Jiang you mentioned is the very famous Mr. Jiang?

This time the female secretary ignored him, she had to pay attention to him.

The elder officer could only close it, and sat on the side obediently, waiting for Anyang's call.

The door opened, and two people walked out of the room. The person walking in the front was not Jiang Cheng. Who was that? The female secretary glanced at the boss with his eyes wide open and looked incredulous, and she smiled inwardly laugh.

Lisa, you immediately book a room for me in the Xianglishe Hotel. It must be a good one! Order another table for me. "The head of the General Staff Counselor An smiled and said to Jiang Cheng: "I remember you last time When I came, I said that the environment of this hotel is pretty good, and you especially like to eat sweet and sour fish made by their Lishi, did I remember correctly?

Jiang Cheng smiled and nodded.

To a certain extent, Xianglishe Hotel is a private club. Those who are eligible to eat in are all prominent officials, officials with lower positions, and even the gates of live shops cannot enter.

In the hotel hall, Jiang Cheng and Anyang were tasting food while talking about some relaxing topics.

On the table in front of the two of them, there were a few beautiful ones.

"Come on, you have a taste. This is a good wine for the Huajia District for fifty years. It is specially provided by the army.

Jiang Cheng picked up the living cup and sniffed it for a while. A spicy wine filled his nostrils. He took a sip. The mouth was soft, but it was full of energy.

Yes, this wine is good. "Jiang Feiwan rewarded.

It's the lucky dish of this wine to get your bend prize; come to eat, your favorite sweet and sour fish. "Anyang stretched out his chopsticks and invited.

The two of them ate and talked, occasionally making a light laugh.

On a quiet small road outside the Xianglishe Hotel, Jiang Cheng and Chief Staff Officer An were walking after cooking, and they were talking while walking.

If my analysis is correct, the person who assassinated you this time must be a werewolf from the planet Esk. "Jiang Cheng's conversation turned to the topic.

General Senate An Ke Changcheng nodded: "I have the same thoughts as you. The water polo has been constantly infested by the people of Esk, so I formulated a defense plan. I haven't finished it yet. I don't know how. The news spread, and a series of assassinations against me followed.

He shook his head in annoyance: "It would be black if you target me. I'm a prisoner and a client, but they actually target An Xin. She is a student, and she has just grown up, so humble!

Jiang Cheng smiled and looked at this old friend next to Ruo: "You, it's still a bit too upright, it's about the interests of the race, and there are more humble methods than this."

Anyang let out a long sigh, and said with a smile, "But I don't need to worry about it anymore.

Just as Jiang Cheng was about to say something, there was a gunshot. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it and grabbed the bullet that was directed at Anyangqiang.

Jiang Cheng sank his face and said coldly, "It's really hateful that these **** and even this little empty space have come to harass us!

He instructed Anyang's bodyguards who rushed forward in a few moments: "You take good care of Mr. Anyang, and I will come as soon as I go."

As soon as the words were finished, the figure flashed and the person disappeared

The few bodyguards in Anyang were dumbfounded and looked at each other, almost thinking that what they saw was an illusion. One of the bodyguards Jizhi rubbed his eyes.

Another security guard asked: "Ann, Chief Staff Officer An, the gentleman who spoke to you all the way, who is he?

Anyang looked at the direction of Jiang Cheng's disappearance, and said with a tone of admiration, "Mr. Jiang

On a tall building next to Xiangshulihan Hotel, the killer hated the sniper rifle in his hand, and the action failed.

A small aircraft on the back of his hand jumped out of the window.

The assassin's reaction was not unsatisfactory, but this time, he ran into the assassin after Jiang landed and took the aircraft behind him. He walked fast in the corners and shadows behind the trees. If he walked, he found something was wrong.

As a killer, he still has considerable responsiveness.

Brush, "The assassin still maintains the walking posture, but a hidden weapon cleverly shoots behind him, no matter who is behind him, kill it first!

There was no sound of falling to the ground as he imagined from Jing.

The assassin turned around, a tall, frosty young man with the hidden weapon he shot out in his hands, staring at him coldly.

The assassin who reacted would not make him ask "Who are you?" stupidly like in the movie. He hurriedly threw himself in the air, and he drew out a dazzling match, taking the young four. throat.

When the young man with the dagger still had a swallow, the assassin couldn’t help showing a cruel smile and succeeded.

A heavy press on his stomach declared his dream to be shattered!

The assassin's body shrank like a shrimp, and the severe pain in his stomach made him unable to make any sound. The last thing he saw was the cold eyes of the young man.

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